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require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe LocationsHelper do |
describe "mobility type selection" do |
expected_selection = [OpenStruct.new(id: "Wheelchair-user standard", name: "Wheelchair-user standard", description: "Suitable for someone who uses a wheelchair and offers the full use of all rooms and facilities."), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Fitted with equipment and adaptations", name: "Fitted with equipment and adaptations", description: "Fitted with stairlifts, ramps, level access showers or grab rails."), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "None", name: "None", description: "Not designed to wheelchair-user standards or fitted with any equipment or adaptations.")] |
it "returns correct selection to display" do |
expect(mobility_type_selection).to eq(expected_selection) |
end |
end |
describe "another location selection" do |
it "returns correct selection to display" do |
expected_selection = [OpenStruct.new(id: "Yes", name: "Yes"), OpenStruct.new(id: "No", name: "No")] |
expect(another_location_selection).to eq(expected_selection) |
end |
end |
describe "type of units selection" do |
it "returns correct selection to display" do |
expected_selection = [OpenStruct.new(id: "Bungalow", name: "Bungalow"), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Self-contained flat or bedsit", name: "Self-contained flat or bedsit"), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Self-contained flat or bedsit with common facilities", name: "Self-contained flat or bedsit with common facilities"), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Self-contained house", name: "Self-contained house"), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Shared flat", name: "Shared flat"), |
OpenStruct.new(id: "Shared house or hostel", name: "Shared house or hostel")] |
expect(type_of_units_selection).to eq(expected_selection) |
end |
end |
describe "selection options" do |
it "returns empty array for nil" do |
expect(selection_options(nil)).to eq([]) |
end |
it "returns empty array for empty string" do |
expect(selection_options("")).to eq([]) |
end |
it "returns empty array for empty object" do |
expect(selection_options({})).to eq([]) |
end |
it "can map a resource with values" do |
expect(selection_options(%w[example])).to eq([OpenStruct.new(id: "example", name: "Example")]) |
end |
end |
describe "Active periods" do |
let(:location) { FactoryBot.create(:location, startdate: nil) } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(2022, 10, 10) |
end |
after do |
Timecop.unfreeze |
end |
it "returns one active period without to date" do |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(1) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: nil) |
end |
it "ignores reactivations that were deactivated on the same day" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(1) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5)) |
end |
it "returns sequential non reactivated active periods" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6)) |
end |
it "returns sequential reactivated active periods" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(3) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).third).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), to: nil) |
end |
it "returns non sequential non reactivated active periods" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: nil, location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), to: nil) |
end |
it "returns non sequential reactivated active periods" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(3) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 4), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 6)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).third).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 5), to: nil) |
end |
it "returns correct active periods when reactivation happends during a deactivated period" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 11, 11), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 6), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 7), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 6)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 11, 11), to: nil) |
end |
it "returns correct active periods when a full deactivation period happens during another deactivation period" do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 5), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 11), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 6), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 7), location:) |
location.reload |
expect(location_active_periods(location).count).to eq(2) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).first).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1), to: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 6)) |
expect(location_active_periods(location).second).to have_attributes(from: Time.zone.local(2022, 7, 7), to: nil) |
end |
end |
describe "display_location_attributes" do |
let(:location) { FactoryBot.build(:location, created_at: Time.zone.local(2022, 3, 16), startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1)) } |
it "returns correct display attributes" do |
attributes = [ |
{ attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, |
{ attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: location.name }, |
{ attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: location.location_admin_district }, |
{ attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, |
{ attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, |
{ attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, |
{ attribute: "location_code", name: "Location code", value: location.location_code }, |
{ attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, |
{ attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :active }, |
] |
expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) |
end |
context "when location has different local authorities for different years" do |
before do |
LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E07000030").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E06000063").id) |
location.update!(location_code: "E07000030") |
end |
it "returns correct display attributes" do |
attributes = [ |
{ attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, |
{ attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: location.name }, |
{ attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: "Eden (until 31 March 2023)\nCumberland (1 April 2023 - present)" }, |
{ attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, |
{ attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, |
{ attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, |
{ attribute: "location_code", name: "Location code", value: "E07000030 (until 31 March 2023)\nE06000063 (1 April 2023 - present)" }, |
{ attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, |
{ attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :active }, |
] |
expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) |
end |
end |
context "when location has no local authority" do |
before do |
LocalAuthorityLink.create!(local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E07000030").id, linked_local_authority_id: LocalAuthority.find_by(code: "E06000063").id) |
location.update!(location_code: nil) |
end |
it "returns correct display attributes" do |
attributes = [ |
{ attribute: "postcode", name: "Postcode", value: location.postcode }, |
{ attribute: "name", name: "Location name", value: location.name }, |
{ attribute: "local_authority", name: "Local authority", value: "" }, |
{ attribute: "units", name: "Number of units", value: location.units }, |
{ attribute: "type_of_unit", name: "Most common unit", value: location.type_of_unit }, |
{ attribute: "mobility_standards", name: "Mobility standards", value: location.mobility_type }, |
{ attribute: "location_code", name: "Location code", value: "" }, |
{ attribute: "availability", name: "Availability", value: "Active from 1 April 2022" }, |
{ attribute: "status", name: "Status", value: :incomplete }, |
] |
expect(display_location_attributes(location)).to eq(attributes) |
end |
end |
context "when viewing availability" do |
context "with no deactivations" do |
it "displays previous collection start date as availability date if created_at is earlier than collection start date" do |
location.update!(startdate: nil) |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2021") |
end |
it "displays current collection start date as availability date if created_at is later than collection start date" do |
location.update!(startdate: nil, created_at: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 16)) |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022") |
end |
end |
context "with previous deactivations" do |
context "and all reactivated deactivations" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 10), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 1), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 15), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 28), location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 August 2022\nDeactivated on 10 August 2022\nActive from 1 September 2022 to 14 September 2022\nDeactivated on 15 September 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") |
end |
end |
context "and non reactivated deactivation" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 8, 10), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 1), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 August 2022\nDeactivated on 10 August 2022\nActive from 1 September 2022 to 14 September 2022\nDeactivated on 15 September 2022") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with out of order deactivations" do |
context "and all reactivated deactivations" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 24), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 28), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 15), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 18), location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 18 June 2022 to 23 September 2022\nDeactivated on 24 September 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") |
end |
end |
context "and one non reactivated deactivation" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 24), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 28), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with multiple out of order deactivations" do |
context "and one non reactivated deactivation" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 24), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 9, 28), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 10, 24), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 10, 28), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 6, 15), reactivation_date: nil, location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 14 June 2022\nDeactivated on 15 June 2022\nActive from 28 September 2022 to 23 October 2022\nDeactivated on 24 October 2022\nActive from 28 October 2022") |
end |
end |
end |
context "with intersecting deactivations" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 10, 10), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 12, 1), location:) |
FactoryBot.create(:location_deactivation_period, deactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 11, 11), reactivation_date: Time.zone.local(2022, 12, 11), location:) |
location.reload |
end |
it "displays the timeline of availability" do |
availability_attribute = display_location_attributes(location).find { |x| x[:name] == "Availability" }[:value] |
expect(availability_attribute).to eq("Active from 1 April 2022 to 9 October 2022\nDeactivated on 10 October 2022\nActive from 11 December 2022") |
end |
end |
end |
end |