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class LettingsLogValidator < ActiveModel::Validator |
# Validations methods need to be called 'validate_' to run on model save |
# or form page submission |
include Validations::SetupValidations |
include Validations::HouseholdValidations |
include Validations::PropertyValidations |
include Validations::FinancialValidations |
include Validations::TenancyValidations |
include Validations::DateValidations |
include Validations::LocalAuthorityValidations |
def validate(record) |
validation_methods = public_methods.select { |method| method.starts_with?("validate_") } |
validation_methods.each { |meth| public_send(meth, record) } |
end |
end |
class LettingsLog < Log |
include Validations::SoftValidations |
include DerivedVariables::LettingsLogVariables |
include Validations::DateValidations |
include Validations::FinancialValidations |
include MoneyFormattingHelper |
has_paper_trail |
validates_with LettingsLogValidator |
before_validation :recalculate_start_year!, if: :startdate_changed? |
before_validation :reset_scheme_location!, if: :scheme_changed?, unless: :location_changed? |
before_validation :process_postcode_changes!, if: :postcode_full_changed? |
before_validation :process_previous_postcode_changes!, if: :ppostcode_full_changed? |
before_validation :reset_invalidated_dependent_fields! |
before_validation :reset_location_fields!, unless: :postcode_known? |
before_validation :reset_previous_location_fields!, unless: :previous_postcode_known? |
before_validation :set_derived_fields! |
before_validation :process_uprn_change!, if: :should_process_uprn_change? |
before_validation :process_address_change!, if: :should_process_address_change? |
belongs_to :scheme, optional: true |
belongs_to :location, optional: true |
belongs_to :managing_organisation, class_name: "Organisation", optional: true |
scope :filter_by_year, ->(year) { where(startdate: Time.zone.local(year.to_i, 4, 1)...Time.zone.local(year.to_i + 1, 4, 1)) } |
scope :filter_by_years_or_nil, lambda { |years, _user = nil| |
first_year = years.shift |
query = filter_by_year(first_year) |
years.each { |year| query = query.or(filter_by_year(year)) } |
query = query.or(where(startdate: nil)) |
query.all |
} |
scope :filter_by_tenant_code, ->(tenant_code) { where("tenancycode ILIKE ?", "%#{tenant_code}%") } |
scope :filter_by_propcode, ->(propcode) { where("propcode ILIKE ?", "%#{propcode}%") } |
scope :filter_by_location_postcode, ->(postcode_full) { left_joins(:location).where("REPLACE(locations.postcode, ' ', '') ILIKE ?", "%#{postcode_full.delete(' ')}%") } |
scope :filter_by_needstype, ->(needstype) { where(needstype:) } |
scope :filter_by_needstypes, lambda { |needstypes, _user = nil| |
first_needstype = needstypes.shift |
query = filter_by_needstype(first_needstype) |
needstypes.each { |needstype| query = query.or(filter_by_needstype(needstype)) } |
query.all |
} |
scope :search_by, lambda { |param| |
by_id = Arel.sql("CASE WHEN lettings_logs.id = #{param.to_i} THEN 0 ELSE 1 END") |
by_tenant_code = Arel.sql("CASE WHEN tenancycode = '#{param}' THEN 0 WHEN tenancycode ILIKE '%#{param}%' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END") |
by_propcode = Arel.sql("CASE WHEN propcode = '#{param}' THEN 0 WHEN propcode ILIKE '%#{param}%' THEN 1 ELSE 2 END") |
by_postcode = Arel.sql("CASE WHEN REPLACE(postcode_full, ' ', '') = '#{param.delete(' ')}' THEN 0 when REPLACE(postcode_full, ' ', '') ILIKE '%#{param.delete(' ')}%' then 1 ELSE 2 END") |
filter_by_location_postcode(param) |
.or(filter_by_tenant_code(param)) |
.or(filter_by_propcode(param)) |
.or(filter_by_postcode(param)) |
.or(filter_by_id(param.gsub(/log/i, ""))) |
.order(by_id, by_tenant_code, by_propcode, by_postcode) |
} |
scope :after_date, ->(date) { where("lettings_logs.startdate >= ?", date) } |
scope :before_date, ->(date) { where("lettings_logs.startdate < ?", date) } |
