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418 lines
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require "rails_helper" |
RSpec.describe Form::Question, type: :model do |
subject(:question) { described_class.new(question_id, question_definition, page) } |
around do |example| |
Timecop.freeze(Time.zone.local(2022, 1, 1)) do |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
example.run |
end |
Timecop.return |
Singleton.__init__(FormHandler) |
end |
let(:lettings_log) { FactoryBot.build(:lettings_log) } |
let(:form) { lettings_log.form } |
let(:section_id) { "rent_and_charges" } |
let(:section_definition) { form.form_definition["sections"][section_id] } |
let(:section) { Form::Section.new(section_id, section_definition, form) } |
let(:subsection_id) { "income_and_benefits" } |
let(:subsection_definition) { section_definition["subsections"][subsection_id] } |
let(:subsection) { Form::Subsection.new(subsection_id, subsection_definition, section) } |
let(:page_id) { "net_income" } |
let(:page_definition) { subsection_definition["pages"][page_id] } |
let(:page) { Form::Page.new(page_id, page_definition, subsection) } |
let(:question_id) { "earnings" } |
let(:question_definition) { page_definition["questions"][question_id] } |
let(:fake_2021_2022_form) { Form.new("spec/fixtures/forms/2021_2022.json") } |
before do |
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:current_lettings_form).and_return(fake_2021_2022_form) |
end |
it "has an id" do |
expect(question.id).to eq(question_id) |
end |
it "has a header" do |
expect(question.header).to eq("What is the tenant’s /and partner’s combined income after tax?") |
end |
it "has a check answers label" do |
expect(question.check_answer_label).to eq("Income") |
end |
it "has a question type" do |
expect(question.type).to eq("numeric") |
end |
it "belongs to a page" do |
expect(question.page).to eq(page) |
end |
it "belongs to a subsection" do |
expect(question.subsection).to eq(subsection) |
end |
it "has a read only helper" do |
expect(question.read_only?).to be false |
end |
it "has a yes value helper" do |
expect(question).to be_value_is_yes("Yes") |
expect(question).to be_value_is_yes("YES") |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_yes("random") |
end |
it "has a no value helper" do |
expect(question).to be_value_is_no("No") |
expect(question).to be_value_is_no("NO") |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_no("random") |
end |
context "when type is numeric" do |
it "has a min value" do |
expect(question.min).to eq(0) |
end |
it "has a step value" do |
expect(question.step).to eq(1) |
end |
it "does not map value from label" do |
expect(question.value_from_label("5")).to eq("5") |
end |
end |
context "when type is radio" do |
let(:question_id) { "incfreq" } |
it "has answer options" do |
expected_answer_options = { "1" => { "value" => "Weekly" }, "2" => { "value" => "Monthly" }, "3" => { "value" => "Yearly" } } |
expect(question.answer_options).to eq(expected_answer_options) |
end |
it "can map value from label" do |
expect(question.value_from_label("Monthly")).to eq("2") |
end |
it "can map label from value" do |
expect(question.label_from_value(3)).to eq("Yearly") |
end |
context "when answer options include yes, no, prefer not to say" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_needs" } |
let(:page_id) { "medical_conditions" } |
let(:question_id) { "illness" } |
it "maps those options" do |
expect(question).to be_value_is_yes(1) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_no(1) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_refused(1) |
expect(question).to be_value_is_no(2) |
expect(question).to be_value_is_dont_know(3) |
end |
end |
context "when answer options includes don’t know" do |
let(:section_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:page_id) { "time_lived_in_la" } |
let(:question_id) { "layear" } |
it "maps those options" do |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_yes(7) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_no(7) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_refused(7) |
expect(question).to be_value_is_dont_know(7) |
end |
end |
context "when answer options do not include derived options" do |
it "displays all answer options" do |
expect(question.displayed_answer_options(lettings_log)).to match(question.answer_options) |
end |
end |
context "when answer options include derived options" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_characteristics" } |
let(:page_id) { "person_2_working_situation" } |
let(:question_id) { "ecstat2" } |
let(:expected_answer_options) do |
{ |
"0" => { "value" => "Other" }, |
"1" => { "value" => "Full-time – 30 hours or more" }, |
"10" => { "value" => "Tenant prefers not to say" }, |
"2" => { "value" => "Part-time – Less than 30 hours" }, |
"3" => { "value" => "In government training into work, such as New Deal" }, |
"4" => { "value" => "Jobseeker" }, |
"5" => { "value" => "Retired" }, |
"6" => { "value" => "Not seeking work" }, |
"7" => { "value" => "Full-time student" }, |
"8" => { "value" => "Unable to work because of long term sick or disability" }, |
"divider" => { "value" => true }, |
} |
end |
it "does not include those options in the displayed options" do |
