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class UsersController < ApplicationController |
include Pagy::Backend |
include Devise::Controllers::SignInOut |
include Helpers::Email |
include Modules::SearchFilter |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
before_action :find_user, except: %i[new create] |
before_action :authenticate_scope!, except: %i[new] |
before_action :session_filters, if: :current_user, only: %i[index] |
before_action -> { filter_manager.serialize_filters_to_session }, if: :current_user, only: %i[index] |
def index |
redirect_to users_organisation_path(current_user.organisation) unless current_user.support? |
all_users = User.visible.sorted_by_organisation_and_role |
filtered_users = filter_manager.filtered_users(all_users, search_term, session_filters) |
@pagy, @users = pagy(filtered_users) |
@searched = search_term.presence |
@total_count = all_users.size |
@filter_type = "users" |
respond_to do |format| |
format.html |
format.csv do |
if current_user.support? |
send_data byte_order_mark + filtered_users.to_csv, filename: "users-#{Time.zone.now}.csv" |
else |
head :unauthorized |
end |
end |
end |
end |
def search |
users = User.visible(current_user).search_by(params["query"]).limit(20) |
user_data = users.each_with_object({}) do |user, hash| |
hash[user.id] = { value: user.name, hint: user.email } |
end |
render json: user_data.to_json |
end |
def resend_invite |
@user.send_confirmation_instructions |
flash[:notice] = "Invitation sent to #{@user.email}" |
render :show |
end |
def show; end |
def dpo; end |
def key_contact; end |
def edit |
redirect_to user_path(@user) unless @user.active? || current_user.support? |
end |
def update |
validate_attributes |
unconfirmed_email_changed = @user.unconfirmed_email.present? && @user.unconfirmed_email != user_params[:email] && @user.email != user_params[:email] |
if @user.errors.empty? && @user.update(user_params_without_org) |
if @user == current_user |
bypass_sign_in @user |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("devise.passwords.updated") if user_params.key?("password") |
if @user.saved_changes? |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("notification.user_updated.self") |
end |
if updating_organisation? |
redirect_to user_log_reassignment_path(@user, organisation_id: user_params[:organisation_id]) |
else |
redirect_to account_path |
end |
else |
user_name = @user.name&.possessive || @user.email.possessive |
if user_params[:active] == "false" |
@user.deactivate! |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("devise.activation.deactivated", user_name:) |
elsif user_params[:active] == "true" |
@user.reactivate! |
@user.send_confirmation_instructions |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("devise.activation.reactivated", user_name:) |
elsif @user.saved_changes? || unconfirmed_email_changed |
flash[:notice] = I18n.t("notification.user_updated.other", name: @user.name) |
end |
if updating_organisation? |
redirect_to user_log_reassignment_path(@user, organisation_id: user_params[:organisation_id]) |
else |
redirect_to user_path(@user) |
end |
end |
elsif user_params.key?("password") |
format_error_messages |
@minimum_password_length = Devise.password_length.min |
render "devise/passwords/edit", locals: { resource: @user, resource_name: "user" }, status: :unprocessable_entity |
else |
format_error_messages |
render :edit, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
def new |
@organisation_id = params["organisation_id"] |
@user = User.new |
end |
def create |
@user = User.new(user_params.merge(org_params).merge(password_params)) |
validate_attributes |
if @user.errors.empty? && @user.save |
flash[:notice] = "Invitation sent to #{@user.email}" |
redirect_to created_user_redirect_path |
else |
unless @user.errors[:organisation].empty? |
@user.errors.delete(:organisation) |
end |
render :new, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
def edit_password |
@minimum_password_length = Devise.password_length.min |
render "devise/passwords/edit", locals: { resource: @user, resource_name: "user" } |
end |
def deactivate |
if current_user.can_toggle_active?(@user) |
render "toggle_active", locals: { action: "deactivate" } |
else |
redirect_to user_path(@user) |
end |
end |
def reactivate |
if current_user.can_toggle_active?(@user) |
render "toggle_active", locals: { action: "reactivate" } |
else |
redirect_to user_path(@user) |
end |
end |
def delete_confirmation |
authorize @user |
end |
def delete |
authorize @user |
@user.discard! |
redirect_to users_organisation_path(@user.organisation), notice: I18n.t("notification.user_deleted", name: @user.name) |
end |
def log_reassignment |
authorize @user |
assigned_to_logs_count = @user.assigned_to_lettings_logs.visible.count + @user.assigned_to_sales_logs.visible.count |
return redirect_to user_organisation_change_confirmation_path(@user, organisation_id: params[:organisation_id]) if assigned_to_logs_count.zero? |
if params[:organisation_id].present? && Organisation.where(id: params[:organisation_id]).exists? |
@new_organisation = Organisation.find(params[:organisation_id]) |
else |
redirect_to user_path(@user) |
end |
end |
def update_log_reassignment |
authorize @user |
return redirect_to user_path(@user) unless log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id].present? && Organisation.where(id: log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id]).exists? |
@new_organisation = Organisation.find(log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id]) |
validate_log_reassignment |
if @user.errors.empty? |
redirect_to user_organisation_change_confirmation_path(@user, log_reassignment_params) |
else |
render :log_reassignment, status: :unprocessable_entity |
end |
end |
def organisation_change_confirmation |
authorize @user |
assigned_to_logs_count = @user.assigned_to_lettings_logs.visible.count + @user.assigned_to_sales_logs.visible.count |
return redirect_to user_path(@user) if params[:organisation_id].blank? || !Organisation.where(id: params[:organisation_id]).exists? |
