Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
1.8 KiB

class Form::Lettings::Questions::LettingAllocation < ::Form::Question
def initialize(id, hsh, page)
@id = "letting_allocation"
@check_answer_label = "Allocation system"
@header = "How was this letting allocated?"
@type = "checkbox"
@check_answers_card_number = 0
@hint_text = "Select all that apply."
@question_number = 84
def answer_options
if form.start_year_after_2024?
"cbl" => { "value" => "Choice-based lettings (CBL)", "hint" => "Where available vacant properties are advertised and applicants are able to bid for specific properties." },
"cap" => { "value" => "Common Allocation Policy (CAP)", "hint" => "Where a common system agreed between a group of housing providers is used to determine applicant’s priority for housing." },
"chr" => { "value" => "Common housing register (CHR)", "hint" => "Where a single waiting list is used by a group of housing providers to receive and process housing applications. Providers may use different approaches to determine priority." },
"accessible_register" => { "value" => "Accessible housing register", "hint" => "Where the ‘access category’ or another descriptor of whether an available vacant property meets a range of access needs is displayed to applicants during the allocations process." },
"divider" => { "value" => true },
"letting_allocation_unknown" => { "value" => "None of these allocation systems" },
"cbl" => { "value" => "Choice-based lettings (CBL)" },
"cap" => { "value" => "Common Allocation Policy (CAP)" },
"chr" => { "value" => "Common housing register (CHR)" },
"divider" => { "value" => true },
"letting_allocation_unknown" => { "value" => "None of these allocation systems" },