Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

832 lines
31 KiB

"form_type": "lettings",
"start_date": "2021-04-01T00:00:00.000+01:00",
"end_date": "2022-07-01T00:00:00.000+01:00",
"sections": {
"household": {
"label": "About the household",
"description": "Make sure the tenant has seen the privacy notice.",
"subsections": {
"household_characteristics": {
"label": "Household characteristics",
"pages": {
"tenant_code": {
"questions": {
"tenant_code": {
"check_answer_label": "Tenant code",
"header": "What is the tenant code?",
"hint_text": "This is how you usually refer to this tenancy on your own systems.",
"type": "text",
"width": 10
"depends_on": [
"housingneeds_a": 1
"housingneeds_a": null
] },
"person_1_age": {
"questions": {
"age1": {
"check_answer_label": "Tenant’s age",
"header": "What is the tenant’s age?",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"max": 150,
"step": 1,
"width": 2
"person_1_gender": {
"questions": {
"sex1": {
"check_answer_label": "Tenant’s gender",
"header": "Which of these best describes the tenant’s gender identity?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"F": {
"value": "Female"
"M": {
"value": "Male"
"X": {
"value": "Non-binary"
"R": {
"value": "Prefer not to say"
"household_number_of_other_members": {
"questions": {
"other_hhmemb": {
"check_answer_label": "Number of Other Household Members",
"header": "How many other people are there in the household?",
"hint_text": "The maximum number of others is 1",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"max": 1,
"step": 1,
"width": 2,
"conditional_for": {
"relat2": ">0",
"age2": ">0",
"sex2": ">0",
"ecstat2": ">0"
"relat2": {
"check_answer_label": "Person 2’s relationship to lead tenant",
"header": "What’s person 2’s relationship to lead tenant",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Other"
"1": {
"value": "Prefer not to say"
"age2": {
"check_answer_label": "Person 2’s age",
"header": "What’s person 2’s age",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"max": 150,
"step": 1,
"width": 2
"sex2": {
"check_answer_label": "Person 2’s gender",
"header": "Which of these best describes person 2’s gender identity?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"F": {
"value": "Female"
"M": {
"value": "Male"
"X": {
"value": "Non-binary"
"R": {
"value": "Prefer not to say"
"ecstat2": {
"check_answer_label": "Person 2’s Work",
"header": "Which of these best describes person 2’s working situation?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Other"
"1": {
"value": "Prefer not to say"
"propcode": {
"questions": {
"propcode": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "property reference?",
"type": "text"
"household_needs": {
"label": "Household needs",
"pages": {
"armed_forces": {
"header": "Experience of the UK Armed Forces",
"questions": {
"armedforces": {
"header": "Does anybody in the household have any links to the UK armed forces?",
"hint_text": "This excludes national service. If there are several people in the household with links to the UK armed forces, you should answer for the regular. If there’s no regular, answer for the reserve. If there’s no reserve, answer for the spouse or civil partner.",
"type": "radio",
"check_answer_label": "Household links to UK armed forces",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes, the person is a current or former regular"
"1": {
"value": "Yes, the person is a current or former reserve"
"2": {
"value": "Yes, the tenant is a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces member and has been bereaved or separated from them within the last 2 years"
"3": {
"value": "No"
"4": {
"value": "Person prefers not to say"
"conditional_for": {
"leftreg": [0]
"leftreg": {
"header": "Are they still serving?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "text",
"check_answer_label": "When did they leave the Armed Forces?"
