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591 lines
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591 lines
23 KiB
module Imports |
class LettingsLogsImportService < LogsImportService |
def initialize(storage_service, logger = Rails.logger) |
@logs_with_discrepancies = |
@logs_overridden = |
super |
end |
def create_logs(folder) |
import_from(folder, :create_log) |
if @logs_with_discrepancies.count.positive? |
@logger.warn("The following lettings logs had status discrepancies: [#{@logs_with_discrepancies.join(', ')}]") |
end |
end |
private |
start_year: 0, |
rent_type: 2, |
needs_type: 3, |
}.freeze |
GN_SH = { |
general_needs: 1, |
supported_housing: 2, |
}.freeze |
SR_AR_IR = { |
social_rent: 1, |
affordable_rent: 2, |
intermediate_rent: 3, |
}.freeze |
# For providertype, values are reversed!!! |
PRP_LA = { |
private_registered_provider: 1, |
local_authority: 2, |
}.freeze |
rent_to_buy: 1, |
london_living_rent: 2, |
other_intermediate_rent_product: 3, |
}.freeze |
# These must match our form |
social_rent: 0, |
affordable_rent: 1, |
london_affordable_rent: 2, |
rent_to_buy: 3, |
london_living_rent: 4, |
other_intermediate_rent_product: 5, |
}.freeze |
def create_log(xml_doc) |
attributes = {} |
previous_status = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "status") |
# Required fields for status complete or logic to work |
# Note: order matters when we derive from previous values (attributes parameter) |
attributes["startdate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR") |
attributes["owning_organisation_id"] = find_organisation_id(xml_doc, "OWNINGORGID") |
attributes["managing_organisation_id"] = find_organisation_id(xml_doc, "MANINGORGID") |
attributes["joint"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "joint") |
attributes["startertenancy"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "_2a") |
attributes["tenancy"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2b") |
attributes["tenancycode"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "_2bTenCode") |
attributes["tenancyother"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q2ba") |
attributes["tenancylength"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "_2cYears") |
attributes["needstype"] = needs_type(xml_doc) |
attributes["lar"] = london_affordable_rent(xml_doc) |
attributes["irproduct"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "IRProduct") |
attributes["irproduct_other"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "IRProductOther") |
attributes["rent_type"] = rent_type(xml_doc, attributes["lar"], attributes["irproduct"]) |
attributes["hhmemb"] = household_members(xml_doc, previous_status) |
(1..8).each do |index| |
attributes["age#{index}"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P#{index}Age") |
attributes["age#{index}_known"] = age_known(xml_doc, index, attributes["hhmemb"]) |
attributes["sex#{index}"] = sex(xml_doc, index) |
attributes["ecstat#{index}"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P#{index}Eco") |
end |
(2..8).each do |index| |
attributes["relat#{index}"] = relat(xml_doc, index) |
attributes["details_known_#{index}"] = details_known(index, attributes) |
# Trips validation |
if attributes["age#{index}"].present? && attributes["age#{index}"] < 16 && attributes["relat#{index}"].present? && attributes["relat#{index}"] != "C" && attributes["relat#{index}"] != "R" |
attributes["age#{index}"] = nil |
attributes["relat#{index}"] = nil |
end |
end |
attributes["ethnic"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P1Eth") |
attributes["ethnic_group"] = ethnic_group(attributes["ethnic"]) |
attributes["national"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P1Nat") |
attributes["preg_occ"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Preg") |
attributes["armedforces"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "ArmedF") |
attributes["leftreg"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LeftAF") |
attributes["reservist"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Inj") |
attributes["hb"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q6Ben") |
attributes["benefits"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q7Ben") |
attributes["earnings"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q8Money") |
attributes["net_income_known"] = net_income_known(xml_doc, attributes["earnings"]) |
attributes["incfreq"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q8a") |
attributes["reason"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q9a") |
