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class LocationsController < ApplicationController |
include Pagy::Backend |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
before_action :authenticate_scope! |
before_action :find_location, except: %i[new create index] |
before_action :find_scheme |
before_action :authenticate_action! |
include Modules::SearchFilter |
def index |
@pagy, @locations = pagy(filtered_collection(@scheme.locations, search_term)) |
@total_count = @scheme.locations.size |
@searched = search_term.presence |
end |
def new |
@location = Location.new |
end |
def create |
if date_params_missing?(location_params) || valid_date_params?(location_params) |
@location = Location.new(location_params) |
if @location.save |
if @location.location_admin_district.nil? |
redirect_to(location_edit_local_authority_path(id: @scheme.id, location_id: @location.id, add_another_location: location_params[:add_another_location])) |
elsif location_params[:add_another_location] == "Yes" |
redirect_to new_location_path(@scheme) |
else |
check_answers_path = @scheme.confirmed? ? scheme_check_answers_path(@scheme, anchor: "locations") : scheme_check_answers_path(@scheme) |
redirect_to check_answers_path |
end |
else |
render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
else |
@location = Location.new(location_params.except("startdate(3i)", "startdate(2i)", "startdate(1i)")) |
@location.valid? |
@location.errors.add(:startdate) |
render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
def edit |
render_not_found and return unless @location && @scheme |
end |
def edit_name |
render_not_found and return unless @location && @scheme |
end |
def edit_local_authority |
render_not_found and return unless @location && @scheme |
end |
def update |
render_not_found and return unless @location && @scheme |
page = params[:location][:page] |
if page == "edit-local-authority" && !valid_location_admin_district?(location_params) |
error_message = I18n.t("validations.location_admin_district") |
@location.errors.add :location_admin_district, error_message |
render :edit_local_authority, status: :unprocessable_entity |
else |
if page == "edit-local-authority" |
params[:location][:location_code] = Location.local_authorities.key(params[:location][:location_admin_district]) |
end |
if @location.update(location_params) |
case page |
when "edit" |
if @location.location_admin_district.nil? |
redirect_to(location_edit_local_authority_path(id: @scheme.id, location_id: @location.id, add_another_location: location_params[:add_another_location])) |
elsif location_params[:add_another_location] == "Yes" |
redirect_to(new_location_path(@location.scheme)) |
else |
redirect_to(scheme_check_answers_path(@scheme, anchor: "locations")) |
end |
when "edit-name" |
redirect_to(scheme_check_answers_path(@scheme, anchor: "locations")) |
when "edit-local-authority" |
if params[:add_another_location] == "Yes" |
redirect_to(new_location_path(@location.scheme)) |
else |
redirect_to(scheme_check_answers_path(@scheme, anchor: "locations")) |
end |
end |
else |
render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
end |
private |
def valid_date_params?(location_params) |
is_integer?(location_params["startdate(1i)"]) && is_integer?(location_params["startdate(2i)"]) && is_integer?(location_params["startdate(3i)"]) && |
Date.valid_date?(location_params["startdate(1i)"].to_i, location_params["startdate(2i)"].to_i, location_params["startdate(3i)"].to_i) |
end |
def date_params_missing?(location_params) |
location_params["startdate(1i)"].blank? || location_params["startdate(2i)"].blank? || location_params["startdate(3i)"].blank? |
end |
def is_integer?(string) |
string.sub(/^0+/, "").to_i.to_s == string.sub(/^0+/, "") |
end |
def find_scheme |
@scheme = if %w[new create index edit_name].include?(action_name) |
Scheme.find(params[:id]) |
else |
@location&.scheme |
end |
end |
def find_location |
@location = params[:location_id].present? ? Location.find_by(id: params[:location_id]) : Location.find_by(id: params[:id]) |
end |
def authenticate_scope! |
head :unauthorized and return unless current_user.data_coordinator? || current_user.support? |
end |
def authenticate_action! |
if %w[new edit update create index edit_name edit_local_authority].include?(action_name) && !((current_user.organisation == @scheme&.owning_organisation) || current_user.support?) |
render_not_found and return |
end |
end |
def location_params |
required_params = params.require(:location).permit(:postcode, :name, :units, :type_of_unit, :add_another_location, :startdate, :mobility_type, :location_admin_district, :location_code).merge(scheme_id: @scheme.id) |
required_params[:postcode] = PostcodeService.clean(required_params[:postcode]) if required_params[:postcode] |
required_params |
end |
def search_term |
params["search"] |
end |
def valid_location_admin_district?(location_params) |
location_params["location_admin_district"] != "Select an option" |
end |