1040 lines
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1040 lines
41 KiB
require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe "DeleteLogs", type: :request do |
let(:page) { Capybara::Node::Simple.new(response.body) } |
let(:user) { create(:user, name: "Richard MacDuff") } |
before do |
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false) |
sign_in user |
end |
describe "GET lettings-logs/delete-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return LettingsLog.all |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get lettings_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters |
}.and_return LettingsLog.all |
get delete_logs_lettings_logs_path(search:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
get delete_logs_lettings_logs_path |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "checks all checkboxes by default" do |
get delete_logs_lettings_logs_path |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
expect(checkboxes.count).to be 2 |
expect(checkboxes).to all be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST lettings-logs/delete-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:selected_ids) { log_1.id } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return LettingsLog.all |
end |
it "returns bad request if selected ids are not provided" do |
post delete_logs_lettings_logs_path |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get lettings_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters |
}.and_return LettingsLog.all |
post delete_logs_lettings_logs_path(search:, selected_ids:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
post delete_logs_lettings_logs_path(selected_ids:) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "only checks the selected checkboxes when selected_ids provided" do |
post delete_logs_lettings_logs_path(selected_ids:) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkbox_expected_checked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_1.id.to_s } |
checkbox_expected_unchecked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_2.id.to_s } |
expect(checkbox_expected_checked).to be_checked |
expect(checkbox_expected_unchecked).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST lettings-logs/delete-logs-confirmation" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed) } |
let(:log_3) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_lettings_logs_path, params: |
end |
it "requires delete logs form data to be provided" do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_lettings_logs_path |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "shows the correct title" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Are you sure you want to delete these logs?" |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 2 logs to delete") |
end |
context "when only one log is selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user in the singular" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 1 log to delete") |
end |
end |
it "shows a warning to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-warning-text", text: "You will not be able to undo this action") |
end |
it "shows a button to delete the selected logs" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("form.button_to button", text: "Delete logs") |
end |
it "the delete logs button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_button = page.find("form.button_to") |
expect(form_containing_button[:action]).to eq delete_logs_lettings_logs_path |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "_method", type: :hidden, with: "delete" |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_1.id |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_2.id |
end |
it "shows a cancel button with the correct style" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("button.govuk-button--secondary", text: "Cancel") |
end |
it "the cancel button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_cancel = page.find_all("form").find { |form| form.has_selector?("button.govuk-button--secondary") } |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("selected_ids", type: :hidden, with: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id).join(" ")) |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("search", type: :hidden, with: "milk") |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:method]).to eq "post" |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:action]).to eq delete_logs_lettings_logs_path |
end |
context "when no logs are selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
log_type: :lettings, |
log_ids: [log_1, log_2, log_3].map(&:id).join(" "), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_lettings_logs_path, params: |
end |
it "renders the list of logs table again" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Review the logs you want to delete" |
end |
it "displays an error message" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-error-summary", text: "Select at least one log to delete or press cancel to return") |
end |
it "renders the table with all checkboxes unchecked" do |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkboxes.each do |checkbox| |
expect(checkbox).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "DELETE lettings-logs/delete-logs" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id, log_2.id] } } |
context "when the user is authorized to delete the logs provided" do |
let(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
it "deletes the logs provided" do |
delete delete_logs_lettings_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
end |
it "redirects to the lettings log index and displays a notice that the logs have been deleted" do |
delete delete_logs_lettings_logs_path, params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to lettings_logs_path |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success") |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success", text: "2 logs have been deleted.") |
end |
end |
context "when the user is not authorized to delete all the logs provided" do |
let(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed) } |
it "returns unauthorised and only deletes logs for which the user is authorised" do |
delete delete_logs_lettings_logs_path, params: params |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).to be nil |
end |
end |
context "when an authorized user deletes a log that had duplicates" do |
context "and only 1 log remains in the duplicate set" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_3) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
it "deletes the log and marks related logs deduplicated" do |
delete delete_logs_lettings_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_1.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_1.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_2.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_2.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_3.reload |
expect(log_3.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