attributes["reasonother"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q9aa") |
attributes["underoccupation_benefitcap"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "_9b") |
%w[a b c f g h].each do |letter| |
attributes["housingneeds_#{letter}"] = housing_needs(xml_doc, letter) |
end |
attributes["housingneeds"] = 1 if [attributes["housingneeds_a"], attributes["housingneeds_b"], attributes["housingneeds_c"], attributes["housingneeds_f"]].any? { |housingneed| housingneed == 1 } |
attributes["housingneeds"] = 2 if attributes["housingneeds_g"] == 1 |
attributes["housingneeds"] = 3 if attributes["housingneeds_h"] == 1 |
attributes["housingneeds_type"] = 0 if attributes["housingneeds_a"] == 1 |
attributes["housingneeds_type"] = 1 if attributes["housingneeds_b"] == 1 |
attributes["housingneeds_type"] = 2 if attributes["housingneeds_c"] == 1 |
attributes["housingneeds_type"] = 3 if attributes["housingneeds_f"] == 1 && [attributes["housingneeds_a"], attributes["housingneeds_b"], attributes["housingneeds_c"]].all? { |housingneed| housingneed != 1 } |
attributes["housingneeds_other"] = attributes["housingneeds_f"] == 1 ? 1 : 0 |
attributes["illness"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q10ia") |
(1..10).each do |index| |
attributes["illness_type_#{index}"] = illness_type(xml_doc, index, attributes["illness"]) |
end |
attributes["prevten"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q11") |
attributes["prevloc"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q12aONS") |
attributes["ppostcode_full"] = compose_postcode(xml_doc, "PPOSTC1", "PPOSTC2") |
attributes["ppcodenk"] = previous_postcode_known(xml_doc, attributes["ppostcode_full"], attributes["prevloc"]) |
attributes["layear"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q12c") |
attributes["waityear"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q12d") |
attributes["homeless"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q13") |
attributes["reasonpref"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14a") |
attributes["rp_homeless"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14b1").present? ? 1 : nil |
attributes["rp_insan_unsat"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14b2").present? ? 1 : nil |
attributes["rp_medwel"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14b3").present? ? 1 : nil |
attributes["rp_hardship"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14b4").present? ? 1 : nil |
attributes["rp_dontknow"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q14b5").present? ? 1 : nil |
# Trips validation |
if attributes["homeless"] == 1 && attributes["rp_homeless"] == 1 |
attributes["homeless"] = nil |
attributes["rp_homeless"] = nil |
end |
attributes["cbl"] = allocation_system(unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q15CBL")) |
attributes["chr"] = allocation_system(unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q15CHR")) |
attributes["cap"] = allocation_system(unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q15CAP")) |
attributes["letting_allocation_unknown"] = allocation_system_unknown(attributes["cbl"], attributes["chr"], attributes["cap"]) |
attributes["referral"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q16") |
attributes["period"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q17") |
attributes["brent"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18ai") |
attributes["scharge"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18aii") |
attributes["pscharge"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18aiii") |
attributes["supcharg"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18aiv") |
attributes["tcharge"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18av") |
attributes["hbrentshortfall"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q18d") |
attributes["tshortfall"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18dyes") |
attributes["tshortfall_known"] = tshortfall_known?(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["voiddate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "VDAY", "VMONTH", "VYEAR") |
attributes["mrcdate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "MRCDAY", "MRCMONTH", "MRCYEAR") |
attributes["majorrepairs"] = if attributes["mrcdate"].present? && previous_status.include?("submitted") |
1 |
elsif previous_status.include?("submitted") |
0 |
end |
attributes["offered"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q20") |
attributes["propcode"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q21a") |
