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379 lines
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379 lines
14 KiB
class Scheme < ApplicationRecord |
belongs_to :owning_organisation, class_name: "Organisation" |
has_many :locations, dependent: :delete_all |
has_many :lettings_logs, class_name: "LettingsLog", dependent: :delete_all |
has_many :scheme_deactivation_periods, class_name: "SchemeDeactivationPeriod" |
has_paper_trail |
scope :filter_by_id, ->(id) { where(id: (id.start_with?("S", "s") ? id[1..] : id)) } |
scope :search_by_service_name, ->(name) { where("service_name ILIKE ?", "%#{name}%") } |
scope :search_by_postcode, ->(postcode) { where(" IN (SELECT DISTINCT scheme_id FROM locations WHERE REPLACE(locations.postcode, ' ', '') ILIKE ?)", "%#{postcode.delete(' ')}%") } |
scope :search_by_location_name, ->(name) { where(" IN (SELECT DISTINCT scheme_id FROM locations WHERE ILIKE ?)", "%#{name}%") } |
scope :search_by, lambda { |param| |
search_by_postcode(param) |
.or(search_by_service_name(param)) |
.or(search_by_location_name(param)) |
.or(filter_by_id(param)) |
} |
scope :order_by_service_name, lambda { |
order("lower(service_name) ASC") |
} |
scope :filter_by_owning_organisation, ->(owning_organisation, _user = nil) { where(owning_organisation:) } |
scope :filter_by_status, lambda { |statuses, _user = nil| |
filtered_records = all |
scopes = [] |
statuses.each do |status| |
status = status == "active" ? "active_status" : status |
if respond_to?(status, true) |
scopes << send(status) |
end |
end |
if scopes.any? |
filtered_records = filtered_records |
.left_outer_joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods) |
.joins(:owning_organisation) |
.merge(scopes.reduce(&:or)) |
end |
filtered_records |
} |
scope :incomplete, lambda { |
where.not(confirmed: true) |
.or(where(confirmed: nil)) |
.or(where.not(id: true).distinct)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).deactivated_by_organisation.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).deactivated_directly.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).reactivating_soon.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).deactivating_soon.pluck(:id)) |
} |
scope :deactivated, lambda { |
deactivated_by_organisation |
.or(deactivated_directly) |
} |
scope :deactivated_by_organisation, lambda { |date =| |
merge(Organisation.filter_by_inactive.or(Organisation.where("merge_date <= ?", date))) |
} |
scope :deactivated_directly, lambda { |date =| |
merge(SchemeDeactivationPeriod.deactivations_without_reactivation) |
.where("scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivation_date <= ?", date) |
} |
scope :deactivating_soon, lambda { |date =| |
merge(SchemeDeactivationPeriod.deactivations_without_reactivation) |
.where("scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivation_date > ? AND scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivation_date < ? ", date, 6.months.from_now) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).deactivated_by_organisation.pluck(:id)) |
} |
scope :reactivating_soon, lambda { |date =| |
merge(SchemeDeactivationPeriod.deactivations_with_reactivation) |
.where.not("scheme_deactivation_periods.reactivation_date IS NULL") |
.where("scheme_deactivation_periods.reactivation_date > ?", date) |
.where("scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivation_date <= ?", date) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).deactivated_by_organisation.pluck(:id)) |
} |
scope :activating_soon, lambda { |date =| |
where("schemes.startdate > ?", date) |
} |
scope :active_status, lambda { |
where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).reactivating_soon.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: incomplete.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).deactivating_soon.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).deactivated_by_organisation.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).deactivated_directly.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: activating_soon.pluck(:id)) |
} |
scope :active, lambda { |date =| |
where.not(id: joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).reactivating_soon(date).pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: incomplete.pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).deactivated_by_organisation(date).pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: joins(:owning_organisation).joins(:scheme_deactivation_periods).deactivated_directly(date).pluck(:id)) |
