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215 lines
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215 lines
7.3 KiB
class OrganisationsController < ApplicationController |
include Pagy::Backend |
include Modules::LogsFilter |
include Modules::SearchFilter |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
before_action :find_resource, except: %i[index new create] |
before_action :authenticate_scope!, except: [:index] |
before_action -> { session_filters(specific_org: true) }, if: -> { || current_user.organisation.has_managing_agents? }, only: %i[lettings_logs sales_logs email_lettings_csv download_lettings_csv email_sales_csv download_sales_csv] |
before_action :set_session_filters, if: -> { || current_user.organisation.has_managing_agents? }, only: %i[lettings_logs sales_logs email_lettings_csv download_lettings_csv email_sales_csv download_sales_csv] |
def index |
redirect_to organisation_path(current_user.organisation) unless |
all_organisations = Organisation.order(:name) |
@pagy, @organisations = pagy(filtered_collection(all_organisations, search_term)) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = all_organisations.size |
end |
def schemes |
all_schemes = Scheme.where(owning_organisation: [@organisation] + @organisation.parent_organisations).order_by_completion.order_by_service_name |
@pagy, @schemes = pagy(filtered_collection(all_schemes, search_term)) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = all_schemes.size |
end |
def show |
redirect_to details_organisation_path(@organisation) |
end |
def users |
organisation_users = @organisation.users.sorted_by_organisation_and_role |
unpaginated_filtered_users = filtered_collection(organisation_users, search_term) |
respond_to do |format| |
format.html do |
@pagy, @users = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_users) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = @organisation.users.size |
if |
render "users", layout: "application" |
else |
render "users/index" |
end |
end |
format.csv do |
send_data byte_order_mark + unpaginated_filtered_users.to_csv, filename: "users-#{}-#{}.csv" |
end |
end |
end |
def details |
render "show" |
end |
def new |
@resource = |
render "new", layout: "application" |
end |
def create |
@resource = |
if |
redirect_to organisations_path |
else |
render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
def edit |
if current_user.data_coordinator? || |
render "edit", layout: "application" |
else |
head :unauthorized |
end |
end |
def update |
if current_user.data_coordinator? || |
if @organisation.update(org_params) |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("organisation.updated") |
redirect_to details_organisation_path(@organisation) |
end |
else |
head :unauthorized |
end |
end |
def lettings_logs |
organisation_logs = LettingsLog.visible.where(owning_organisation_id: |
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters) |
respond_to do |format| |
format.html do |
@search_term = search_term |
@pagy, @logs = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_logs) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = organisation_logs.size |
@log_type = :lettings |
render "logs", layout: "application" |
end |
end |
end |
def download_lettings_csv |
organisation_logs = LettingsLog.visible.where(owning_organisation_id: |
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters) |
codes_only = params.require(:codes_only) == "true" |
render "logs/download_csv", locals: { search_term:, count: unpaginated_filtered_logs.size, post_path: lettings_logs_email_csv_organisation_path, codes_only: } |
end |
def email_lettings_csv |
EmailCsvJob.perform_later(current_user, search_term, @session_filters, false, @organisation, codes_only_export?) |
redirect_to lettings_logs_csv_confirmation_organisation_path |
end |
def sales_logs |
organisation_logs = SalesLog.where(owning_organisation_id: |
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters) |
respond_to do |format| |
format.html do |
@search_term = search_term |
@pagy, @logs = pagy(unpaginated_filtered_logs) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = organisation_logs.size |
@log_type = :sales |
render "logs", layout: "application" |
end |
format.csv do |
send_data byte_order_mark + unpaginated_filtered_logs.to_csv, filename: "sales-logs-#{}-#{}.csv" |
end |
end |
end |
def download_sales_csv |
organisation_logs = SalesLog.visible.where(owning_organisation_id: |
unpaginated_filtered_logs = filtered_logs(organisation_logs, search_term, @session_filters) |
codes_only = params.require(:codes_only) == "true" |
render "logs/download_csv", locals: { search_term:, count: unpaginated_filtered_logs.size, post_path: sales_logs_email_csv_organisation_path, codes_only: } |
end |
def email_sales_csv |
EmailCsvJob.perform_later(current_user, search_term, @session_filters, false, @organisation, codes_only_export?, "sales") |
redirect_to sales_logs_csv_confirmation_organisation_path |
end |
def merge_request |
@merge_request = |
end |
def data_sharing_agreement |
return render_not_found unless FeatureToggle.new_data_sharing_agreement? |
@data_sharing_agreement = current_user.organisation.data_sharing_agreement |
end |
def confirm_data_sharing_agreement |
return render_not_found unless FeatureToggle.new_data_sharing_agreement? |
return render_not_found unless current_user.is_dpo? |
return render_not_found if @organisation.data_sharing_agreement.present? |
data_sharing_agreement = |
organisation: current_user.organisation, |
signed_at:, |
data_protection_officer: current_user, |
organisation_name:, |
organisation_address: @organisation.address_string, |
organisation_phone_number:, |
dpo_email:, |
dpo_name:, |
) |
if |
flash[:notice] = "You have accepted the Data Sharing Agreement" |
flash[:notification_banner_body] = "Your organisation can now submit logs." |
redirect_to details_organisation_path(@organisation) |
else |
render :data_sharing_agreement |
end |
end |
private |
def org_params |
params.require(:organisation).permit(:name, :address_line1, :address_line2, :postcode, :phone, :holds_own_stock, :provider_type, :housing_registration_no) |
end |
def codes_only_export? |
params.require(:codes_only) == "true" |
end |
def search_term |
params["search"] |
end |
def authenticate_scope! |
if %w[create new lettings_logs sales_logs download_lettings_csv email_lettings_csv email_sales_csv download_sales_csv].include? action_name |
head :unauthorized and return unless |
elsif current_user.organisation != @organisation && ! |
render_not_found |
end |
end |
def find_resource |
@organisation = Organisation.find(params[:id]) |
end |