attributes["beds"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q22") |
attributes["unittype_gn"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q23") |
attributes["builtype"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q24") |
attributes["wchair"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q25") |
attributes["unitletas"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q26") |
attributes["rsnvac"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q27") |
attributes["renewal"] = renewal(attributes["rsnvac"]) |
attributes["la"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q28ONS") |
attributes["postcode_full"] = compose_postcode(xml_doc, "POSTCODE", "POSTCOD2") |
attributes["postcode_known"] = postcode_known(attributes) |
# Not specific to our form but required for consistency (present in import) |
attributes["old_form_id"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "FORM") |
attributes["created_at"] =, "created-date")) |
attributes["updated_at"] =, "modified-date")) |
attributes["old_id"] = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "document-id") |
# Required for our form invalidated questions (not present in import) |
attributes["previous_la_known"] = attributes["prevloc"].nil? ? 0 : 1 |
attributes["is_la_inferred"] = attributes["postcode_full"].present? |
attributes["first_time_property_let_as_social_housing"] = first_time_let(attributes["rsnvac"]) |
attributes["declaration"] = declaration(xml_doc) |
set_partial_charges_to_zero(attributes) |
# Supported Housing fields |
if attributes["needstype"] == GN_SH[:supported_housing] |
location_old_visible_id = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "_1cschemecode") |
scheme_old_visible_id = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "_1cmangroupcode") |
schemes = Scheme.where(old_visible_id: scheme_old_visible_id, owning_organisation_id: attributes["owning_organisation_id"]) |
location = Location.find_by(old_visible_id: location_old_visible_id, scheme: schemes) |
raise "No matching location for scheme #{scheme_old_visible_id} and location #{location_old_visible_id} (visible IDs)" if location.nil? |
# Set the scheme via location, because the scheme old visible ID can be duplicated at import |
attributes["location_id"] = |
attributes["scheme_id"] = |
attributes["sheltered"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q1e") |
attributes["chcharge"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q18b") |
attributes["household_charge"] = household_charge(xml_doc) |
attributes["is_carehome"] = is_carehome(location.scheme) |
end |
# Handles confidential schemes |
if attributes["postcode_full"] == "******" |
attributes["postcode_known"] = 0 |
attributes["postcode_full"] = nil |
end |
# Soft validations can become required answers, set them to yes by default |
attributes["pregnancy_value_check"] = 0 |
attributes["major_repairs_date_value_check"] = 0 |
attributes["void_date_value_check"] = 0 |
attributes["retirement_value_check"] = 0 |
attributes["rent_value_check"] = 0 |
attributes["net_income_value_check"] = 0 |
# Sets the log creator |
owner_id = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "owner-user-id").strip |
if owner_id.present? |
user = LegacyUser.find_by(old_user_id: owner_id)&.user |
@logger.warn "Missing user! We expected to find a legacy user with old_user_id #{owner_id}" unless user |
attributes["created_by"] = user |
end |
apply_date_consistency!(attributes) |
apply_household_consistency!(attributes) |
create_organisation_relationship!(attributes) |
lettings_log = save_lettings_log(attributes, previous_status) |
compute_differences(lettings_log, attributes) |
check_status_completed(lettings_log, previous_status) unless @logs_overridden.include?(lettings_log.old_id) |
end |
def save_lettings_log(attributes, previous_status) |
lettings_log = |
begin |
|! |
lettings_log |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique |
legacy_id = attributes["old_id"] |
record = LettingsLog.find_by(old_id: legacy_id) |
| "Updating lettings log #{} with legacy ID #{legacy_id}" |
record.update!(attributes) |
record |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e |
rescue_validation_or_raise(lettings_log, attributes, previous_status, e) |
end |
end |
def rescue_validation_or_raise(lettings_log, attributes, previous_status, exception) |
# Blank out all invalid fields for in-progress logs |
if %w[saved submitted-invalid].include?(previous_status) |
lettings_log.errors.each do |error| |
