You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
243 lines
10 KiB
243 lines
10 KiB
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe "Test Features" do |
let!(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :in_progress) } |
let!(:empty_case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log) } |
let(:id) { } |
let(:status) { case_log.status } |
question_answers = { |
tenant_code: { type: "text", answer: "BZ737" }, |
tenant_age: { type: "numeric", answer: 25 }, |
tenant_gender: { type: "radio", answer: "Female" }, |
tenant_ethnic_group: { type: "radio", answer: "Prefer not to say" }, |
tenant_nationality: { type: "radio", answer: "Lithuania" }, |
tenant_economic_status: { type: "radio", answer: "Jobseeker" }, |
household_number_of_other_members: { type: "numeric", answer: 2 }, |
} |
def answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection |
visit("/case_logs/#{}/net_income") |
fill_in("case-log-net-income-field", with: 18_000) |
choose("case-log-net-income-frequency-yearly-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
choose("case-log-net-income-uc-proportion-all-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
choose("case-log-housing-benefit-housing-benefit-but-not-universal-credit-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
end |
describe "Create new log" do |
it "redirects to the task list for the new log" do |
visit("/case_logs") |
click_link("Create new log") |
id = CaseLog.order(created_at: :desc) |
expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") |
end |
end |
describe "Viewing a log" do |
context "tasklist page" do |
it "displays a tasklist header" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}") |
expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") |
expect(page).to have_content("This submission is #{status}") |
end |
it "displays a section status" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{}") |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Not started/, count: 8 |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Completed/, count: 0 |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Cannot start yet/, count: 1 |
end |
it "shows the correct status if one section is completed" do |
answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection |
visit("/case_logs/#{}") |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Not started/, count: 7 |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Completed/, count: 1 |
assert_selector ".govuk-tag", text: /Cannot start yet/, count: 1 |
end |
it "skips to the first section if no answers are completed" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{}") |
expect(page).to have_link("Skip to next incomplete section", href: /#household_characteristics/) |
end |
it "shows the number of completed sections if no sections are completed" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{}") |
expect(page).to have_content("You've completed 0 of 9 sections.") |
end |
it "shows the number of completed sections if one section is completed" do |
answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection |
visit("/case_logs/#{}") |
expect(page).to have_content("You've completed 1 of 9 sections.") |
end |
end |
it "displays the household questions when you click into that section" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}") |
click_link("Household characteristics") |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-code-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-age-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-gender-male-field") |
visit page.driver.request.env["HTTP_REFERER"] |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-age-field") |
end |
describe "form questions" do |
it "can be accessed by url" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/tenant_age") |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-age-field") |
end |
it "updates model attributes correctly for each question" do |
question_answers.each do |question, hsh| |
type = hsh[:type] |
answer = hsh[:answer] |
original_value = case_log.send(question) |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/#{question}") |
case type |
when "text" |
fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: answer) |
when "radio" |
choose("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-#{answer.parameterize}-field") |
else |
fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: answer) |
end |
expect { click_button("Save and continue") }.to change { |
case_log.reload.send(question.to_s) |
}.from(original_value).to(answer) |
end |
end |
end |
describe "Back link directs correctly" do |
it "go back to tasklist page from tenant code" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/tenant_code") |
click_link(text: "Back") |
expect(page).to have_content("Tasklist for log #{id}") |
end |
it "go back to tenant code page from tenant age page" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/tenant_age") |
click_link(text: "Back") |
expect(page).to have_field("case-log-tenant-code-field") |
end |
end |
end |
describe "Form flow is correct" do |
context "given an ordered list of pages" do |
it "leads to the next one in the correct order" do |
pages = question_answers.keys |
pages[0..-2].each_with_index do |val, index| |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/#{val}") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/#{pages[index + 1]}") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "check answers page" do |
let(:subsection) { "household_characteristics" } |
context "when the user needs to check their answers for a subsection" do |
def fill_in_number_question(case_log_id, question, value) |
visit("/case_logs/#{case_log_id}/#{question}") |
fill_in("case-log-#{question.to_s.dasherize}-field", with: value) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
end |
it "can be visited by URL" do |
visit("case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
expect(page).to have_content("Check the answers you gave for #{'_', ' ')}") |
end |
let(:last_question_for_subsection) { "household_number_of_other_members" } |
it "redirects to the check answers page when answering the last question and clicking save and continue" do |
fill_in_number_question(id, last_question_for_subsection, 0) |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
end |
it "has question headings based on the subsection" do |
visit("case_logs/#{id}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
question_labels = ["Tenant code", "Tenant's age", "Tenant's gender", "Ethnicity", "Nationality", "Work", "Number of Other Household Members"] |
question_labels.each do |label| |
expect(page).to have_content(label) |
end |
end |
it "should display answers given by the user for the question in the subsection" do |
fill_in_number_question(, "tenant_age", 28) |
choose("case-log-tenant-gender-non-binary-field") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
expect(page).to have_content("28") |
expect(page).to have_content("Non-binary") |
end |
it "should have an answer link for questions missing an answer" do |
visit("case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
assert_selector "a", text: /Answer\z/, count: 7 |
assert_selector "a", text: "Change", count: 0 |
expect(page).to have_link("Answer", href: "/case_logs/#{}/tenant_age") |
end |
it "should have a change link for answered questions" do |
fill_in_number_question(, "tenant_age", 28) |
visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
assert_selector "a", text: /Answer\z/, count: 6 |
assert_selector "a", text: "Change", count: 1 |
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/case_logs/#{}/tenant_age") |
end |
it "should have a link pointing to the first question if no questions are answered" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{}/#{subsection}/check_answers") |
expect(page).to have_content("You answered 0 of 7 questions") |
expect(page).to have_link("Answer the missing questions", href: "/case_logs/#{}/tenant_code") |
end |
it "should have a link pointing to the next empty question if some questions are answered" do |
fill_in_number_question(, "net_income", 18_000) |
visit("/case_logs/#{}/income_and_benefits/check_answers") |
expect(page).to have_content("You answered 1 of 4 questions") |
expect(page).to have_link("Answer the missing questions", href: "/case_logs/#{}/net_income") |
end |
it "should not display the missing answer questions link if all questions are answered" do |
answer_all_questions_in_income_subsection |
expect(page).to have_content("You answered all the questions") |
assert_selector "a", text: "Answer the missing questions", count: 0 |
end |
end |
end |
describe "Conditional questions" do |
context "given a page where some questions are only conditionally shown, depending on how you answer the first question" do |
it "initially hides conditional questions" do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/armed_forces") |
expect(page).not_to have_selector("#armed_forces_injured_div") |
end |
it "shows conditional questions if the required answer is selected and hides it again when a different answer option is selected", js: true do |
visit("/case_logs/#{id}/armed_forces") |
# Something about our styling makes the selenium webdriver think the actual radio buttons are not visible so we allow label click here |
choose("case-log-armed-forces-yes-a-regular-field", allow_label_click: true) |
expect(page).to have_selector("#armed_forces_injured_div") |
choose("case-log-armed-forces-injured-no-field", allow_label_click: true) |
expect(find_field("case-log-armed-forces-injured-no-field", visible: false).checked?).to be_truthy |
choose("case-log-armed-forces-no-field", allow_label_click: true) |
expect(page).not_to have_selector("#armed_forces_injured_div") |
choose("case-log-armed-forces-yes-a-regular-field", allow_label_click: true) |
expect(find_field("case-log-armed-forces-injured-no-field", visible: false).checked?).to be_falsey |
end |
end |
end |