Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

526 lines
34 KiB

# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
# The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by
# the default I18n backend:
# true, false, on, off, yes, no
# Instead, surround them with single quotes.
# en:
# 'true': 'foo'
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at
service_name: "Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)"
feedback_form: ""
updated: "Organisation details updated"
create_password: "Create a password to finish setting up your account"
reset_password: "Reset your password"
blank: You must select a collection period to upload for
blank: You must select a collection period to upload for
blank: Select which file to upload
not_csv: Your file must be in CSV format
blank: Select which file to upload
not_csv: Your file must be in CSV format
blank: You must answer needs type
invalid: "Enter the name of the organisation that owns the housing stock"
invalid: "Enter the name of the scheme"
invalid: "Select the type of scheme"
invalid: "Select if this scheme is registered under the Care Standards Act 2000"
invalid: "Select what client group this scheme is intended for"
invalid: "Select the other client group for this scheme"
invalid: "Select the level of support provided by this scheme"
invalid: "Select the intended length of stay"
invalid: "Select if this scheme provides for another client group"
invalid: "Select who provides the support services used by this scheme"
invalid: "Enter a date in the correct format, for example 31 1 2022"
blank: "Enter the total number of units at this location"
blank: "Select the most common type of unit at this location"
blank: "Select the mobility standards for the majority of units in this location"
blank: "Select the user’s organisation"
invalid: "Select the user’s organisation"
blank: "Enter a name"
invalid: "Enter an email address in the correct format, like"
blank: "Enter an email address"
taken: "Enter an email address that hasn’t already been used to sign up"
invalid: "Role must be data accessor, data provider or data coordinator"
blank: "Select role"
name_missing: "Enter the name of the organisation"
provider_type_missing: "Select the organisation type"
blank: "You must choose a stock owner"
already_added: "You have already added this stock owner"
does_not_own_stock: "You can only add stock owners who own stock, which this organisation does not."
blank: "You must choose a managing agent"
already_added: "You have already added this managing agent"
not_answered: "You must answer %{question}"
invalid_option: "Enter a valid value for %{question}"
other_field_missing: "If %{main_field_label} is other then %{other_field_label} must be provided"
other_field_not_required: "%{other_field_label} must not be provided if %{main_field_label} was not other"
valid: "%{field} must be between %{min} and %{max}"
invalid_date: "Enter a date in the correct format, for example 31 1 2022"
outside_collection_window: "Enter a date within the current collection windows"
postcode: "Enter a postcode in the correct format, for example AA1 1AA"
location_admin_district: "Select a local authority"
taken: "Enter an email address that hasn’t already been used to sign up"
invalid: "Enter an email address in the correct format, like"
blank: "Enter an email address"
invalid: "Role must be data accessor, data provider or data coordinator"
blank: "Enter name of other intermediate rent product"
later_than_14_days_after: "The tenancy start date must not be later than 14 days from today’s date"
before_scheme_end_date: "The tenancy start date must be before the end date for this supported housing scheme"
after_void_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is after the void date"
after_major_repair_date: "Enter a tenancy start date that is after the major repair date"
deactivated: "The location %{postcode} was deactivated on %{date} and was not available on the day you entered."
