75 lines
4.1 KiB
75 lines
4.1 KiB
<%= form_for(@scheme, as: :scheme, method: :post) do |f| %> |
<div class="govuk-grid-row"> |
<div class="govuk-grid-column-two-thirds"> |
<%= f.govuk_error_summary %> |
<% content_for :title, "Create a new supported housing scheme" %> |
<% content_for :before_content do %> |
<%= govuk_back_link(href: "javascript:history.back()") %> |
<% end %> |
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l"> |
<%= content_for(:title) %> |
</h1> |
<%= f.govuk_text_field :service_name, |
label: { text: "Scheme name", size: "m" }, |
hint: { text: "This is how you refer to this supported housing scheme within your organisation. For example, the name could relate to the address or location. You’ll be able to see the client group when selecting it." } %> |
<%= f.govuk_check_boxes_fieldset :sensitive, |
legend: nil do %> |
<%= f.govuk_check_box :sensitive, |
1, |
0, |
multiple: false, |
label: { text: "This scheme contains confidential information" } %> |
<% end %> |
<% scheme_types_selection = Scheme.scheme_types.keys.excluding("Missing").map { |key, _| OpenStruct.new(id: key, name: key.to_s.humanize) } %> |
<%= f.govuk_collection_radio_buttons :scheme_type, |
scheme_types_selection, |
:id, |
:name, |
legend: { text: "What is this type of scheme?", size: "m" } %> |
<% care_acts_options_hints = { "Yes – part registered as a care home": "A proportion of units are registered as being a care home." } %> |
<% care_acts_options_with_hints = Scheme.registered_under_care_acts.keys.map { |key, _| OpenStruct.new(id: key, name: key.to_s.humanize, description: care_acts_options_hints[key.to_sym]) } %> |
<%= f.govuk_collection_radio_buttons :registered_under_care_act, |
care_acts_options_with_hints, |
:id, |
:name, |
:description, |
legend: { text: "Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000?", size: "m" } %> |
<% if current_user.data_coordinator? && current_user.organisation.stock_owners.count.zero? %> |
<%= f.hidden_field :owning_organisation_id, value: current_user.organisation.id %> |
<% else %> |
<%= f.govuk_collection_select :owning_organisation_id, |
null_option + owning_organisation_options(current_user), |
:id, |
:name, |
label: { text: "Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme?", size: "m" }, |
"data-controller": %w[accessible-autocomplete conditional-filter] %> |
<% end %> |
<% mantype_selection = Scheme.arrangement_types.keys.excluding("Missing").map { |key, _| OpenStruct.new(id: key, name: key.to_s.humanize) } %> |
<%= f.govuk_collection_radio_buttons :arrangement_type, |
mantype_selection, |
:id, |
lambda { |option| |
if Scheme::ARRANGEMENT_TYPE[option.id] == "D" && !current_user.support? |
"Your organisation" |
else |
option.name |
end |
}, |
legend: { text: "Who provides the support services used by this scheme?", size: "m" } %> |
<%= f.govuk_submit "Save and continue" %> |
</div> |
</div> |
<% end %>