@logger.warn("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Removing field #{error.attribute} from log triggering validation: #{error.type}") |
attributes.delete(error.attribute.to_s) |
end |
@logs_overridden << lettings_log.old_id |
save_lettings_log(attributes, previous_status) |
elsif lettings_log.errors.of_kind?(:referral, :internal_transfer_non_social_housing) |
@logger.warn("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Removing internal transfer referral since previous tenancy is a non social housing") |
@logs_overridden << lettings_log.old_id |
attributes.delete("referral") |
save_lettings_log(attributes, previous_status) |
elsif lettings_log.errors.of_kind?(:referral, :internal_transfer_fixed_or_lifetime) |
@logger.warn("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Removing internal transfer referral since previous tenancy is fixed terms or lifetime") |
@logs_overridden << lettings_log.old_id |
attributes.delete("referral") |
save_lettings_log(attributes, previous_status) |
else |
@logger.error("Log #{lettings_log.old_id}: Failed to import") |
lettings_log.errors.each do |error| |
@logger.error("Validation error: Field #{error.attribute}:") |
@logger.error("\tOwning Organisation: #{lettings_log.owning_organisation&.name}") |
@logger.error("\tManaging Organisation: #{lettings_log.managing_organisation&.name}") |
@logger.error("\tOld CORE ID: #{lettings_log.old_id}") |
@logger.error("\tOld CORE: #{attributes[error.attribute.to_s]&.inspect}") |
@logger.error("\tNew CORE: #{lettings_log.read_attribute(error.attribute)&.inspect}") |
@logger.error("\tError message: #{error.type}") |
end |
raise exception |
end |
end |
def compute_differences(lettings_log, attributes) |
differences = [] |
attributes.each do |key, value| |
lettings_log_value = lettings_log.send(key.to_sym) |
next if fields_not_present_in_softwire_data.include?(key) |
if value != lettings_log_value |
differences.push("#{key} #{value.inspect} #{lettings_log_value.inspect}") |
end |
end |
@logger.warn "Differences found when saving log #{lettings_log.old_id}: #{differences}" unless differences.empty? |
end |
def fields_not_present_in_softwire_data |
%w[majorrepairs illness_type_0 tshortfall_known pregnancy_value_check retirement_value_check rent_value_check net_income_value_check major_repairs_date_value_check void_date_value_check housingneeds_type housingneeds_other created_by] |
end |
def check_status_completed(lettings_log, previous_status) |
if previous_status.include?("submitted") && lettings_log.status != "completed" |
@logger.warn "lettings log #{} is not completed" |
@logger.warn "lettings log with old id:#{lettings_log.old_id} is incomplete but status should be complete" |
@logs_with_discrepancies << lettings_log.old_id |
end |
end |
def get_form_name_component(xml_doc, index) |
form_name = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "form-name") |
form_type_components = form_name.split("-") |
form_type_components[index] |
end |
def needs_type(xml_doc) |
gn_sh = get_form_name_component(xml_doc, FORM_NAME_INDEX[:needs_type]) |
case gn_sh |
when "GN" |
GN_SH[:general_needs] |
when "SH" |
GN_SH[:supported_housing] |
else |
raise "Unknown needstype value: #{gn_sh}" |
end |
end |
# This does not match renttype (CDS) which is derived by lettings log logic |
def rent_type(xml_doc, lar, irproduct) |
sr_ar_ir = get_form_name_component(xml_doc, FORM_NAME_INDEX[:rent_type]) |
case sr_ar_ir |
when "SR" |
RENT_TYPE[:social_rent] |
when "AR" |
if lar == 1 |
RENT_TYPE[:london_affordable_rent] |
else |
RENT_TYPE[:affordable_rent] |
end |
when "IR" |
if irproduct == IRPRODUCT[:rent_to_buy] |
RENT_TYPE[:rent_to_buy] |
elsif irproduct == IRPRODUCT[:london_living_rent] |
RENT_TYPE[:london_living_rent] |
elsif irproduct == IRPRODUCT[:other_intermediate_rent_product] |
RENT_TYPE[:other_intermediate_rent_product] |
end |
else |
raise "Could not infer rent type with '#{sr_ar_ir}'" |
end |
end |
def age_known(xml_doc, index, hhmemb) |
return nil if hhmemb.present? && index > hhmemb |
age_refused = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "P#{index}AR") |
if age_refused.present? |
if age_refused.casecmp?("AGE_REFUSED") || age_refused.casecmp?("No") |
return 1 # No |
else |
return 0 # Yes |
end |
end |
0 |
end |
def details_known(index, attributes) |
return nil if attributes["hhmemb"].nil? || index > attributes["hhmemb"] |
if attributes["age#{index}_known"] == 1 && |
attributes["sex#{index}"] == "R" && |
attributes["relat#{index}"] == "R" && |
attributes["ecstat#{index}"] == 10 |
1 # No |
else |
0 # Yes |
end |