scope :unresolved, -> { where(unresolved: true) } |
scope :age1_answered, -> { where.not(age1: nil).or(where(age1_known: 1)) } |
scope :tcharge_answered, -> { where.not(tcharge: nil).or(where(household_charge: 1)).or(where(is_carehome: 1)) } |
scope :chcharge_answered, -> { where.not(chcharge: nil).or(where(is_carehome: [nil, 0])) } |
scope :location_for_log_answered, ->(log) { where(location_id: log.location_id).or(where(needstype: 1)) } |
scope :postcode_for_log_answered, ->(log) { where(postcode_full: log.postcode_full).or(where(needstype: 2)) } |
scope :location_answered, -> { where.not(location_id: nil).or(where(needstype: 1)) } |
scope :postcode_answered, -> { where.not(postcode_full: nil).or(where(needstype: 2)) } |
scope :duplicate_logs, lambda { |log| |
visible |
.where.not(id: log.id) |
.where.not(startdate: nil) |
.where.not(sex1: nil) |
.where.not(ecstat1: nil) |
.where.not(needstype: nil) |
.age1_answered |
.tcharge_answered |
.chcharge_answered |
.location_for_log_answered(log) |
.postcode_for_log_answered(log) |
.where(log.slice(*DUPLICATE_LOG_ATTRIBUTES)) |
} |
scope :duplicate_sets, lambda { |assigned_to_id = nil| |
scope = visible |
.group(*DUPLICATE_LOG_ATTRIBUTES, :postcode_full, :location_id) |
.where.not(startdate: nil) |
.where.not(sex1: nil) |
.where.not(ecstat1: nil) |
.where.not(needstype: nil) |
.age1_answered |
.tcharge_answered |
.chcharge_answered |
.location_answered |
.postcode_answered |
.having( |
"COUNT(*) > 1", |
) |
if assigned_to_id |
scope = scope.having("MAX(CASE WHEN assigned_to_id = ? THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) >= 1", assigned_to_id) |
end |
scope.pluck("ARRAY_AGG(id)") |
} |
scope :with_illness_without_type, lambda { |
where(illness: 1, |
illness_type_1: false, |
illness_type_2: false, |
illness_type_3: false, |
illness_type_4: false, |
illness_type_5: false, |
illness_type_6: false, |
illness_type_7: false, |
illness_type_8: false, |
illness_type_9: false, |
illness_type_10: false) |
} |
AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS = %w[id status created_at updated_at discarded_at].freeze |
OPTIONAL_FIELDS = %w[tenancycode propcode chcharge].freeze |
RENT_TYPE_MAPPING_LABELS = { 1 => "Social Rent", 2 => "Affordable Rent", 3 => "Intermediate Rent" }.freeze |
HAS_BENEFITS_OPTIONS = [1, 6, 8, 7].freeze |
NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD = { 2 => 26, 3 => 13, 4 => 12, 5 => 50, 6 => 49, 7 => 48, 8 => 47, 9 => 46, 1 => 52, 10 => 53 }.freeze |
SUFFIX_FROM_PERIOD = { 2 => "every 2 weeks", 3 => "every 4 weeks", 4 => "every month" }.freeze |
DUPLICATE_LOG_ATTRIBUTES = %w[owning_organisation_id tenancycode startdate age1_known age1 sex1 ecstat1 tcharge household_charge chcharge].freeze |
social_rent: 0, |
affordable_rent: 1, |
london_affordable_rent: 2, |
rent_to_buy: 3, |
london_living_rent: 4, |
other_intermediate_rent_product: 5, |
}.freeze |
def form |
FormHandler.instance.get_form(form_name) || FormHandler.instance.current_lettings_form |
end |
def lettings? |
true |
end |
def sales? |
false |
end |
def form_name |
return unless startdate |
FormHandler.instance.form_name_from_start_year(collection_start_year, "lettings") |
end |
def self.editable_fields |
attribute_names - AUTOGENERATED_FIELDS |
end |
def la |
if location |
location.linked_local_authorities.active(form.start_date).first&.code || location.location_code |
else |
super |
end |
end |
def postcode_full |
if location |
location.postcode |
else |
super |
end |
end |
def postcode_full=(postcode) |
if postcode |
super UKPostcode.parse(postcode).to_s |
else |
super nil |
end |
end |
def ppostcode_full=(postcode) |
if postcode |
super UKPostcode.parse(postcode).to_s |
else |
super nil |
end |
end |
def weekly_net_income |
return unless earnings && incfreq |
if net_income_is_weekly? |
earnings |
elsif net_income_is_monthly? |
((earnings * 12) / 52.0).round(0) |
elsif net_income_is_yearly? |
(earnings / 52.0).round(0) |
end |
