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2completeds.port@jeemayle.comfalse2023-11-26T00:00:00+00:002023-11-26T00:00:00+00:00single log2023DLUHCDLUHCGeneral needsAffordable rent general needs local authorityNo2023-11-26Affordable RentAffordable RentRent to BuyNoHIJKLMNABCDEFGYesYesNofake addressLondonNW9 5LLNoBarnetE09000003NoAffordable rent basisTenant abandoned propertyNo2HousePurpose builtYes32023-11-24Yes2023-11-25Don’t knowYesAssured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) – Fixed term24Yes400235FemaleWhiteIrishTenant prefers not to sayOtherYesPartner32MaleNot seeking workNoPrefers not to sayNot knownPrefers not to sayPrefers not to sayYesPerson prefers not to sayNot knownPerson prefers not to sayPerson prefers not to sayYes – the person is a current or former regularNo – they left up to and including 5 years agoYesNoYesFully wheelchair accessible housingYesNoNoNoNoNoNoYesNoNoYesNoNoNoNoNoNoNoLess than 1 year1 year but under 2 yearsLoss of tied accommodationOther supported housing2NoYesTN23 6LZYesNoAshfordE07000105YesYesNoNoYesTenant applied directly (no referral or nomination)YesNo268WeeklyUniversal Credit housing elementYesAllNoEvery 2 weeks200.0100.