end |
def previous_postcode_known(xml_doc, previous_postcode, prevloc) |
previous_postcode_known = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q12bnot") |
if previous_postcode_known == "Temporary_or_Unknown" || (previous_postcode.nil? && prevloc.present?) |
0 |
elsif previous_postcode.nil? |
nil |
else |
1 |
end |
end |
def london_affordable_rent(xml_doc) |
lar = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LAR") |
if lar == 1 |
1 |
else |
# We default to No for any other values (nil, not known) |
2 |
end |
end |
def renewal(rsnvac) |
# Relet – renewal of fixed-term tenancy |
if rsnvac == 14 |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
# Letters should be lowercase to match case |
def housing_needs(xml_doc, letter) |
housing_need = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q10-#{letter}") |
if housing_need == "Yes" |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
def net_income_known(xml_doc, earnings) |
incref = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q8Refused") |
if incref == "Refused" |
# Tenant prefers not to say |
2 |
elsif earnings.nil? |
# No |
1 |
else |
# Yes |
0 |
end |
end |
def illness_type(xml_doc, index, illness) |
illness_type = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q10ib-#{index}") |
if illness_type == "Yes" && illness == 1 |
1 |
elsif illness == 1 |
0 |
end |
end |
def first_time_let(rsnvac) |
if [15, 16, 17].include?(rsnvac) |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
def declaration(xml_doc) |
declaration = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Qdp") |
if declaration == "Yes" |
1 |
end |
end |
def postcode_known(attributes) |
if attributes["postcode_full"].nil? && attributes["la"].nil? |
nil |
elsif attributes["postcode_full"].nil? |
0 # Assumes we selected No in the form since the LA is present |
else |
1 |
end |
end |
def household_members(xml_doc, previous_status) |
hhmemb = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "HHMEMB") |
if previous_status.include?("submitted") && hhmemb.nil? |
hhmemb = people_with_details(xml_doc).count |
return nil if |
end |
hhmemb |
end |
def people_with_details(xml_doc) |
((2..8).map { |x| string_or_nil(xml_doc, "P#{x}Rel") } + [string_or_nil(xml_doc, "P1Sex")]).compact |
end |
def tshortfall_known?(xml_doc, attributes) |
if attributes["tshortfall"].blank? && attributes["hbrentshortfall"] == 1 && overridden?(xml_doc, "xmlns", "Q18dyes") |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
def allocation_system(value) |
case value |
when 1 |
1 |
when 2 |
0 |
end |
end |
def allocation_system_unknown(cbl, chr, cap) |
allocation_values = [cbl, chr, cap] |
if allocation_values.all?(&:nil?) |
nil |
elsif allocation_values.all? { |att| att&.zero? } |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
def apply_date_consistency!(attributes) |
return if attributes["voiddate"].nil? || attributes["startdate"].nil? |
if attributes["voiddate"] > attributes["startdate"] |
attributes.delete("voiddate") |
end |
end |
def apply_household_consistency!(attributes) |
(2..8).each do |index| |
next if attributes["age#{index}"].nil? |
if attributes["age#{index}"] < 16 && attributes["relat#{index}"] == "R" |
attributes["relat#{index}"] = "C" |
end |
end |
end |
def household_charge(xml_doc) |
value = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q18c") |
start_year = Integer(get_form_name_component(xml_doc, FORM_NAME_INDEX[:start_year])) |
if start_year <= 2021 |
# Yes means that there are no charges (2021 or earlier) |
value && value.include?("Yes") ? 1 : 0 |
else |
# Yes means that there are charges (2022 onwards) |
value && value.include?("Yes") ? 0 : 1 |
end |
end |
def set_partial_charges_to_zero(attributes) |
unless attributes["brent"].nil? && |
attributes["scharge"].nil? && |
attributes["pscharge"].nil? && |
attributes["supcharg"].nil? |
attributes["brent"] ||= BigDecimal("0.0") |
attributes["scharge"] ||= BigDecimal("0.0") |
attributes["pscharge"] ||= BigDecimal("0.0") |
attributes["supcharg"] ||= BigDecimal("0.0") |
end |
end |
def is_carehome(scheme) |
return nil unless scheme |
if [2, 3, 4].include?(scheme.registered_under_care_act_before_type_cast) |
1 |
else |
0 |
end |
end |
def create_organisation_relationship!(attributes) |
parent_organisation_id = attributes["owning_organisation_id"] |
child_organisation_id = attributes["managing_organisation_id"] |
return if parent_organisation_id == child_organisation_id |
OrganisationRelationship.find_or_create_by!(parent_organisation_id:, child_organisation_id:) |
end |
end |