end |
def weekly_value(field_value) |
num_of_weeks = NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD[period] |
return unless field_value && num_of_weeks |
(field_value / 52 * num_of_weeks).round(2) |
end |
def weekly_to_value_per_period(field_value) |
num_of_weeks = NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD[period] |
format_as_currency((field_value * 52) / num_of_weeks) |
end |
def applicable_income_range |
return unless ecstat1 && hhmemb |
range = ALLOWED_INCOME_RANGES[ecstat1].clone |
if hhmemb > 1 |
(2..hhmemb).each do |person_index| |
ecstat = self["ecstat#{person_index}"] |
if ecstat.nil? |
age = self["age#{person_index}"] |
# This should match the conditions under which ecstat is inferred as 9 (child under 16) |
ecstat = age && age < 16 ? 9 : 10 |
end |
person_range = ALLOWED_INCOME_RANGES[ecstat] |
range.soft_min += person_range.soft_min |
range.hard_min += person_range.hard_min |
range.soft_max += person_range.soft_max |
range.hard_max += person_range.hard_max |
end |
end |
range |
end |
def first_time_property_let_as_social_housing? |
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing == 1 |
end |
def net_income_refused? |
# 2: Tenant prefers not to say |
net_income_known == 2 |
end |
def net_income_is_weekly? |
# 1: Weekly |
!!(incfreq && incfreq == 1) |
end |
def net_income_is_monthly? |
# 2: Monthly |
incfreq == 2 |
end |
def net_income_is_yearly? |
# 3: Yearly |
incfreq == 3 |
end |
def net_income_soft_validation_triggered? |
net_income_in_soft_min_range? || net_income_in_soft_max_range? |
end |
def given_reasonable_preference? |
# 1: Yes |
reasonpref == 1 |
end |
def is_renewal? |
# 1: Yes |
renewal == 1 |
end |
def starter_tenancy? |
startertenancy == 1 |
end |
def tenancy_type_fixed_term? |
[4, 6].include? tenancy |
end |
def tenancy_type_periodic? |
tenancy == 8 |
end |
def is_general_needs? |
# 1: General Needs |
needstype == 1 |
end |
def is_supported_housing? |
# 2: Supported Housing |
needstype == 2 |
end |
def has_housing_benefit_rent_shortfall? |
# 1: Yes |
hbrentshortfall == 1 |
end |
def postcode_known? |
# 1: Yes |
postcode_known == 1 |
end |
def previous_postcode_known? |
# 0: Yes |
ppcodenk&.zero? |
end |
def previous_la_known? |
# 1: Yes |
previous_la_known == 1 |
end |
def tshortfall_unknown? |
tshortfall_known == 1 |
end |
def is_fixed_term_tenancy? |
[4, 6].include?(tenancy) |
end |
def is_secure_tenancy? |
return unless collection_start_year |
# 1: Secure (including flexible) |
if collection_start_year < 2022 |
tenancy == 1 |
else |
# 6: Secure - fixed term, 7: Secure - lifetime |
[6, 7].include?(tenancy) |
end |
end |
def is_assured_shorthold_tenancy? |
# 4: Assured Shorthold |
tenancy == 4 |
end |
def is_periodic_tenancy? |
# 8: Periodic |
tenancy == 8 |
end |
def is_internal_transfer? |
# 1: Internal Transfer |
referral == 1 |
end |
def is_relet_to_temp_tenant? |
# 9: Re-let to tenant who occupied same property as temporary accommodation |
rsnvac == 9 |
end |
def is_bedsit? |
# 2: Bedsit |
unittype_gn == 2 |
end |
def is_beds_inferred? |
form.start_year_after_2024? && is_bedsit? |
end |
def is_shared_housing? |
# 4: Shared flat or maisonette |
# 9: Shared house |
# 10: Shared bungalow |
[4, 9, 10].include?(unittype_gn) |
end |
def has_first_let_vacancy_reason? |
# 15: First let of new-build property |
# 16: First let of conversion, rehabilitation or acquired property |
# 17: First let of leased property |
[15, 16, 17].include?(rsnvac) |
end |
def vacancy_reason_not_renewal_or_first_let? |
[5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22].include? rsnvac |
end |
def previous_tenancy_was_temporary? |
# 4: Tied housing or renting with job |
# 6: Supported housing |
# 8: Sheltered accommodation (<= 21/22) |
# 24: Housed by National Asylum Support Service (prev Home Office) |
# 25: Other |
# 34: Specialist retirement housing |
# 35: Extra care housing |
![4, 6, 8, 24, 25, 34, 35].include?(prevten) |
