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199 lines
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199 lines
7.6 KiB
name: AWS Deployment |
on: |
workflow_call: |
inputs: |
aws_account_id: |
required: true |
type: string |
aws_resource_prefix: |
required: true |
type: string |
environment: |
required: true |
type: string |
release_tag: |
required: false |
type: string |
concurrency: |
group: deploy-${{ inputs.environment }} |
cancel-in-progress: true |
env: |
app_repo_role: arn:aws:iam::815624722760:role/core-application-repo |
aws_region: eu-west-2 |
repository: core |
jobs: |
push_docker_image: |
if: inputs.environment != 'production' |
name: Push docker image to AWS |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
permissions: |
id-token: write |
steps: |
- name: Checkout code |
uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
- name: Configure AWS credentials |
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3 |
with: |
aws-region: ${{ env.aws_region }} |
role-to-assume: ${{ env.app_repo_role }} |
- name: Login to Amazon ECR |
id: ecr-login |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1 |
with: |
mask-password: 'true' |
- name: Check if image with tag already exists |
run: | |
echo "image-exists=$(if aws ecr list-images --no-paginate --repository-name=$repository --query "imageIds[*].imageTag" | grep -q ${{ github.sha }}; then echo true; else echo false; fi)" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
- name: Build, tag, and push docker image to ECR |
id: build-image |
if: env.image-exists == false |
env: |
registry: ${{ steps.ecr-login.outputs.registry }} |
commit_tag: ${{ github.sha }} |
run: | |
docker build -t $registry/$repository:$commit_tag . --target=production |
docker push $registry/$repository:$commit_tag |
deploy: |
name: Deploy image |
runs-on: ubuntu-latest |
environment: ${{ inputs.environment }} |
needs: push_docker_image |
if: | |
always() && |
(needs.push_docker_image.result == 'success' || needs.push_docker_image.result == 'skipped') |
steps: |
- name: Configure AWS credentials |
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3 |
with: |
aws-region: ${{ env.aws_region }} |
role-to-assume: ${{ env.app_repo_role }} |
- name: Login to Amazon ECR |
id: ecr-login |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecr-login@v1 |
with: |
mask-password: 'true' |
- name: Get timestamp |
id: timestamp |
run: echo "timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
- name: Checkout at release tag |
uses: actions/checkout@v3 |
if: inputs.environment == 'production' |
with: |
ref: ${{ inputs.release_tag }} |
- name: Get tags |
id: tags |
run: | |
echo "commit-tag=$(if [[ ${{ inputs.environment }} == 'production' ]]; then echo $(git log -1 '--format=format:%H'); else echo ${{ github.sha }}; fi)" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
echo "additional-tag=$(if [[ ${{ inputs.environment }} == 'production' ]]; then echo ${{ inputs.release_tag }}-${{ env.timestamp }}; else echo ${{ env.timestamp }}; fi)" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
- name: Add environment tag to existing image |
id: update-image-tags |
env: |
registry: ${{ steps.ecr-login.outputs.registry }} |
commit_tag: ${{ env.commit-tag }} |
readable_tag: ${{ inputs.environment }}-${{ env.additional-tag }} |
run: | |
manifest=$(aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name $repository --image-ids imageTag=$commit_tag --output text --query images[].imageManifest) |
aws ecr put-image --repository-name $repository --image-tag $readable_tag --image-manifest "$manifest" |
echo "image=$registry/$repository:$readable_tag" >> $GITHUB_ENV |
- name: Configure AWS credentials for environment |
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v3 |
with: |
aws-region: ${{ env.aws_region }} |
role-to-assume: arn:aws:iam::${{ inputs.aws_account_id }}:role/${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-deployment |
role-chaining: true |
- name: Download ad hoc task definition |
env: |
ad_hoc_task_definition: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-ad-hoc |
run: | |
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $ad_hoc_task_definition --query taskDefinition > ad-hoc-task-definition.json |
- name: Update image ID |
id: ad-hoc-task-def |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
task-definition: ad-hoc-task-definition.json |
container-name: app |
image: ${{ env.image }} |
- name: Update ad hoc task definition |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
task-definition: ${{ }} |
- name: Run migrations task |
env: |
ad_hoc_task_definition: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-ad-hoc |
cluster: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
service: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
run: | |
network=$(aws ecs describe-services --cluster $cluster --services $service --query services[0].networkConfiguration) |
overrides='{ "containerOverrides" : [{ "name" : "app", "command" : ["bundle", "exec", "rake", "db:migrate"]}]}' |
arn=$(aws ecs run-task --cluster $cluster --task-definition $ad_hoc_task_definition --network-configuration "$network" --overrides "$overrides" --group migrations --launch-type FARGATE --query tasks[0].taskArn) |
echo "Waiting for migration task to complete" |
temp=${arn##*/} |
id=${temp%*\"} |
aws ecs wait tasks-stopped --cluster $cluster --tasks $id |
succeeded=$(aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster $cluster --tasks $id --query "tasks[0].stopCode == 'EssentialContainerExited' && to_string(tasks[0].containers[0].exitCode) == '0'") |
if [ $succeeded == true ]; then exit 0; else exit 1; fi |
- name: Download app service task definition |
env: |
app_task_definition: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
run: | |
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $app_task_definition --query taskDefinition > app-task-definition.json |
- name: Update app image ID |
id: app-task-def |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
task-definition: app-task-definition.json |
container-name: app |
image: ${{ env.image }} |
- name: Deploy updated application |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
cluster: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
service: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
task-definition: ${{ }} |
wait-for-service-stability: true |
- name: Download sidekiq service task definition |
env: |
sidekiq_task_definition: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-sidekiq |
run: | |
aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $sidekiq_task_definition --query taskDefinition > sidekiq-task-definition.json |
- name: Update sidekiq image ID |
id: sidekiq-task-def |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-render-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
task-definition: sidekiq-task-definition.json |
container-name: sidekiq |
image: ${{ env.image }} |
- name: Deploy updated sidekiq |
uses: aws-actions/amazon-ecs-deploy-task-definition@v1 |
with: |
cluster: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-app |
service: ${{ inputs.aws_resource_prefix }}-sidekiq |
task-definition: ${{ steps.sidekiq-task-def.outputs.task-definition }} |
wait-for-service-stability: true