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# Build compilation image |
FROM ruby:3.0.3-alpine3.14 as builder |
# The application runs from /app |
WORKDIR /app |
# Add the timezone as it's not configured by default in Alpine |
RUN apk add --update --no-cache tzdata && \ |
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime && \ |
echo "Europe/London" > /etc/timezone |
# build-base: complication tools for bundle |
# yarn: node package manager |
# postgresql-dev: postgres driver and libraries |
RUN apk add --no-cache build-base yarn postgresql-dev git |
# Install bundler to run bundle exec |
# This should be the same version as the Gemfile.lock |
RUN gem install bundler:2.3.4 --no-document |
# Install gems defined in Gemfile |
COPY .ruby-version Gemfile Gemfile.lock /app/ |
RUN bundle config set without "development test" |
ARG BUNDLE_FLAGS="--jobs=4 --no-binstubs --no-cache" |
RUN bundle install ${BUNDLE_FLAGS} |
# Install node packages defined in package.json, including webpack |
COPY package.json yarn.lock /app/ |
RUN yarn install --frozen-lockfile |
# Copy all files to /app (except what is defined in .dockerignore) |
COPY . /app/ |
# Compile assets and run webpack. We set a dummy secret key. |
RUN RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails SECRET_KEY_BASE=pickasecuretoken assets:precompile |
# Cleanup to save space in the production image |
RUN rm -rf node_modules log tmp && \ |
rm -rf /usr/local/bundle/cache && \ |
rm -rf .env && \ |
find /usr/local/bundle/gems -name "*.c" -delete && \ |
find /usr/local/bundle/gems -name "*.h" -delete && \ |
find /usr/local/bundle/gems -name "*.o" -delete && \ |
find /usr/local/bundle/gems -name "*.html" -delete |
# Build runtime image |
FROM ruby:3.0.3-alpine as production |
# The application runs from /app |
WORKDIR /app |
# Add postgres driver library |
# Add the timezone as it's not configured by default in Alpine |
RUN apk add --update --no-cache libpq tzdata && \ |
cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/London /etc/localtime && \ |
echo "Europe/London" > /etc/timezone |
# Copy files generated in the builder image |
COPY --from=builder /app /app |
COPY --from=builder /usr/local/bundle/ /usr/local/bundle/ |
ENV PORT=8080 |
CMD RAILS_ENV=${RAILS_ENV} bundle exec rake db:migrate && bundle exec rails s -e ${RAILS_ENV} -p ${PORT} --binding=