end |
def armed_forces_regular? |
# 1: Yes – the person is a current or former regular |
!!(armedforces && armedforces == 1) |
end |
def armed_forces_no? |
# 2: No |
armedforces == 2 |
end |
def armed_forces_refused? |
# 3: Person prefers not to say / Refused |
armedforces == 3 |
end |
def has_pregnancy? |
# 1: Yes |
!!(preg_occ && preg_occ == 1) |
end |
def pregnancy_refused? |
# 3: Tenant prefers not to say / Refused |
preg_occ == 3 |
end |
def is_assessed_homeless? |
# 11: Assessed as homeless (or threatened with homelessness within 56 days) by a local authority and owed a homelessness duty |
homeless == 11 |
end |
def is_not_homeless? |
# 1: No |
homeless == 1 |
end |
def is_london_rent? |
# 2: London Affordable Rent |
# 4: London Living Rent |
rent_type == 2 || rent_type == 4 |
end |
def previous_tenancy_was_foster_care? |
# 13: Children's home or foster care |
prevten == 13 |
end |
def previous_tenancy_was_refuge? |
# 21: Refuge |
prevten == 21 |
end |
def is_reason_permanently_decanted? |
# 1: Permanently decanted from another property owned by this landlord |
reason == 1 |
end |
def receives_housing_benefit_only? |
# 1: Housing benefit |
hb == 1 |
end |
def benefits_unknown? |
hb == 3 |
end |
# Option 8 has been removed starting from 22/23 |
def receives_housing_benefit_and_universal_credit? |
# 8: Housing benefit and Universal Credit (without housing element) |
hb == 8 |
end |
def receives_uc_with_housing_element_excl_housing_benefit? |
# 6: Universal Credit with housing element (excluding housing benefit) |
hb == 6 |
end |
def receives_no_benefits? |
# 9: None |
hb == 9 |
end |
def tenant_refuses_to_say_benefits? |
hb == 10 |
end |
# Option 7 has been removed starting from 22/23 |
def receives_universal_credit_but_no_housing_benefit? |
# 7: Universal Credit (without housing element) |
hb == 7 |
end |
def receives_housing_related_benefits? |
if collection_start_year <= 2021 |
receives_housing_benefit_only? || receives_uc_with_housing_element_excl_housing_benefit? || |
receives_housing_benefit_and_universal_credit? |
else |
receives_housing_benefit_only? || receives_uc_with_housing_element_excl_housing_benefit? |
end |
end |
def local_housing_referral? |
# 3: PRP lettings only - Nominated by local housing authority |
referral == 3 |
end |
def is_prevten_la_general_needs? |
# 30: Fixed term Local Authority General Needs tenancy |
# 31: Lifetime Local Authority General Needs tenancy |
[30, 31].any?(prevten) |
end |
def owning_organisation_name |
owning_organisation&.name |
end |
def managing_organisation_name |
managing_organisation&.name |
end |
def beds_for_la_rent_range |
return 0 if is_supported_housing? |
beds.nil? ? nil : [beds, LaRentRange::MAX_BEDS].min |
end |
def soft_min_for_period |
soft_min = LaRentRange.find_by( |
start_year: collection_start_year, |
la:, |
beds: beds_for_la_rent_range, |
lettype:, |
).soft_min |
"#{soft_value_for_period(soft_min)} #{SUFFIX_FROM_PERIOD[period].presence || 'every week'}" |
end |
def soft_max_for_period |
soft_max = LaRentRange.find_by( |
start_year: collection_start_year, |
la:, |
beds: beds_for_la_rent_range, |
lettype:, |
).soft_max |
"#{soft_value_for_period(soft_max)} #{SUFFIX_FROM_PERIOD[period].presence || 'every week'}" |
end |
def optional_fields |
OPTIONAL_FIELDS + dynamically_not_required |
end |
def age_unknown?(person_num) |
return false unless person_num.is_a?(Integer) |
public_send("age#{person_num}_known") == 1 |
end |
def unittype_sh |
location.type_of_unit_before_type_cast if location |
end |
def renttype_detail |
form.get_question("rent_type", self)&.label_from_value(rent_type) |
end |
def renttype_detail_code |
RENTTYPE_DETAIL_MAPPING[rent_type] if rent_type.present? |
end |
def non_location_setup_questions_completed? |
form.setup_sections.all? do |section| |
section.subsections.all? do |subsection| |
relevant_qs = subsection.questions.reject { |q| optional_fields.include?(q.id) || %w[scheme_id location_id].include?(q.id) } |