end |
end |
context "and multiple logs remains in the duplicate set" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_3) { create(:lettings_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id] } } |
it "deletes the log and marks related logs deduplicated" do |
delete delete_logs_lettings_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_1.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_1.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_2.reload |
log_3.reload |
expect(log_2.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(log_3.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).not_to be nil |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).to eq(log_2.duplicate_set_id) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "GET sales-logs/delete-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return SalesLog.all |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get sales_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters |
}.and_return SalesLog.all |
get delete_logs_sales_logs_path(search:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
get delete_logs_sales_logs_path |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "checks all checkboxes by default" do |
get delete_logs_sales_logs_path |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
expect(checkboxes.count).to be 2 |
expect(checkboxes).to all be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST sales-logs/delete-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:selected_ids) { log_1.id } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return SalesLog.all |
end |
it "returns bad request if selected ids are not provided" do |
post delete_logs_sales_logs_path |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get sales_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters |
}.and_return SalesLog.all |
post delete_logs_sales_logs_path(search:, selected_ids:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
post delete_logs_sales_logs_path(selected_ids:) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "only checks the selected checkboxes when selected_ids provided" do |
post delete_logs_sales_logs_path(selected_ids:) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkbox_expected_checked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_1.id.to_s } |
checkbox_expected_unchecked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_2.id.to_s } |
expect(checkbox_expected_checked).to be_checked |
expect(checkbox_expected_unchecked).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST sales-logs/delete-logs-confirmation" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed) } |
let(:log_3) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_sales_logs_path, params: |
end |
it "requires delete logs form data to be provided" do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_sales_logs_path |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "shows the correct title" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Are you sure you want to delete these logs?" |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 2 logs to delete") |
end |
context "when only one log is selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user in the singular" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 1 log to delete") |
end |
end |
it "shows a warning to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-warning-text", text: "You will not be able to undo this action") |
end |
it "shows a button to delete the selected logs" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("form.button_to button", text: "Delete logs") |
end |
it "the delete logs button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_button = page.find("form.button_to") |
expect(form_containing_button[:action]).to eq delete_logs_sales_logs_path |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "_method", type: :hidden, with: "delete" |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_1.id |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_2.id |
end |
it "shows a cancel button with the correct style" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("button.govuk-button--secondary", text: "Cancel") |
end |
it "the cancel button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_cancel = page.find_all("form").find { |form| form.has_selector?("button.govuk-button--secondary") } |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("selected_ids", type: :hidden, with: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id).join(" ")) |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("search", type: :hidden, with: "milk") |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:method]).to eq "post" |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:action]).to eq delete_logs_sales_logs_path |
end |
context "when no logs are selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
log_type: :sales, |
log_ids: [log_1, log_2, log_3].map(&:id).join(" "), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_logs_confirmation_sales_logs_path, params: |
end |
it "renders the list of logs table again" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Review the logs you want to delete" |
end |
it "displays an error message" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-error-summary", text: "Select at least one log to delete or press cancel to return") |
end |
it "renders the table with all checkboxes unchecked" do |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkboxes.each do |checkbox| |
expect(checkbox).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "DELETE sales-logs/delete-logs" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id, log_2.id] } } |
context "when the user is authorized to delete the logs provided" do |
let(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) } |
it "deletes the logs provided" do |
delete delete_logs_sales_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
end |
it "redirects to the sales log index and displays a notice that the logs have been deleted" do |
delete delete_logs_sales_logs_path, params: params |
expect(response).to redirect_to sales_logs_path |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success") |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success", text: "2 logs have been deleted.") |
end |
end |
context "when the user is not authorized to delete all the logs provided" do |
let(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed) } |
it "returns unauthorised and only deletes logs for which the user is authorised" do |
delete delete_logs_sales_logs_path, params: params |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized) |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).to be nil |
end |
end |
context "when an authorized user deletes a log that had duplicates" do |
context "and only 1 log remains in the duplicate set" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_3) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
it "deletes the log and marks related logs deduplicated" do |
