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module Validations::HouseholdValidations |
# Validations methods need to be called 'validate_<page_name>' to run on model save |
# or 'validate_' to run on submit as well |
def validate_reasonable_preference(record) |
if record.homeless == "No" && record.reasonpref == "Yes" |
record.errors.add :reasonpref, I18n.t("validations.household.reasonpref.not_homeless") |
elsif record.reasonpref == "Yes" |
if [record.rp_homeless, record.rp_insan_unsat, record.rp_medwel, record.rp_hardship, record.rp_dontknow].none? { |a| a == "Yes" } |
record.errors.add :reasonable_preference_reason, I18n.t("validations.household.reasonable_preference_reason.reason_required") |
end |
elsif record.reasonpref == "No" |
if [record.rp_homeless, record.rp_insan_unsat, record.rp_medwel, record.rp_hardship, record.rp_dontknow].any? { |a| a == "Yes" } |
record.errors.add :reasonable_preference_reason, I18n.t("validations.household.reasonable_preference_reason.reason_not_required") |
end |
end |
end |
def validate_other_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home(record) |
validate_other_field(record, "reason", "other_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home") |
end |
def validate_reason_for_leaving_last_settled_home(record) |
if record.reason == "Don’t know" && record.underoccupation_benefitcap != "Don’t know" |
record.errors.add :underoccupation_benefitcap, I18n.t("validations.household.underoccupation_benefitcap.dont_know_required") |
end |
end |
def validate_armed_forces_injured(record) |
if (record.armedforces == "A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)" || record.armedforces == "A current or former reserve in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)") && record.reservist.blank? |
record.errors.add :reservist, I18n.t("validations.household.reservist.injury_required") |
end |
if (record.armedforces == "No" || record.armedforces == "Prefer not to say") && record.reservist.present? |
record.errors.add :reservist, I18n.t("validations.household.reservist.injury_not_required") |
end |
end |
def validate_armed_forces_active_response(record) |
if record.armedforces == "A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)" && record.leftreg.blank? |
record.errors.add :leftreg, I18n.t("validations.household.leftreg.question_required") |
end |
if record.armedforces != "A current or former regular in the UK Armed Forces (excluding National Service)" && record.leftreg.present? |
record.errors.add :leftreg, I18n.t("validations.household.leftreg.question_not_required") |
end |
end |
def validate_pregnancy(record) |
if (record.preg_occ == "Yes" || record.preg_occ == "Prefer not to say") && !women_of_child_bearing_age_in_household(record) |
record.errors.add :preg_occ, I18n.t("validations.household.preg_occ.no_female") |
end |
end |
def validate_household_number_of_other_members(record) |
(2..8).each do |n| |
validate_person_age(record, n) |
validate_person_age_matches_economic_status(record, n) |
validate_person_age_matches_relationship(record, n) |
validate_person_age_and_gender_match_economic_status(record, n) |
validate_person_age_and_relationship_matches_economic_status(record, n) |
end |
validate_partner_count(record) |
end |
def validate_person_1_age(record) |
return unless record.age1 |
if !record.age1.is_a?(Integer) || record.age1 < 16 || record.age1 > 120 |
record.errors.add :age1, I18n.t("validations.household.age.over_16") |
end |
end |
def validate_person_1_economic(record) |
validate_person_age_matches_economic_status(record, 1) |
end |
def validate_accessibility_requirements(record) |
all_options = [record.housingneeds_a, record.housingneeds_b, record.housingneeds_c, record.housingneeds_f, record.housingneeds_g, record.housingneeds_h, record.accessibility_requirements_prefer_not_to_say] |
if all_options.count("Yes") > 1 |
mobility_accessibility_options = [record.housingneeds_a, record.housingneeds_b, record.housingneeds_c] |
unless all_options.count("Yes") == 2 && record.housingneeds_f == "Yes" && mobility_accessibility_options.any? { |x| x == "Yes" } |