reactivating_soon: "The location %{postcode} is not available until %{date}. Select another location or edit the tenancy start date"
activating_soon: "The location %{postcode} is not available until %{date}. Enter a tenancy start date after %{date}"
deactivated: "%{name} was deactivated on %{date} and was not available on the day you entered"
reactivating_soon: "The scheme %{name} is not available until %{date}. Select another scheme or edit the tenancy start date"
activating_soon: "%{name} is not available until %{date}. Enter a tenancy start date after %{date}"
invalid: "Please select owning organisation or managing organisation that you belong to"
invalid: "Please select owning organisation or managing organisation that you belong to"
invalid: "Please select owning organisation or managing organisation that you belong to"
before_tenancy_start: "Enter a major repairs date that is before the tenancy start date"
not_first_let: "Major repairs date must not be completed if the tenancy is a first let"
ten_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a major repairs completion date that is no more than 10 years before the tenancy start date"
ten_years_before_tenancy_start: "Enter a void date no more than 10 years before the tenancy start date"
before_tenancy_start: "Enter a void date that is before the tenancy start date"
after_mrcdate: "Void date must be before the major repairs date if provided"
relet_number: "Enter a number between 0 and 20 for the amount of times the property has been re-let"
la_invalid_for_org: "%{org_name} does not operate in %{la_name}"
postcode_invalid_for_org: "Enter a postcode in an area covered by %{org_name}"
first_let_not_social: "Enter a reason for vacancy that is not 'first let' if unit has been previously let as social housing"
first_let_social: "Reason for vacancy must be first let if unit has been previously let as social housing"
previous_let_social: "Property cannot have a previous let type if being let as social housing for the first time"
non_temp_accommodation: "Answer cannot be re-let to tenant who occupied the same property as temporary accommodation as this accommodation is not temporary"
referral_invalid: "Answer cannot be re-let to tenant who occupied the same property as temporary accommodation as a different source of referral for this letting"
not_a_renewal: "Reason for vacancy cannot be 'Renewal of fixed-term tenancy' if letting is not a renewal"
one_bedroom_bedsit: "A bedsit can only have one bedroom"
one_seven_bedroom_shared: "A shared house must have 1 to 7 bedrooms"
one_three_bedroom_single_tenant_shared: "A shared house with fewer than two tenants must have 1 to 3 bedrooms"
non_positive: "Number of bedrooms has to be greater than 0"
over_max: "Number of bedrooms cannot be more than 12"
must_match_previous: "Buyer's last accommodation and discounted ownership postcodes must match"
outstanding_amount_not_required: "You cannot answer the outstanding amount question if you don’t have outstanding rent or charges"
more_than_rent: "Enter a value less less than the basic rent amount"
must_be_positive: "Enter a value over £0.01 as you told us there is an outstanding amount"
outstanding_no_benefits: "Answer cannot be ‘yes’ to outstanding amount for basic rent or charges if tenant does not receive housing benefit or Universal Credit or you‘re not sure"
part_or_full_time: "Answer cannot be ‘all’ for income from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits if the tenant or their partner works part-time or full-time"
over_hard_max: "Net income cannot be greater than £%{hard_max} per week given the tenant’s working situation"
under_hard_min: "Net income cannot be less than £%{hard_min} per week given the tenant’s working situation"
freq_missing: "Select how often the household receives income"
earnings_missing: "Enter how much income the household has in total"
over_hard_max: "Income must be lower than £%{hard_max}"
negative_currency: "Enter an amount above 0"
less_than_shortfall: "Enter an amount that is more than the shortfall in basic rent"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £55 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £280 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £45 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the service charge between £0 and £165 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a supported housing letting"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the personal service charge between £0 and £30 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the personal service charge between £0 and £200 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the personal service charge between £0 and £35 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the personal service charge between £0 and £75 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a supported housing letting"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the support charge between £0 and £40 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the support charge between £0 and £465 per week if the landlord is a private registered provider and it is a supported housing letting"
general_needs: "Enter a value for the support charge between £0 and £60 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a general needs letting"
supported_housing: "Enter a value for the support charge between £0 and £120 per week if the landlord is a local authority and it is a supported housing letting"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and (if general needs) number of bedrooms"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and (if general needs) number of bedrooms"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period and local authority"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and number of bedrooms"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type. Please check the rent, rent period, local authority and number of bedrooms"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this local authority"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this local authority"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this number of bedrooms"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this number of bedrooms"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this lettings type"
below_hard_min: "Rent is below the absolute minimum expected for a property of this type based on this period"
above_hard_max: "Rent is higher than the absolute maximum expected for a property of this type based on this period"
complete_1_of_3: "Answer either the ‘household rent and charges’ question or ‘is this accommodation a care home‘, or select ‘no’ for ‘does the household pay rent or charges for the accommodation?’"
