Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

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  • We use RSpec and Capybara

  • Capybara is used for our feature tests. These use the Rack driver by default (faster) or the Gecko driver (installation required) when the js: true option is passed for a test.

  • Capybara is configured to run in headless mode but this can be toggled by commenting out app/spec/rails_helper.rb#L14

  • Capybara is configured to use Gecko driver for JavaScript tests as Chrome is more commonly used and so naturally more likely to be better tested but this can be switched to Chrome driver by changing app/spec/rails_helper.rb#L13

  • Feature specs are generally written sparingly as they’re also the slowest, where possible a request spec is preferred as this still tests a large surface area (route, controller, model, view) without the performance impact. They are not suitable for tests that need to run JavaScript or test that a specific set of interaction events that trigger a specific set of requests (with high confidence).

  • Test data is created with FactoryBot where ever possible

Parallel testing

  • The RSpec test suite can be ran in parallel in local development for quicker turnaround times

  • Setup with the following:

bundle exec rake parallel:setup
  • Run with:
RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake parallel:spec

Factories for Lettings Log, Sales Log, Organisation, and User

Each of these factories has nested relationships and callbacks that ensure associated objects are created and linked properly. For instance, creating a lettings_log involves creating or associating with a user, which in turn is linked to an organisation, potentially leading to creating organisation_rent_periods and a data_protection_confirmation.

This documentation outlines the objects that are created and/or persisted to the database when using FactoryBot to create or build models for LettingsLog, SalesLog, Organisation, and User. There are other factories, but they are simpler, less frequently used and don't have as much resource hierarchy.

Lettings Log

Objects Created/Persisted:

  • User: The assigned_to user is created.
    • Organisation: The assigned_to user’s organisation created by User factory.
  • DataProtectionConfirmation: If organisation does not have DSA signed, DataProtectionConfirmation gets created with assigned_to user as a data_protection_officer
  • OrganisationRentPeriod: If log.period is present and the managing_organisation does not have an OrganisationRentPeriod for that period, a new OrganisationRentPeriod is created and associated with managing_organisation.

Example Usage:

let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log) }

Sales Log

Objects Created/Persisted:

  • User: The assigned_to user is created.
    • Organisation: The assigned_to user’s organisation created by User factory.
  • DataProtectionConfirmation: If organisation does not have DSA signed, DataProtectionConfirmation gets created with assigned_to user as a data_protection_officer

Example Usage:

let(:sales_log) { create(:sales_log) }


Objects Created/Persisted:

  • OrganisationRentPeriod: For each rent period in transient attribute rent_periods, an OrganisationRentPeriod is created.
  • DataProtectionConfirmation: If with_dsa is true (default), a DataProtectionConfirmation is created with a data_protection_officer
  • User: Data protection officer that signs the data protection confirmation

Example Usage:

let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, rent_periods: [1, 2])}


Objects Created/Persisted:

  • Organisation: User’s organisation.
  • DataProtectionConfirmation: If organisation does not have DSA signed, DataProtectionConfirmation gets created with this user as a data_protection_officer

Example Usage:

let(:user) { create(:user) }