record.errors.add :housingneeds_a, I18n.t("validations.household.housingneeds_a.one_or_two_choices") |
end |
end |
end |
def validate_shared_housing_rooms(record) |
unless record.unittype_gn.nil? |
if record.unittype_gn == "Bedsit" && record.beds != 1 && record.beds.present? |
record.errors.add :unittype_gn, I18n.t("validations.household.unittype_gn.one_bedroom_bedsit") |
end |
if !record.other_hhmemb.nil? && record.other_hhmemb.positive? && (record.unittype_gn.include?("Shared") && !record.beds.to_i.between?(1, 7)) |
record.errors.add :unittype_gn, I18n.t("validations.household.unittype_gn.one_seven_bedroom_shared") |
end |
if record.unittype_gn.include?("Shared") && !record.beds.to_i.between?(1, 3) && record.beds.present? |
record.errors.add :unittype_gn, I18n.t("validations.household.unittype_gn.one_three_bedroom_single_tenant_shared") |
end |
end |
end |
private |
def women_of_child_bearing_age_in_household(record) |
(1..8).any? do |n| |
next if record["sex#{n}"].nil? || record["age#{n}"].nil? |
record["sex#{n}"] == "Female" && record["age#{n}"] >= 16 && record["age#{n}"] <= 50 |
end |
end |
def validate_person_age(record, person_num) |
age = record.public_send("age#{person_num}") |
return unless age |
if !age.is_a?(Integer) || age < 1 || age > 120 |
record.errors.add "age#{person_num}".to_sym, I18n.t("validations.household.age.must_be_valid") |
end |
end |
def validate_person_age_matches_economic_status(record, person_num) |
age = record.public_send("age#{person_num}") |
economic_status = record.public_send("ecstat#{person_num}") |
return unless age && economic_status |
if age > 70 && economic_status != "Retired" |
record.errors.add "ecstat#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.ecstat.retired_over_70", person_num: person_num) |
end |
if age < 16 && economic_status != "Child under 16" |
record.errors.add "ecstat#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.ecstat.child_under_16", person_num: person_num) |
end |
end |
def validate_person_age_matches_relationship(record, person_num) |
age = record.public_send("age#{person_num}") |
relationship = record.public_send("relat#{person_num}") |
return unless age && relationship |
if age < 16 && relationship != "Child - includes young adult and grown-up" |
record.errors.add "relat#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.relat.child_under_16", person_num: person_num) |
end |
end |
def validate_person_age_and_relationship_matches_economic_status(record, person_num) |
age = record.public_send("age#{person_num}") |
economic_status = record.public_send("ecstat#{person_num}") |
relationship = record.public_send("relat#{person_num}") |
return unless age && economic_status && relationship |
if age >= 16 && age <= 19 && relationship == "Child - includes young adult and grown-up" && (economic_status != "Full-time student" || economic_status != "Prefer not to say") |
record.errors.add "ecstat#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.ecstat.student_16_19", person_num: person_num) |
end |
end |
def validate_person_age_and_gender_match_economic_status(record, person_num) |
age = record.public_send("age#{person_num}") |
gender = record.public_send("sex#{person_num}") |
economic_status = record.public_send("ecstat#{person_num}") |
return unless age && economic_status && gender |
if gender == "Male" && economic_status == "Retired" && age < 65 |
record.errors.add "age#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.age.retired_male") |
end |
if gender == "Female" && economic_status == "Retired" && age < 60 |
record.errors.add "age#{person_num}", I18n.t("validations.household.age.retired_female") |
end |
end |
def validate_partner_count(record) |
# TODO: probably need to keep track of which specific field is wrong so we can highlight it in the UI |
partner_count = (2..8).count { |n| record.public_send("relat#{n}") == "Partner" } |
if partner_count > 1 |
record.errors.add :base, I18n.t("validations.household.relat.one_partner") |
end |
end |