28 lines
918 B
28 lines
918 B
class Form::Sales::Questions::Buyer2EthnicGroup < ::Form::Question |
def initialize(id, hsh, page) |
super |
@id = "ethnic_group2" |
@check_answer_label = "Buyer 2’s ethnic group" |
@header = "What is buyer 2’s ethnic group?" |
@type = "radio" |
@answer_options = ANSWER_OPTIONS |
@inferred_check_answers_value = [{ |
"condition" => { |
"ethnic_group2" => 17, |
}, |
"value" => "Prefers not to say", |
}] |
@check_answers_card_number = 2 |
@question_number = 30 |
end |
"0" => { "value" => "White" }, |
"1" => { "value" => "Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups" }, |
"2" => { "value" => "Asian or Asian British" }, |
"3" => { "value" => "Black, African, Caribbean or Black British" }, |
"4" => { "value" => "Arab or other ethnic group" }, |
"divider" => { "value" => true }, |
"17" => { "value" => "Buyer 1 prefers not to say" }, |
}.freeze |