delete delete_logs_sales_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_1.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_1.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_2.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_2.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_3.reload |
expect(log_3.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
end |
end |
context "and multiple logs remains in the duplicate set" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let!(:log_3) { create(:sales_log, :duplicate, duplicate_set_id: 5, assigned_to: user) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id] } } |
it "deletes the log and marks related logs deduplicated" do |
delete delete_logs_sales_logs_path, params: params |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
expect(log_1.duplicates.count).to eq(0) |
expect(log_1.duplicate_set_id).to be nil |
log_2.reload |
log_3.reload |
expect(log_2.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(log_3.duplicates.count).to eq(1) |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).not_to be nil |
expect(log_3.duplicate_set_id).to eq(log_2.duplicate_set_id) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
context "when a support user navigates to the organisations tab" do |
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Schmorganisation") } |
let(:user) { create(:user, :support, name: "Urban Chronotis") } |
describe "GET organisations/delete-lettings-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return LettingsLog.all |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get lettings_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters.merge(organisation: organisation.id.to_s) |
}.and_return LettingsLog.all |
get delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, search:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
get delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "checks all checkboxes by default" do |
get delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
expect(checkboxes.count).to be 2 |
expect(checkboxes).to all be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST organisations/delete-lettings-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:selected_ids) { log_1.id } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return LettingsLog.all |
end |
it "returns bad request if selected ids are not provided" do |
post delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get lettings_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters.merge(organisation: organisation.id.to_s) |
}.and_return LettingsLog.all |
post delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, search:, selected_ids:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
post delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, selected_ids:) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "only checks the selected checkboxes when selected_ids provided" do |
post delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, selected_ids:) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkbox_expected_checked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_1.id.to_s } |
checkbox_expected_unchecked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_2.id.to_s } |
expect(checkbox_expected_checked).to be_checked |
expect(checkbox_expected_unchecked).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST organisations/delete-lettings-logs-confirmation" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_3) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_lettings_logs_confirmation_organisation_path(id: organisation), params: |
end |
it "requires delete logs form data to be provided" do |
post delete_lettings_logs_confirmation_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "shows the correct title" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Are you sure you want to delete these logs?" |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 2 logs to delete") |
end |
context "when only one log is selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user in the singular" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 1 log to delete") |
end |
end |
it "shows a warning to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-warning-text", text: "You will not be able to undo this action") |
end |
it "shows a button to delete the selected logs" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("form.button_to button", text: "Delete logs") |
end |
it "the delete logs button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_button = page.find("form.button_to") |
expect(form_containing_button[:action]).to eq delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "_method", type: :hidden, with: "delete" |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_1.id |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_2.id |
end |
it "shows a cancel button with the correct style" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("button.govuk-button--secondary", text: "Cancel") |
end |
it "the cancel button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_cancel = page.find_all("form").find { |form| form.has_selector?("button.govuk-button--secondary") } |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("selected_ids", type: :hidden, with: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id).join(" ")) |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("search", type: :hidden, with: "milk") |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:method]).to eq "post" |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:action]).to eq delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
end |
context "when no logs are selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
log_type: :lettings, |
log_ids: [log_1, log_2, log_3].map(&:id).join(" "), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_lettings_logs_confirmation_organisation_path(id: organisation, params:) |
end |
it "renders the list of logs table again" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Review the logs you want to delete" |
end |
it "displays an error message" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-error-summary", text: "Select at least one log to delete or press cancel to return") |
end |
it "renders the table with all checkboxes unchecked" do |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkboxes.each do |checkbox| |
expect(checkbox).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "DELETE organisations/delete-lettings-logs" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id, log_2.id] } } |
before do |
delete delete_lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, params:) |
end |
it "deletes the logs provided" do |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
end |
it "redirects to the lettings log index for that organisation and displays a notice that the logs have been deleted" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to lettings_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success") |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success", text: "2 logs have been deleted.") |
