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306 lines
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require "rails_helper" |
require_relative "helpers" |
RSpec.describe "Form Page Routing" do |
include Helpers |
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) } |
let(:lettings_log) do |
FactoryBot.create( |
:lettings_log, |
:in_progress, |
assigned_to: user, |
) |
end |
let(:id) { lettings_log.id } |
let(:validator) { lettings_log._validators[nil].first } |
before do |
allow(lettings_log.form).to receive(:new_logs_end_date).and_return(Time.zone.today + 1.day) |
sign_in user |
end |
context "with 21/22 logs" do |
around do |example| |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2022, 1, 1)) do |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
example.run |
end |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
it "can route the user to a different page based on their answer on the current page", js: true do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question") |
# using a question name that is already in the db to avoid |
# having to add a new column to the db for this test |
choose("lettings-log-preg-occ-1-field", allow_label_click: true) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question-yes-page") |
page.go_back |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question") |
choose("lettings-log-preg-occ-2-field", allow_label_click: true) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question-no-page") |
end |
it "can route based on multiple conditions", js: true do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/person-1-gender") |
choose("lettings-log-sex1-f-field", allow_label_click: true) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/person-1-working-situation") |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question") |
choose("lettings-log-preg-occ-2-field", allow_label_click: true) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question-no-page") |
choose("lettings-log-cbl-0-field", allow_label_click: true) |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/conditional-question/check-answers") |
end |
context "when the answers are inferred", js: true do |
it "shows question if the answer could not be inferred" do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-postcode") |
fill_in("lettings-log-postcode-full-field", with: "PO5 3TE") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/do-you-know-the-local-authority") |
end |
it "shows question if the answer could not be inferred from an empty input" do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-postcode") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/do-you-know-the-local-authority") |
end |
it "does not show question if the answer could be inferred" do |
stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io/) |
.to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"status\":200,\"result\":{\"admin_district\":\"Manchester\", \"codes\":{\"admin_district\": \"E08000003\"}}}", headers: {}) |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-postcode") |
fill_in("lettings-log-postcode-full-field", with: "P0 5ST") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-wheelchair-accessible") |
end |
end |
context "when answer is invalid" do |
it "shows error with invalid value in the field" do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-postcode") |
fill_in("lettings-log-postcode-full-field", with: "FAKE_POSTCODE") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-postcode") |
expect(find("#lettings-log-postcode-full-field-error").value).to eq("FAKE_POSTCODE") |
end |
it "does not reset the displayed date if it's an invalid date" do |
lettings_log.update!(startdate: "2021/10/13") |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]", with: "202") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]", with: "32") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]", with: "0") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]").value).to eq("13") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]").value).to eq("10") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]").value).to eq("2021") |
end |
it "displays the entered date if it's in a valid format" do |
lettings_log.update!(startdate: "2021/10/13") |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]", with: "202") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]", with: "12") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]", with: "1") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]").value).to eq("1") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]").value).to eq("12") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]").value).to eq("202") |
end |
it "does not reset the displayed date if it's empty" do |
lettings_log.update!(startdate: nil) |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]", with: "202") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]", with: "32") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]", with: "0") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]").value).to eq(nil) |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]").value).to eq(nil) |
expect(find_field("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]").value).to eq(nil) |
end |
it "does not show see all related answers link if only 1 field has an error" do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/tenancy-start-date") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(1i)]", with: "202") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(2i)]", with: "32") |
fill_in("lettings_log[startdate(3i)]", with: "0") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).not_to have_link("See all related answers") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when completing the setup section" do |
context "with a supported housing log" do |
let(:lettings_log) do |
FactoryBot.create( |
:lettings_log, |
owning_organisation: user.organisation, |
managing_organisation: user.organisation, |
assigned_to: user, |
needstype: 2, |
) |
end |
context "with a scheme with only 1 active location" do |
let(:scheme) { FactoryBot.create(:scheme, owning_organisation: user.organisation) } |
let!(:active_location) { FactoryBot.create(:location, scheme:) } |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location, scheme:, startdate: Time.zone.today + 20.days) |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/scheme") |
select(scheme.service_name, from: "lettings_log[scheme_id]") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
end |
it "does not route to the scheme location question" do |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{lettings_log.id}/renewal") |
end |
it "infers the scheme location" do |
expect(lettings_log.reload.location_id).to eq(active_location.id) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe "#depends_on_met" do |
it "returns true if there is no depends_on" do |
depends_on = nil |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
it "returns true if the depends_on is met" do |
depends_on = [{ "armedforces" => 1 }] |
lettings_log.armedforces = 1 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
it "returns false if the depends_on is not met" do |
depends_on = [{ "armedforces" => 1 }] |
lettings_log.armedforces = 0 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(false) |
end |
it "returns true if a complex depends_on is met" do |
depends_on = [{ "is_la_inferred" => false, "is_general_needs?" => true }] |
lettings_log.is_la_inferred = false |
lettings_log.needstype = 1 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
it "returns false if any part of a complex depends_on is not met" do |
depends_on = [{ "is_la_inferred" => false, "is_general_needs?" => true }] |
lettings_log.is_la_inferred = false |
lettings_log.needstype = 2 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(false) |
end |
it "returns true if the first of multiple depends_ons are met" do |
depends_on = [{ "is_la_inferred" => false }, { "is_general_needs?" => true }] |
lettings_log.is_la_inferred = false |
lettings_log.needstype = 2 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
it "returns true if the last of multiple depends_ons are met" do |
depends_on = [{ "is_la_inferred" => false }, { "is_general_needs?" => true }] |
lettings_log.is_la_inferred = true |
lettings_log.needstype = 1 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
context "with operator-based depends_ons" do |
it "returns true if an operator-based depends_on is met" do |
depends_on = [ |
{ |
"details_known_2" => 0, |
"age2" => { |
"operator" => ">", |
"operand" => 15, |
}, |
}, |
{ "details_known_2" => 0, "age2" => nil }, |
] |
lettings_log.details_known_2 = 0 |
lettings_log.age2 = 16 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
it "returns false if an operator-based depends_on is not met" do |
depends_on = [ |
{ |
"details_known_2" => 0, |
"age2" => { |
"operator" => ">", |
"operand" => 15, |
}, |
}, |
{ "details_known_2" => 0, "age2" => nil }, |
] |
lettings_log.details_known_2 = 0 |
lettings_log.age2 = 15 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(false) |
end |
it "returns true if an operator-based depends_on is met on an inequality threshold" do |
depends_on = [ |
{ |
"details_known_2" => 0, |
"age2" => { |
"operator" => ">=", |
"operand" => 15, |
}, |
}, |
{ "details_known_2" => 0, "age2" => nil }, |
] |
lettings_log.details_known_2 = 0 |
lettings_log.age2 = 15 |
expect(lettings_log.form.depends_on_met(depends_on, lettings_log)).to eq(true) |
end |
end |
end |
describe "composite validations" do |
context "when error is added to multiple fields" do |
before do |
lettings_log.update(needstype: 1, declaration: 1, ecstat1: 10, hhmemb: 2, net_income_known: 0, incfreq: 1, earnings: 1000) |
end |
it "does shows see all related answers link" do |
visit("/lettings-logs/#{id}/income-amount") |
fill_in("lettings-log-earnings-field", with: "100000") |
click_button("Save and continue") |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/lettings-logs/#{id}/income-amount") |
expect(page).to have_button("See all related answers") |
end |
end |
end |