relevant_applicable_qs = select_applicable_questions(self, relevant_qs) |
relevant_applicable_qs.all? do |question| |
question.completed?(self) |
end |
end |
end |
end |
# this is the same as the subsection method, but only for given questions |
def select_applicable_questions(log, questions) |
questions.select do |q| |
(q.displayed_to_user?(log) && !q.derived?(log)) || q.is_derived_or_has_inferred_check_answers_value?(log) |
end |
end |
def resolve! |
update(unresolved: false) |
end |
def owning_organisation_provider_type |
owning_organisation&.provider_type |
end |
def reset_assigned_to! |
return unless updated_by&.support? |
return if owning_organisation.blank? || managing_organisation.blank? || assigned_to.blank? |
return if assigned_to&.organisation == managing_organisation || assigned_to&.organisation == owning_organisation |
return if assigned_to&.organisation == owning_organisation.absorbing_organisation || assigned_to&.organisation == managing_organisation.absorbing_organisation |
update!(assigned_to: nil) |
end |
def care_home_charge_expected_not_provided? |
is_carehome? && chcharge.blank? |
end |
def rent_and_charges_paid_weekly? |
[1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10].include? period |
end |
def rent_and_charges_paid_every_4_weeks? |
period == 3 |
end |
def rent_and_charges_paid_every_2_weeks? |
period == 2 |
end |
def rent_and_charges_paid_monthly? |
period == 4 |
end |
def is_carehome? |
is_carehome == 1 |
end |
def blank_compound_invalid_non_setup_fields! |
super |
self.postcode_known = nil if errors.attribute_names.include? :postcode_full |
if errors.of_kind?(:earnings, :under_hard_min) |
self.incfreq = nil |
end |
end |
def la_referral_for_general_needs? |
is_general_needs? && referral == 4 |
end |
def has_any_person_details?(person_index) |
["sex#{person_index}", "relat#{person_index}", "ecstat#{person_index}"].any? { |field| public_send(field).present? } || public_send("age#{person_index}_known") == 1 |
end |
def details_not_known_for_person?(person_index) |
public_send("details_known_#{person_index}") == 1 |
end |
def duplicate_check_question_ids |
["owning_organisation_id", |
"startdate", |
"tenancycode", |
form.start_date.year < 2023 || uprn.blank? ? "postcode_full" : nil, |
form.start_date.year >= 2023 && uprn.present? ? "uprn" : nil, |
"scheme_id", |
"location_id", |
"age1", |
"sex1", |
"ecstat1", |
household_charge == 1 ? "household_charge" : nil, |
"tcharge", |
is_carehome? ? "chcharge" : nil].compact |
end |
def letting_allocation_none |
letting_allocation_unknown |
end |
def affordable_or_social_rent? |
renttype == 1 || renttype == 2 |
end |
def no_or_unknown_other_housing_needs? |
housingneeds_other&.zero? || housingneeds_other == 2 |
end |
def has_housingneeds? |
housingneeds == 1 |
end |
def housingneeds_type_not_listed? |
housingneeds_type == 3 |
end |
def duplicates |
LettingsLog.where.not(duplicate_set_id: nil).where(duplicate_set_id:).where.not(id:) |
end |
def address_search_given? |
address_line1_input.present? && postcode_full_input.present? |
end |
def process_postcode_changes! |
self.postcode_full = upcase_and_remove_whitespace(postcode_full) |
return if postcode_full.blank? |
self.postcode_known = 1 |
inferred_la = get_inferred_la(postcode_full) |
self.is_la_inferred = inferred_la.present? |
self.la = inferred_la if inferred_la.present? |
end |
def scheme_has_multiple_locations? |
return false unless scheme |
scheme_locations_count ||= scheme.locations.active_in_2_weeks.size |
scheme_locations_count > 1 |
end |
def scheme_has_large_number_of_locations? |
return false unless scheme |
scheme_locations_count ||= scheme.locations.active_in_2_weeks.size |
scheme_locations_count > 19 |
end |
private |
def reset_invalid_unresolved_log_fields! |
return unless unresolved? |
validate_property_void_date(self) |
self.voiddate = nil if errors[:voiddate].present? |