.where.not(id: activating_soon(date).pluck(:id)) |
} |
scope :visible, -> { where(discarded_at: nil) } |
scope :duplicate_sets, lambda { |
scope = visible |
.where.not(scheme_type: nil) |
.where.not(registered_under_care_act: nil) |
.where.not(primary_client_group: nil) |
.where.not(has_other_client_group: nil) |
.where.not(secondary_client_group: nil).or(where(has_other_client_group: 0)) |
.where.not(support_type: nil) |
.where.not(intended_stay: nil) |
.having( |
"COUNT(*) > 1", |
) |
scope.pluck("ARRAY_AGG(id)") |
} |
scope :duplicate_active_sets, lambda { |
scope = active |
.where.not(scheme_type: nil) |
.where.not(registered_under_care_act: nil) |
.where.not(primary_client_group: nil) |
.where.not(has_other_client_group: nil) |
.where.not(secondary_client_group: nil).or(where(has_other_client_group: 0)) |
.where.not(support_type: nil) |
.where.not(intended_stay: nil) |
.having( |
"COUNT(*) > 1", |
) |
scope.pluck("ARRAY_AGG(id)") |
} |
validate :validate_confirmed |
validate :validate_owning_organisation |
auto_strip_attributes :service_name, squish: true |
No: 0, |
Yes: 1, |
}.freeze |
enum :sensitive, SENSITIVE, suffix: true |
"Yes – registered care home providing nursing care": 4, |
"Yes – registered care home providing personal care": 3, |
"Yes – part registered as a care home": 2, |
"No": 1, |
}.freeze |
enum :registered_under_care_act, REGISTERED_UNDER_CARE_ACT |
"Direct Access Hostel": 5, |
"Foyer": 4, |
"Housing for older people": 7, |
"Other Supported Housing": 6, |
"Missing": 0, |
}.freeze |
enum :scheme_type, SCHEME_TYPE, suffix: true |
"Missing": 0, |
"Low level": 2, |
"Medium level": 3, |
"High level": 4, |
"Nursing care in a care home": 5, |
"Floating support": 6, |
}.freeze |
enum :support_type, SUPPORT_TYPE, suffix: true |
"Homeless families with support needs": "O", |
"Offenders and people at risk of offending": "H", |
"Older people with support needs": "M", |
"People at risk of domestic violence": "L", |
"People with a physical or sensory disability": "A", |
"People with alcohol problems": "G", |
"People with drug problems": "F", |
"People with HIV or AIDS": "B", |
"People with learning disabilities": "D", |
"People with mental health problems": "E", |
"Refugees (permanent)": "I", |
"Rough sleepers": "S", |
"Single homeless people with support needs": "N", |
"Teenage parents": "R", |
"Young people at risk": "Q", |
"Young people leaving care": "P", |
"Missing": "X", |
}.freeze |
enum :primary_client_group, PRIMARY_CLIENT_GROUP, suffix: true |
enum :secondary_client_group, PRIMARY_CLIENT_GROUP, suffix: true |
"Very short stay": "V", |
"Short stay": "S", |
"Medium stay": "M", |
"Permanent": "P", |
"Missing": "X", |
}.freeze |
No: 0, |
Yes: 1, |
}.freeze |
enum :intended_stay, INTENDED_STAY, suffix: true |
enum :has_other_client_group, HAS_OTHER_CLIENT_GROUP, suffix: true |
"The same organisation that owns the housing stock": "D", |
"Another registered stock owner": "R", |
"A registered charity or voluntary organisation": "V", |
"Another organisation": "O", |
"Missing": "X", |
}.freeze |
DUPLICATE_SCHEME_ATTRIBUTES = %w[scheme_type registered_under_care_act primary_client_group secondary_client_group has_other_client_group support_type intended_stay].freeze |
enum :arrangement_type, ARRANGEMENT_TYPE, suffix: true |
def self.find_by_id_on_multiple_fields(scheme_id, location_id) |
return if scheme_id.nil? |
if scheme_id.start_with?("S") |
where(id: scheme_id[1..]).first |
elsif location_id.present? |
joins(:locations).where("ltrim(schemes.old_visible_id, '0') = ? AND ltrim(locations.old_visible_id, '0') = ?", scheme_id.to_i.to_s, location_id.to_i.to_s).first || where("ltrim(schemes.old_visible_id, '0') = ?", scheme_id.to_i.to_s).first |
else |
where("ltrim(old_visible_id, '0') = ?", scheme_id.to_i.to_s).first |
end |
end |
def id_to_display |
"S#{id}" |
end |
def check_details_attributes |
[ |
{ name: "Scheme code", value: id_to_display, id: "id" }, |
{ name: "Name", value: service_name, id: "service_name", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Status", value: status, id: "status" }, |