return redirect_to user_path(@user) if params[:log_reassignment].blank? && assigned_to_logs_count.positive? |
@new_organisation = Organisation.find(params[:organisation_id]) |
@log_reassignment = params[:log_reassignment] |
end |
def confirm_organisation_change |
authorize @user |
assigned_to_logs_count = @user.assigned_to_lettings_logs.visible.count + @user.assigned_to_sales_logs.visible.count |
return redirect_to user_path(@user) if log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id].blank? || !Organisation.where(id: log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id]).exists? |
return redirect_to user_path(@user) if log_reassignment_params[:log_reassignment].blank? && assigned_to_logs_count.positive? |
@new_organisation = Organisation.find(log_reassignment_params[:organisation_id]) |
@log_reassignment = log_reassignment_params[:log_reassignment] |
@user.reassign_logs_and_update_organisation(@new_organisation, @log_reassignment) |
redirect_to user_path(@user) |
end |
private |
def validate_attributes |
@user.validate |
if user_params[:role].present? && !current_user.assignable_roles.key?(user_params[:role].to_sym) |
@user.errors.add :role, I18n.t("validations.role.invalid") |
end |
if !user_params[:phone].nil? && user_params[:phone].blank? |
@user.errors.add :phone, :blank |
elsif !user_params[:phone].nil? && !valid_phone_number?(user_params[:phone]) |
@user.errors.add :phone |
end |
if user_params.key?(:organisation_id) && user_params[:organisation_id].blank? |
@user.errors.add :organisation_id, :blank |
end |
end |
def valid_phone_number?(number) |
/^[+\d]{11,}$/.match?(number) |
end |
def format_error_messages |
errors = @user.errors.to_hash |
@user.errors.clear |
errors.each do |attribute, message| |
@user.errors.add attribute.to_sym, format_error_message(attribute, message) |
end |
end |
def format_error_message(attribute, message) |
[attribute.to_s.humanize.capitalize, message].join(" ") |
end |
def search_term |
params["search"] |
end |
def password_params |
{ password: SecureRandom.hex(8) } |
end |
def org_params |
return {} if current_user.support? |
{ organisation: current_user.organisation } |
end |
def user_params |
if @user == current_user |
current_user_params |
elsif current_user.data_coordinator? |
params.require(:user).permit(:email, :phone, :phone_extension, :name, :role, :is_dpo, :is_key_contact, :active, :initial_confirmation_sent) |
elsif current_user.support? |
params.require(:user).permit(:email, :phone, :phone_extension, :name, :role, :is_dpo, :is_key_contact, :organisation_id, :active, :initial_confirmation_sent) |
end |
end |
def current_user_params |
base_params = %i[email phone phone_extension name password password_confirmation initial_confirmation_sent] |
return params.require(:user).permit(*(base_params + %i[role is_dpo is_key_contact])) if current_user.data_coordinator? |
return params.require(:user).permit(*(base_params + %i[role is_dpo is_key_contact organisation_id])) if current_user.support? |
return params.require(:user).permit(*(base_params + [:role])) if Rails.env.staging? && current_user.in_staging_role_update_email_allowlist? |
params.require(:user).permit(*base_params) |
end |
def user_params_without_org |
user_params.except(:organisation_id) |
end |
def log_reassignment_params |
params.require(:user).permit(:log_reassignment, :organisation_id) |
end |
def created_user_redirect_path |
if current_user.support? |
users_path |
else |
users_organisation_path(current_user.organisation) |
end |
end |
def find_user |
@user = User.find_by(id: params[:user_id]) || User.find_by(id: params[:id]) || current_user |
end |
def authenticate_scope! |
if action_name == "create" |
head :unauthorized and return unless current_user.data_coordinator? || current_user.support? |
else |
render_not_found and return if @user.status == :deleted |
render_not_found and return unless (current_user.organisation == @user.organisation) || current_user.support? |
render_not_found and return if action_name == "edit_password" && current_user != @user |
render_not_found and return unless action_name == "show" || |
current_user.data_coordinator? || current_user.support? || current_user == @user |
end |
end |
def filter_manager |
FilterManager.new(current_user:, session:, params:, filter_type: "users") |
end |
def session_filters |
filter_manager.session_filters |
end |
def updating_organisation? |
user_params["organisation_id"].present? && @user.organisation_id != user_params["organisation_id"].to_i |
end |
def validate_log_reassignment |
return @user.errors.add :log_reassignment, :blank if log_reassignment_params[:log_reassignment].blank? |
case log_reassignment_params[:log_reassignment] |
when "reassign_stock_owner" |
required_managing_agents = (@user.assigned_to_lettings_logs.visible.map(&:managing_organisation) + @user.assigned_to_sales_logs.visible.map(&:managing_organisation)).uniq |
current_managing_agents = @new_organisation.managing_agents |
missing_managing_agents = required_managing_agents - current_managing_agents |
if missing_managing_agents.any? |
new_organisation = @new_organisation.name |
missing_managing_agents = missing_managing_agents.map(&:name).sort.to_sentence |
@user.errors.add :log_reassignment, I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.log_reassignment.missing_managing_agents", new_organisation:, missing_managing_agents:) |
end |
when "reassign_managing_agent" |
required_stock_owners = (@user.assigned_to_lettings_logs.visible.map(&:owning_organisation) + @user.assigned_to_sales_logs.visible.map(&:owning_organisation)).uniq |
current_stock_owners = @new_organisation.stock_owners |
missing_stock_owners = required_stock_owners - current_stock_owners |
if missing_stock_owners.any? |
new_organisation = @new_organisation.name |
missing_stock_owners = missing_stock_owners.map(&:name).sort.to_sentence |
@user.errors.add :log_reassignment, I18n.t("activerecord.errors.models.user.attributes.log_reassignment.missing_stock_owners", new_organisation:, missing_stock_owners:) |
end |
end |
end |