under_10: "Enter a total charge that is at least £10 per week"
invalid_for_org: "%{org_name} does not charge rent %{rent_period}"
out_of_range: "Household rent and other charges must be between %{min_chcharge} and %{max_chcharge} if paying %{period}"
not_provided: "Enter how much rent and other charges the household pays %{period}"
cash_discount_invalid: "Cash discount must be £0 - £999,999"
not_homeless: "Answer cannot be ‘homeless or about to lose their home’ as the tenant was not homeless immediately prior to this letting"
reason_required: "Enter a reason if you've answered 'yes' to reasonable preference"
reason_not_required: "Do not enter a reason if you've answered 'no' to reasonable preference"
dont_know_required: "Answer must be ‘don’t know’ as you told us you don’t know the tenant’s main reason for leaving"
injury_required: "Tell us whether the person was seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces"
injury_not_required: "You cannot answer this question as you told us the person has not served in the UK armed forces or prefers not to say"
question_required: "Tell us whether the person is still serving in the UK armed forces as you told us they’re a current or former regular"
question_not_required: "You cannot answer whether the person is still serving in the UK armed forces as you told us they’re not a current or former regular"
no_female: "Enter ‘no’ as there are no female tenants aged 11-65 in the household"
retired_male: "A male tenant who is retired must be 65 or over"
retired_female: "A female tenant who is retired must be 60 or over"
retired_over_70: "Answer cannot be over 70 as person %{person_num} has economic status that is not ‘retired’"
child_under_16_relat: "Answer cannot be under 16 as person %{person_num} is not a child of the lead tenant"
child_under_16: "Answer cannot be under 16 as person’s %{person_num} working situation is not ‘child under 16’"
child_over_16: "Answer cannot be over 16 as person’s %{person_num} working situation is ‘child under 16‘"
child_over_20: "Answer cannot be 20 or over as the relationship is ‘child’"
not_student_16_19: "Answer cannot be between 16 and 19 as person %{person_num} is a child of the lead tenant but is not a full-time student"
student_not_child: "Person cannot be aged 16-19 if they are a student but don't have relationship ‘child’"
child_not_student: "Person cannot be aged 16-19 if they have relationship ‘child’ but are not a student"
must_be_16_19: "Person must be aged 16-19 if they are a student and have relationship ‘child’"
partner_under_16: "Cannot be under 16 if the relationship is partner"
over_20: "The lead tenant must be under 20 as you told us their housing situation immediately before this letting was a children’s home or foster care"
retired_over_70: "Person %{person_num} must be retired if over 70"
child_under_16: "Person’s %{person_num} working situation must be ’child under 16‘ as you told us they’re under 16"
child_over_16: "Answer cannot be ‘child under 16’ as you told us the person %{person_num} is older than 16"
not_student_16_19: "Person’s %{person_num} working situation must be full-time student or prefers not to say as you told us they’re between 16 and 19."
child_not_16_19: "Person cannot be a student if they are not aged 16-19 but have relationship ‘child’"
16_19_not_child: "Person cannot be a student if they are aged 16-19 but don‘t have relationship ‘child’"
must_be_student: "Person must be a student if they are aged 16-19 and have relationship ‘child’"
retired_male: "Answer cannot be ‘retired’ as the male tenant is under 65"
retired_female: "Answer cannot be ‘retired’ as the female tenant is under 60"
partner_under_16: "Answer cannot be ‘partner’ if the person's age is under 16"
child_under_16: "Person’s relationship to tenant 1 must be ‘child’ as you told us they’re under 16"
child_over_20: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person's age is 20 or over"
one_partner: "Number of partners cannot be greater than 1"
not_student_16_19: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ as you told us the person %{person_num} is between 16 and 19 and is not a full-time student"
student_not_16_19: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person is a student but not aged 16-19"
16_19_not_student: "Answer cannot be ‘child’ if the person is aged 16-19 but not a student"
must_be_child: "Answer must be ‘child’ if the person is aged 16-19 and a student"
one_or_two_choices: "You can only select one option or ‘other disabled access needs’ plus ‘wheelchair-accessible housing’, ‘wheelchair access to essential rooms’ or ‘level access housing’"
non_temp_accommodation: "Answer cannot be non-temporary accommodation as this is a re-let to a tenant who occupied the same property as temporary accommodation"
over_20_foster_care: "Answer cannot be a children’s home or foster care as the lead tenant is 20 or older"
male_refuge: "Answer cannot be a refuge as the lead tenant identifies as male"
internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be %{prevten} as this tenancy is an internal transfer"
internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be a fixed-term or lifetime local authority general needs tenancy as it’s an internal transfer and a private registered provider is on the tenancy agreement"
secure_tenancy: "Answer must be internal transfer as this is a secure tenancy"