"medical_conditions": {
"questions": {
"illness": {
"header": "Does anyone in the household have any of the following that they expect to last for 12 months or more:<ul><li>Physical Condition</li><li>Mental Health Condition</li><li>Other Illness</li></ul>",
"type": "radio",
"check_answer_label": "Physical, mental health or illness in the household",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"1": {
"value": "No"
"divider": {
"value": true
"2": {
"value": "Don’t know"
"3": {
"value": "Prefer not to say"
"accessibility_requirements": {
"questions": {
"accessibility_requirements": {
"header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?",
"hint_text": "Select all that apply",
"type": "checkbox",
"check_answer_label": "Disability requirements",
"answer_options": {
"housingneeds_a": {
"value": "Fully wheelchair accessible housing"
"housingneeds_b": {
"value": "Wheelchair access to essential rooms"
"housingneeds_c": {
"value": "Level access housing"
"divider": {
"value": true
"housingneeds_h": {
"value": "Don’t know"
"accessible_select": {
"questions": {
"la": {
"header": "Select options",
"hint_text": "Type ahead to filter the options",
"type": "select",
"check_answer_label": "Accessible Select",
"answer_options": {
"" : "Select an option",
"E07000223": "Adur",
"E09000023": "Lewisham",
"E08000003": "Manchester",
"E07000178": "Oxford",
"E07000114": "Thanet",
"E09000033": "Westminster",
"E06000014": "York"
"depends_on": [
"la_known": 1,
"is_la_inferred": false
"condition_effects": {
"questions": {
"condition_effects": {
"header": "Are any of these affected by their condition or illness?",
"hint_text": "Select all that apply",
"type": "checkbox",
"check_answer_label": "Conditions or illnesses",
"answer_options": {
"illness_type_1": {
"value": "Vision - such as blindness or partial sight"
"illness_type_2": {
"value": "Hearing - such as deafness or partial hearing"
"tenancy_and_property": {
"label": "Tenancy and property information",
"subsections": {
"tenancy_information": {
"label": "Tenancy information",
"pages": {
"tenancy_code": {
"questions": {
"tenancy_code": {
"check_answer_label": "What is the tenancy code?",
"header": "What is the tenancy code?",
"type": "text",
"width": 10
"property_information": {
"label": "Property information",
"pages": {
"property_postcode": {
"header": "",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"property_postcode": {
"check_answer_label": "Postcode",
"header": "",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "text",
"width": 5,
"inferred_answers": { "la": { "is_la_inferred": true } },
"inferred_check_answers_value": {
"condition": { "postcode_known": 0 },
"value": "Not known"
"do_you_know_the_local_authority": {
"header": "",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"la_known": {
"check_answer_label": "Do you know what local authority the property is located in?",
"header": "Do you know what local authority the property is located in?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "No"
"1": {
"value": "Yes"
"depends_on": [{"is_la_inferred": false}]
"property_wheelchair_accessible": {
"questions": {
"wchair": {
"check_answer_label": "Wheelchair adaptation",
"header": "Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"1": {
"value": "No"
"conditional_question": {
"label": "Conditional question",
"pages": {
"conditional_question": {
"questions": {
"preg_occ": {
"check_answer_label": "Has the condition been met?",
"header": "Has the condition been met?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"1": {
"value": "No"
"conditional_question_yes_page": {
"questions": {
"cbl": {
"check_answer_label": "Has the next condition been met?",
"header": "Has the next condition been met?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"depends_on": [{ "preg_occ": 0 }, { "wchair" : 1 }]
"conditional_question_no_page": {
"questions": {
"cbl": {
"check_answer_label": "Has the condition not been met?",
"header": "Has the next condition not been met?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"1": {
"value": "No"
"depends_on": [{ "preg_occ": 1 }]
"conditional_question_no_second_page": {
"questions": {
"conditional_question_no_second_question": {
"check_answer_label": "Has the condition not been met again?",
"header": "Has the next condition not been met again?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Yes"
"1": {
"value": "No"
"depends_on": [{ "preg_occ": 1, "sex1": "M" }]
"rent_and_charges": {
"label": "Rent and charges",
"subsections": {
"income_and_benefits": {
"label": "Income and benefits",
"pages": {
"net_income": {
"header": "Test header",
"description": "Some extra text for the page",
"questions": {
"earnings": {
"check_answer_label": "Income",
"header": "What is the tenant’s /and partner’s combined income after tax?",
"guidance_partial": "what_counts_as_income",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 5,
"prefix": "£",
"suffix": [
{ "label": "every week", "depends_on" : { "incfreq": 0 } },
{ "label": "every month", "depends_on" : { "incfreq": 1 } },
{ "label": "every month", "depends_on" : { "incfreq": 2 } }
"incfreq": {
"check_answer_label": "Income Frequency",
"header": "How often do they receive this income?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Weekly"
"1": {
"value": "Monthly"
"2": {
"value": "Yearly"
"soft_validations": {
"override_net_income_validation": {
"check_answer_label": "Net income confirmed?",
"type": "validation_override",
"answer_options": {
"override_net_income_validation": "Yes"
"net_income_uc_proportion": {
"questions": {
"benefits": {
"check_answer_label": "Benefits as a proportion of income",
"header": "How much of the tenant’s income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"1": {