end |
end |
describe "GET organisations/delete-sales-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return SalesLog.all |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get sales_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters.merge(organisation: organisation.id.to_s) |
}.and_return SalesLog.all |
get delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, search:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
get delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "checks all checkboxes by default" do |
get delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
expect(checkboxes.count).to be 2 |
expect(checkboxes).to all be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST organisations/delete-sales-logs" do |
let!(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let!(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:selected_ids) { log_1.id } |
before do |
allow(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs).and_return SalesLog.all |
end |
it "returns bad request if selected ids are not provided" do |
post delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "calls the filter service with the filters in the session and the search term from the query params" do |
search = "Schrödinger's cat" |
logs_filters = { |
"status" => %w[in_progress], |
"assigned_to" => "all", |
} |
get sales_logs_path(logs_filters) # adds the filters to the session |
expect(FilterManager).to receive(:filter_logs) { |arg1, arg2, arg3| |
expect(arg1).to contain_exactly(log_1, log_2) |
expect(arg2).to eq search |
expect(arg3).to eq logs_filters.merge(organisation: organisation.id.to_s) |
}.and_return SalesLog.all |
post delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, search:, selected_ids:) |
end |
it "displays the logs returned by the filter service" do |
post delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, selected_ids:) |
table_body_rows = page.find_all("tbody tr") |
expect(table_body_rows.count).to be 2 |
ids_in_table = table_body_rows.map { |row| row.first("td").text.strip } |
expect(ids_in_table).to match_array [log_1.id.to_s, log_2.id.to_s] |
end |
it "only checks the selected checkboxes when selected_ids provided" do |
post delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, selected_ids:) |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkbox_expected_checked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_1.id.to_s } |
checkbox_expected_unchecked = checkboxes.find { |cb| cb.value == log_2.id.to_s } |
expect(checkbox_expected_checked).to be_checked |
expect(checkbox_expected_unchecked).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
describe "POST organisations/delete-sales-logs-confirmation" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_3) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_sales_logs_confirmation_organisation_path(id: organisation), params: |
end |
it "requires delete logs form data to be provided" do |
post delete_sales_logs_confirmation_organisation_path |
expect(response).to have_http_status(:bad_request) |
end |
it "shows the correct title" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Are you sure you want to delete these logs?" |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 2 logs to delete") |
end |
context "when only one log is selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
search_term: "milk", |
selected_ids: [log_1].map(&:id), |
}, |
} |
end |
it "shows the correct information text to the user in the singular" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("p", text: "You've selected 1 log to delete") |
end |
end |
it "shows a warning to the user" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-warning-text", text: "You will not be able to undo this action") |
end |
it "shows a button to delete the selected logs" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("form.button_to button", text: "Delete logs") |
end |
it "the delete logs button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_button = page.find("form.button_to") |
expect(form_containing_button[:action]).to eq delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "_method", type: :hidden, with: "delete" |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_1.id |
expect(form_containing_button).to have_field "ids[]", type: :hidden, with: log_2.id |
end |
it "shows a cancel button with the correct style" do |
expect(page).to have_selector("button.govuk-button--secondary", text: "Cancel") |
end |
it "the cancel button submits the correct data to the correct path" do |
form_containing_cancel = page.find_all("form").find { |form| form.has_selector?("button.govuk-button--secondary") } |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("selected_ids", type: :hidden, with: [log_1, log_2].map(&:id).join(" ")) |
expect(form_containing_cancel).to have_field("search", type: :hidden, with: "milk") |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:method]).to eq "post" |
expect(form_containing_cancel[:action]).to eq delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
end |
context "when no logs are selected" do |
let(:params) do |
{ |
forms_delete_logs_form: { |
log_type: :sales, |
log_ids: [log_1, log_2, log_3].map(&:id).join(" "), |
}, |
} |
end |
before do |
post delete_sales_logs_confirmation_organisation_path(id: organisation, params:) |
end |
it "renders the list of logs table again" do |
expect(page.find("h1").text).to include "Review the logs you want to delete" |
end |
it "displays an error message" do |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-error-summary", text: "Select at least one log to delete or press cancel to return") |
end |
it "renders the table with all checkboxes unchecked" do |
checkboxes = page.find_all("tbody tr").map { |row| row.find("input") } |
checkboxes.each do |checkbox| |
expect(checkbox).not_to be_checked |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "DELETE organisations/delete-sales-logs" do |
let(:log_1) { create(:sales_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:log_2) { create(:sales_log, :completed, owning_organisation: organisation) } |
let(:params) { { ids: [log_1.id, log_2.id] } } |
before do |
delete delete_sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation, params:) |
end |
it "deletes the logs provided" do |
log_1.reload |
expect(log_1.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_1.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
log_2.reload |
expect(log_2.status).to eq "deleted" |
expect(log_2.discarded_at).not_to be nil |
end |
it "redirects to the sales log index for that organisation and displays a notice that the logs have been deleted" do |
expect(response).to redirect_to sales_logs_organisation_path(id: organisation) |
follow_redirect! |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success") |
expect(page).to have_selector(".govuk-notification-banner--success", text: "2 logs have been deleted.") |
end |
end |
end |