rsnvac_non_temp: "Answer cannot be this source of referral as this is a re-let to tenant who occupied the same property as temporary accommodation"
cannot_be_secure_tenancy: "Answer cannot be secure tenancy as this is not an internal transfer"
assessed_homeless: "Answer cannot be internal transfer as the tenant was assessed as homeless"
other_homeless: "Answer cannot be internal transfer as the tenant was considered homeless by their landlord"
prevten_invalid: "Answer cannot be internal transfer as the household situation immediately before this letting was %{prevten}"
reason_permanently_decanted: "Answer must be internal transfer as the tenant was permanently decanted from another property owned by this landlord"
internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be internal transfer as it’s the same landlord on the tenancy agreement and the household had either a fixed-term or lifetime local authority general needs tenancy immediately before this letting"
local_housing_referral: "Answer cannot be ‘nominated by a local housing authority’ as a local authority is on the tenancy agreement"
internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be 'assessed as homeless' as this tenancy is an internal transfer"
internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be 'other homelessness' as this tenancy was an internal transfer"
not_homeless: "Answer cannot be ‘no’ as the tenant was homeless or about to lose their home"
previous_la_known: "Enter name of local authority"
retired_male: "Answer cannot be ‘male’ as tenant is under 65 and retired"
retired_female: "Answer cannot be ‘female’ as tenant is under 60 and retired"
male_refuge: "Answer cannot be ‘male’ as you told us their housing situation immediately before this letting was a refuge"
not_internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be ‘permanently decanted from another property owned by this landlord’ as you told us the source of referral for this tenancy was not an internal transfer"
no_choices: "You cannot answer this question as you told us nobody in the household has a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more"
old_persons_shared_ownership: "Are you sure? At least one buyer should be aged over 64 for Older persons‘ shared ownership scheme"
discounted_ownership: "Last settled accommodation and discounted ownership property postcodes must match"
fixed_term_not_required: "You must only answer the length of the tenancy if it's fixed-term"
shorthold: "Enter a tenancy length between %{min_tenancy_length} and 99 years for a tenancy of this type"
secure: "Enter a tenancy length between %{min_tenancy_length} and 99 years (or don't specify the length) for a tenancy of this type"
internal_transfer: "Answer must be secure tenancy as this tenancy is an internal transfer"
cannot_be_internal_transfer: "Answer cannot be internal transfer as this is not a secure tenancy"
not_joint: "This cannot be a joint tenancy as you've told us there's only one person in the household"
joint_more_than_one_member: "There must be more than one person in the household as you've told us this is a joint tenancy"
missing: "You must show the DLUHC privacy notice to the tenant before you can submit this log."
not_selected: "Select one of the options"
invalid: "Enter a valid day, month and year"
out_of_range: "The date must be on or after the %{date}"
before_deactivation: "This scheme was deactivated on %{date}. The reactivation date must be on or after deactivation date"
during_deactivated_period: "The scheme is already deactivated during this date, please enter a different date"
does_not_own_stock: "Enter an organisation that owns housing stock"
postcode_blank: "Enter a postcode"
units: "The units at this location must be a number"
type_of_unit: "Select the most common type of unit at this location"
mobility_standards: "Select the mobility standard for the majority of the units at this location"
startdate_invalid: "Enter a valid day, month and year when the first property became available at this location"
startdate_out_of_range: "Availability date must be on or after the %{date}"
not_selected: "Select one of the options"
invalid: "Enter a valid day, month and year"
out_of_range: "The date must be on or after the %{date}"
before_deactivation: "This location was deactivated on %{date}. The reactivation date must be on or after deactivation date"
during_deactivated_period: "The location is already deactivated during this date, please enter a different date"
social_homebuy: "Social HomeBuy buyers should not have lived here before"
rent_to_buy: "Rent to Buy buyers should not have lived here before"
Contract exchange date must be less than 1 year before completion date
Contract exchange date must be less than 1 year before completion date
property_type_bedsit: "Bedsit bedroom maximum 1"
property_type_bedsit: "A bedsit can not have more than 1 bedroom"
discounted_ownership_value: "Mortgage, deposit, and grant total must equal £%{value_with_discount}"
higher_than_expected: "Basic monthly rent must be between £0 and £9,999"
title_text: "Net income is outside the expected range based on the lead tenant’s working situation"
hint_text: "<p>You told us the lead tenant’s working situation is: <strong>%{ecstat1}</strong>.</p><p>The household income you have entered is <strong>%{earnings}</strong>.</p>"
message: "Net income is lower than expected based on the lead tenant’s working situation. Are you sure this is correct?"