"housing_benefit": {
"questions": {
"hb": {
"check_answer_label": "Housing-related benefits received",
"header": "Is the tenant likely to be in receipt of any of these housing-related benefits?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Housing benefit"
"1": {
"value": "Tenant prefers not to say"
"conditional_for": {
"conditional_question": [0]
"conditional_question": {
"check_answer_label": "Conditional Question",
"header": "Question to test page conditions",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Option A"
"1": {
"value": "Option B"
"dependent_page": {
"depends_on": [{ "incfreq": 0 }],
"questions": {
"dependent_question": {
"check_answer_label": "Dependent Question",
"header": "Question to test page routing",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Option A"
"1": {
"value": "Option B"
"rent_and_charges": {
"label": "Rent",
"pages": {
"rent": {
"questions": {
"period": {
"check_answer_label": "Rent Period",
"header": "Which period are rent and other charges due?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Weekly for 52 weeks"
"1": {
"value": "Every 2 weeks"
"brent": {
"check_answer_label": "Basic Rent",
"header": "What is the basic rent?",
"hint_text": "Eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 4,
"fields-to-add": [
"result-field": "tcharge"
"scharge": {
"check_answer_label": "Service Charge",
"header": "What is the service charge?",
"hint_text": "Eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 4,
"fields-to-add": [
"result-field": "tcharge"
"pscharge": {
"check_answer_label": "Personal Service Charge",
"header": "What is the personal service charge?",
"hint_text": "Not eligible for housing benefit or Universal Credit. For example, hot water excluding water rates.",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 4,
"fields-to-add": [
"result-field": "tcharge"
"supcharg": {
"check_answer_label": "Support Charge",
"header": "What is the support charge?",
"hint_text": "This is to fund housing-related support services included in the tenancy agreement",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 4,
"fields-to-add": [
"result-field": "tcharge"
"tcharge": {
"check_answer_label": "Total Charge",
"header": "Total charge?",
"hint_text": "This is the total of rent and all charges",
"type": "numeric_output",
"min": 0,
"step": 1,
"width": 4,
"readonly": true,
"requires_js": true
"weekly_net_income": {
"header": "",
"description": "",
"questions": {
"earnings": {
"check_answer_label": "Total household income",
"header": "How much income does the household have in total every week?",
"hint_text": "",
"type": "numeric",
"min": 0,
"step": "1",
"width": 5,
"prefix": "£",
"suffix": " every week"
"local_authority": {
"label": "Local authority",
"subsections": {
"local_authority": {
"label": "Local authority",
"pages": {
"time_lived_in_la": {
"questions": {
"layear": {
"check_answer_label": "How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area where the new letting is located?",
"header": "How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area where the new letting is located?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Just moved to local authority area"
"1": {
"value": "Less than 1 year"
"2": {
"value": "1 year but under 2 years"
"3": {
"value": "2 years but under 3 years"
"4": {
"value": "3 years but under 4 years"
"5": {
"value": "4 years but under 5 years"
"6": {
"value": "5 years or more"
"divider": {
"value": true
"7": {
"value": "Don’t know"
"depends_on": [{ "renewal": 0 }]
"time_on_la_waiting_list": {
"questions": {
"lawaitlist": {
"check_answer_label": "How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list where the new letting is located?",
"header": "How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list where the new letting is located?",
"type": "radio",
"answer_options": {
"0": {
"value": "Just moved to local authority area"
"1": {
"value": "Less than 1 year"
"2": {
"value": "1 year but under 2 years"
"3": {
"value": "2 years but under 3 years"
"4": {
"value": "3 years but under 4 years"
"5": {
"value": "4 years but under 5 years"
"6": {
"value": "5 years or more"
"divider": {
"value": true
"7": {
"value": "Don’t know"
"property_postcode": {
"questions": {
"property_postcode": {
"check_answer_label": "Postcode of previous accommodation if the household has moved from settled accommodation",
"header": "Postcode for the previous accommodation",
"hint_text": "If the household has moved from settled accommodation immediately prior to being re-housed",
"type": "text",
"width": 5,
"conditional_for": { "fake_key": "fake_condition" }
"previous_postcode": {
"check_answer_label": "Postcode of previous accommodation if the household has moved from settled accommodation",
"header": "Postcode for the previous accommodation",
"hint_text": "If the household has moved from settled accommodation immediately prior to being re-housed",
"type": "text",
"width": 5
"property_major_repairs": {
"questions": {
"mrcdate": {
"check_answer_label": "What was the major repairs completion date?",
"header": "What was the major repairs completion date?",
"hint_text": "For example, 27 3 2021",
"type": "date"
"submission": {
"label": "Submission",
"subsections": {
"declaration": {
"label": "Declaration",
"depends_on": [{
"household_characteristics": "completed",
"household_needs": "completed",
"tenancy_information": "completed",
"property_information": "completed"
"pages": {
"declaration": {
"questions": {
"declaration": {
"check_answer_label": "",
"header": "Submit your lettings log ",
"type": "checkbox",
"answer_options": {
"declaration": {
"value": "The tenant has seen the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities (DLUHC) privacy notice"