validate_property_major_repairs(self) |
self.mrcdate = nil if errors[:mrcdate].present? |
validate_rent_range(self) |
if errors[:brent].present? |
self.brent = nil |
self.scharge = nil |
self.pscharge = nil |
self.supcharg = nil |
self.tcharge = nil |
end |
errors.clear |
end |
def reset_scheme |
return unless scheme && owning_organisation |
return unless scheme.owning_organisation != owning_organisation |
self.scheme = nil |
self.location = nil |
end |
def reset_invalidated_dependent_fields! |
super |
reset_invalid_unresolved_log_fields! |
reset_scheme |
end |
def dynamically_not_required |
not_required = [] |
not_required << "previous_la_known" if postcode_known? |
not_required << "tshortfall" if tshortfall_unknown? |
not_required << "tenancylength" if tenancylength_optional? |
not_required |= %w[address_line2 county postcode_full] if startdate && collection_start_year_for_date(startdate) >= 2023 |
not_required |
end |
def tenancylength_optional? |
return false unless collection_start_year |
return true if collection_start_year < 2022 |
collection_start_year >= 2022 && !is_fixed_term_tenancy? |
end |
def process_previous_postcode_changes! |
self.ppostcode_full = upcase_and_remove_whitespace(ppostcode_full) |
return if ppostcode_full.blank? |
self.ppcodenk = 0 |
inferred_la = get_inferred_la(ppostcode_full) |
self.is_previous_la_inferred = inferred_la.present? |
self.prevloc = inferred_la if inferred_la.present? |
end |
def get_has_benefits |
HAS_BENEFITS_OPTIONS.include?(hb) ? 1 : 0 |
end |
def get_lettype |
return unless rent_type.present? && needstype.present? && owning_organisation.present? && owning_organisation[:provider_type].present? |
when "Social Rent" |
if is_supported_housing? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 2 : 4 |
elsif is_general_needs? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 1 : 3 |
end |
when "Affordable Rent" |
if is_supported_housing? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 6 : 8 |
elsif is_general_needs? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 5 : 7 |
end |
when "Intermediate Rent" |
if is_supported_housing? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 10 : 12 |
elsif is_general_needs? |
owning_organisation[:provider_type] == "PRP" ? 9 : 11 |
end |
end |
end |
def age_refused? |
[age1_known, age2_known, age3_known, age4_known, age5_known, age6_known, age7_known, age8_known].any?(1) |
end |
def sex_refused? |
[sex1, sex2, sex3, sex4, sex5, sex6, sex7, sex8].any?("R") |
end |
def relat_refused? |
[relat2, relat3, relat4, relat5, relat6, relat7, relat8].any?("R") |
end |
def ecstat_refused? |
[ecstat1, ecstat2, ecstat3, ecstat4, ecstat5, ecstat6, ecstat7, ecstat8].any?(10) |
end |
def details_unknown? |
[details_known_2, details_known_3, details_known_4, details_known_5, details_known_6, details_known_7, details_known_8].any?(1) |
end |
def soft_value_for_period(value) |
num_of_weeks = NUM_OF_WEEKS_FROM_PERIOD[period] |
return "" unless value && num_of_weeks |
format_as_currency((value * 52 / num_of_weeks)) |
end |
def fully_wheelchair_accessible? |
housingneeds_type.present? && housingneeds_type.zero? |
end |
def essential_wheelchair_access? |
housingneeds_type == 1 |
end |
def level_access_housing? |
housingneeds_type == 2 |
end |
def other_housingneeds? |
housingneeds_other == 1 |
end |
def no_housingneeds? |
housingneeds == 2 |
end |
def unknown_housingneeds? |
housingneeds == 3 |
end |
def should_process_uprn_change? |
return unless uprn |
return unless startdate |
return unless collection_start_year_for_date(startdate) >= 2023 |
uprn_changed? || startdate_changed? |
end |
def should_process_address_change? |
return unless uprn_selection || select_best_address_match |
return unless startdate |
return unless form.start_year_after_2024? |
if select_best_address_match |
address_line1_input.present? && postcode_full_input.present? |
else |
uprn_selection_changed? || startdate_changed? |
end |
end |