{ name: "Confidential information", value: sensitive, id: "sensitive", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Type of scheme", value: scheme_type, id: "scheme_type", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Registered under Care Standards Act 2000", value: registered_under_care_act, id: "registered_under_care_act", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Housing stock owned by", value:, id: "owning_organisation_id", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Support services provided by", value: arrangement_type, id: "arrangement_type", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Primary client group", value: primary_client_group, id: "primary_client_group", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Has another client group", value: has_other_client_group, id: "has_other_client_group", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Secondary client group", value: secondary_client_group, id: "secondary_client_group", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Level of support given", value: support_type, id: "support_type", edit: true }, |
{ name: "Intended length of stay", value: intended_stay, id: "intended_stay", edit: true }, |
] |
end |
def care_acts_options_with_hints |
hints = { "Yes – part registered as a care home": "A proportion of units are registered as being a care home." } |
| { |key, _| key, name: key.to_s.humanize, description: hints[key.to_sym]) } |
end |
def support_level_options_with_hints |
hints = { |
"Low level": "Staff visiting once a week, fortnightly or less.", |
"Medium level": "Staff on site daily or making frequent visits with some out-of-hours cover.", |
"High level": "Intensive level of staffing provided on a 24-hour basis.", |
} |
Scheme.support_types.keys.excluding("Missing").excluding("Floating support").map { |key, _| key, name: key.to_s.humanize, description: hints[key.to_sym]) } |
end |
def intended_length_of_stay_options_with_hints |
hints = { |
"Very short stay": "Up to one month.", |
"Short stay": "Up to one year.", |
"Medium stay": "More than one year but with an expectation to move on.", |
"Permanent": "Provides a home for life with no requirement for the tenant to move.", |
} |
Scheme.intended_stays.keys.excluding("Missing").map { |key, _| key, name: key.to_s.humanize, description: hints[key.to_sym]) } |
end |
def validate_confirmed |
required_attributes = attribute_names - %w[id created_at updated_at old_id old_visible_id confirmed end_date sensitive secondary_client_group total_units deactivation_date deactivation_date_type startdate discarded_at] |
if confirmed == true |
required_attributes.any? do |attribute| |
if self[attribute].blank? |
errors.add attribute.to_sym |
self.confirmed = false |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def validate_owning_organisation |
unless owning_organisation&.holds_own_stock? |
errors.add(:owning_organisation_id, :does_not_own_stock, message: I18n.t("validations.scheme.owning_organisation.does_not_own_stock")) |
end |
end |
def available_from |
startdate || FormHandler.instance.earliest_open_collection_start_date(now: created_at) |
end |
def open_deactivation |
scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivations_without_reactivation.first |
end |
def reactivation_date_after(date) |
return nil if scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivations_without_reactivation.any? |
periods_ending_in_future = scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivations_with_reactivation.where("reactivation_date > ?", date).all |
| { |period| %i[active deactivating_soon].include?(status_at(period.reactivation_date)) }.map(&:reactivation_date).min |
end |
def last_deactivation_date |
scheme_deactivation_periods.order(deactivation_date: :desc).first&.deactivation_date |
end |
def status |
@status ||= status_at( |
end |
def status_at(date) |
return :deleted if discarded_at.present? |
return :deactivated if owning_organisation.status_at(date) == :deactivated || owning_organisation.status_at(date) == :merged || |
(open_deactivation&.deactivation_date.present? && date >= open_deactivation.deactivation_date) |
return :incomplete unless confirmed && locations.confirmed.any? |
return :deactivating_soon if open_deactivation&.deactivation_date.present? && date < open_deactivation.deactivation_date |
return :reactivating_soon if scheme_deactivation_periods.deactivations_with_reactivation.any? { |p| p.includes_date?(date) } |
return :activating_soon if startdate.present? && date < startdate |
:active |
end |
def active? |
status == :active |
end |
def has_active_locations? |
| |
end |
def has_active_locations_on_date?(date) |
return false unless date |
| |
end |
def reactivating_soon? |
status == :reactivating_soon |
end |
def deactivated? |
status == :deactivated |
end |
def deactivating_soon? |
status == :deactivating_soon |
end |
def deactivates_in_a_long_time? |
status_at(6.months.from_now) == :deactivating_soon |
end |
def discard! |
update!(discarded_at: |
locations.each(&:discard!) |
end |