message: "Net income is higher than expected based on the lead tenant’s working situation. Are you sure this is correct?"
title_text: "You told us the rent is %{brent}"
hint_text: "The minimum rent expected for this type of property in this local authority is £%{soft_min_for_period}."
title_text: "You told us the rent is %{brent}"
hint_text: "The maximum rent expected for this type of property in this local authority is £%{soft_max_for_period}."
title: "You told us this person is under %{age} and retired"
hint_text: "The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}."
title: "You told us this person is %{age} or over and not retired"
hint_text: "The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}."
title: "The mortgage and deposit are higher than the purchase minus the discount"
title: "You told us somebody in the household is pregnant"
no_females: "You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property."
females_not_in_soft_age_range: "You also told us that any female tenants living at the property are in the following age ranges:<ul><li>11 to 16</li><li>50 to 65</li></ul>"
title_text: "You told us the time between the start of the tenancy and the major repairs completion date is more than 2 years"
title_text: "You told us the time between the start of the tenancy and the void date is more than 2 years"
success: "Two-factor authentication successful"
attempt_failed: "Attempt failed"
max_login_attempts_reached: "Too many incorrect log in attempts"
account_locked: "Your account has been locked for security reasons"
contact_administrator: "Contact another helpdesk administrator for access"
code_has_been_sent: "Your security code has been sent"
code_required: "Security code is required"
code_incorrect: "Security code is incorrect"
postcode: "What is the postcode?"
name: "What is the name of this location?"
units: "How many units are at this location?"
type_of_unit: "What is the most common type of unit at this location?"
startdate: "When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme?"
mobility_type: "What are the mobility standards for the majority of units in this location?"
apply_from: "When should this change apply?"
apply_from: "When should this change apply?"
W: "Suitable for someone who uses a wheelchair and offers the full use of all rooms and facilities."
A: "Fitted with stairlifts, ramps, level access showers or grab rails."
N: "Not designed to wheelchair-user standards or fitted with any equipment or adaptations."
postcode: "For example, SW1P 4DF."
name: "This is how you refer to this location within your organisation"
units: "A unit is the space being let. For example, the property might be a block of flats and the unit would be the specific flat being let. A unit can also be a bedroom in a shared house or flat. Do not include spaces used for staff."
toggle_active: "If the date is before %{date}, select ‘From the start of the current collection period’ because the previous period has now closed."
startdate: "For example, 27 3 2021"
toggle_active: "If the date is before %{date}, select ‘From the start of the current collection period’ because the previous period has now closed."
needstype: "General needs housing includes both self-contained and shared housing without support or specific adaptations. Supported housing can include direct access hostels, group homes, residential care and nursing homes."
existing_logs: "It will not be possible to add logs with this location if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter. Any existing logs may be affected."
review_logs: "Your data providers will need to review these logs and answer a few questions again. We’ll email each log creator with a list of logs that need updating."
existing_logs: "You’ll be able to add logs with this location if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter."
existing_logs: "It will not be possible to add logs with this scheme if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter. Any existing logs may be affected."
review_logs: "Your data providers will need to review these logs and answer a few questions again. We’ll email each log creator with a list of logs that need updating."
existing_logs: "You’ll be able to add logs with this scheme if their tenancy start date is on or after the date you enter."
one_argument: "This is based on the tenant’s work situation: %{ecstat1}"
no_argument: "Some test text"
one_argument: "You said this: %{ecstat1}"