79 lines
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79 lines
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module SchemesHelper |
def display_scheme_attributes(scheme, user) |
base_attributes = [ |
{ name: "Scheme code", value: scheme.id_to_display }, |
{ name: "Name", value: scheme.service_name, edit: true }, |
{ name: "Confidential information", value: scheme.sensitive, edit: true }, |
{ name: "Type of scheme", value: scheme.scheme_type }, |
{ name: "Registered under Care Standards Act 2000", value: scheme.registered_under_care_act }, |
{ name: "Housing stock owned by", value: scheme.owning_organisation.name, edit: true }, |
{ name: "Support services provided by", value: scheme.arrangement_type }, |
{ name: "Organisation providing support", value: scheme.managing_organisation&.name }, |
{ name: "Primary client group", value: scheme.primary_client_group }, |
{ name: "Has another client group", value: scheme.has_other_client_group }, |
{ name: "Secondary client group", value: scheme.secondary_client_group }, |
{ name: "Level of support given", value: scheme.support_type }, |
{ name: "Intended length of stay", value: scheme.intended_stay }, |
{ name: "Availability", value: scheme_availability(scheme) }, |
] |
if FeatureToggle.scheme_toggle_enabled? |
base_attributes.append({ name: "Status", value: status_tag(scheme.status) }) |
end |
if user.data_coordinator? |
base_attributes.delete_if { |item| item[:name] == "Housing stock owned by" } |
end |
if scheme.arrangement_type_same? |
base_attributes.delete_if { |item| item[:name] == "Organisation providing support" } |
end |
base_attributes |
end |
def scheme_availability(scheme) |
availability = "" |
scheme_active_periods(scheme).each do |period| |
if period.from.present? |
availability << "\nActive from #{period.from.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}" |
availability << " to #{(period.to - 1.day).to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}\nDeactivated on #{period.to.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)}" if period.to.present? |
end |
end |
availability.strip |
end |
def toggle_scheme_link(scheme) |
return govuk_button_link_to "Deactivate this scheme", scheme_new_deactivation_path(scheme), warning: true if scheme.active? |
return govuk_button_link_to "Reactivate this scheme", scheme_new_reactivation_path(scheme) if scheme.deactivated? |
end |
private |
ActivePeriod = Struct.new(:from, :to) |
def scheme_active_periods(scheme) |
periods = [ActivePeriod.new(scheme.available_from, nil)] |
sorted_deactivation_periods = remove_nested_periods(scheme.scheme_deactivation_periods.sort_by(&:deactivation_date)) |
sorted_deactivation_periods.each do |deactivation| |
periods.last.to = deactivation.deactivation_date |
periods << ActivePeriod.new(deactivation.reactivation_date, nil) |
end |
remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods(periods) |
end |
def remove_overlapping_and_empty_periods(periods) |
periods.select { |period| period.from.present? && (period.to.nil? || period.from < period.to) } |
end |
def remove_nested_periods(periods) |
periods.select { |inner_period| periods.none? { |outer_period| is_nested?(inner_period, outer_period) } } |
end |
def is_nested?(inner, outer) |
return false if inner == outer |
return false if [inner.deactivation_date, inner.reactivation_date, outer.deactivation_date, outer.reactivation_date].any?(&:blank?) |
[inner.deactivation_date, inner.reactivation_date].all? { |date| date.between?(outer.deactivation_date, outer.reactivation_date) } |
end |