expect(question.displayed_answer_options(lettings_log)).to match(expected_answer_options) |
end |
it "can still map the value label" do |
expect(question.label_from_value(9)).to eq("Child under 16") |
end |
end |
context "when the saved answer is not in the value map" do |
it "displays the saved answer umapped" do |
expect(question.label_from_value(9999)).to eq("9999") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when type is select" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_needs" } |
let(:page_id) { "accessible_select" } |
let(:question_id) { "prevloc" } |
it "can map value from label" do |
expect(question.value_from_label("Manchester")).to eq("E08000003") |
end |
it "can map label from value" do |
expect(question.label_from_value("E09000033")).to eq("Westminster") |
end |
context "when the saved answer is not in the value map" do |
it "displays the saved answer umapped" do |
expect(question.label_from_value(9999)).to eq("9999") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when type is checkbox" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_needs" } |
let(:page_id) { "condition_effects" } |
let(:question_id) { "condition_effects" } |
it "has answer options" do |
expected_answer_options = { |
"illness_type_1" => { "value" => "Vision - such as blindness or partial sight" }, |
"illness_type_2" => { "value" => "Hearing - such as deafness or partial hearing" }, |
} |
expect(question.answer_options).to eq(expected_answer_options) |
end |
it "can map yes values" do |
expect(question).to be_value_is_yes(1) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_yes(0) |
end |
it "can map no values" do |
expect(question).to be_value_is_no(0) |
expect(question).not_to be_value_is_no(1) |
end |
end |
context "when the question is read only" do |
let(:subsection_id) { "rent_and_charges" } |
let(:page_id) { "rent" } |
let(:question_id) { "tcharge" } |
it "has a read only helper" do |
expect(question.read_only?).to be true |
end |
context "when the answer is part of a sum" do |
let(:question_id) { "pscharge" } |
it "has a result_field" do |
expect(question.result_field).to eq("tcharge") |
end |
it "has fields to sum" do |
expected_fields_to_sum = %w[brent scharge pscharge supcharg] |
expect(question.fields_to_add).to eq(expected_fields_to_sum) |
end |
end |
end |
context "with a lettings log" do |
let(:lettings_log) { FactoryBot.build(:lettings_log, :in_progress) } |
let(:question_id) { "incfreq" } |
it "has an answer label" do |
lettings_log.incfreq = 1 |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("Weekly") |
end |
it "has an update answer link text helper" do |
expect(question.action_text(lettings_log)).to match(/Answer/) |
lettings_log["incfreq"] = 0 |
expect(question.action_text(lettings_log)).to match(/Change/) |
end |
it "has an update answer link href helper" do |
lettings_log.id = 1 |
expect(question.action_href(lettings_log, page.id)).to eq("/lettings-logs/1/net-income?referrer=check_answers") |
end |
context "when the question has an inferred answer" do |
let(:section_id) { "tenancy_and_property" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "property_information" } |
let(:page_id) { "property_postcode" } |
let(:lettings_log) { FactoryBot.build(:lettings_log, :in_progress, postcode_known: 0, postcode_full: nil) } |
let(:question_id) { "postcode_full" } |
it "displays 'change' in the check answers link text" do |
expect(question.action_text(lettings_log)).to match(/Change/) |
end |
end |
context "when the answer option is a derived answer option" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_characteristics" } |
let(:page_id) { "person_2_working_situation" } |
let(:question_id) { "ecstat2" } |
let(:lettings_log) do |
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, hhmemb: 2, details_known_2: 0, age2_known: 0, age2: 12) |
end |
it "knows it has an inferred value or is derived for check answers" do |
expect(question.is_derived_or_has_inferred_check_answers_value?(lettings_log)).to be true |
end |
end |
context "when type is date" do |
let(:section_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:page_id) { "property_major_repairs" } |
let(:question_id) { "mrcdate" } |
it "displays a formatted answer label" do |
lettings_log.mrcdate = Time.zone.local(2021, 10, 11) |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("11 October 2021") |
end |
it "can handle nils" do |
lettings_log.mrcdate = nil |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("") |
end |
end |
context "when type is checkbox" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_needs" } |
let(:page_id) { "accessibility_requirements" } |
let(:question_id) { "accessibility_requirements" } |
it "has a joined answers label" do |
lettings_log.housingneeds_a = 1 |
lettings_log.housingneeds_c = 1 |
expected_answer_label = "Fully wheelchair accessible housing, Level access housing" |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq(expected_answer_label) |
end |
end |
context "when a condition is present" do |
let(:page_id) { "housing_benefit" } |
let(:question_id) { "conditional_question" } |
it "knows whether it is enabled or not for unmet conditions" do |
expect(question.enabled?(lettings_log)).to be false |
end |
it "knows whether it is enabled or not for met conditions" do |
lettings_log.hb = "Housing benefit" |
expect(question.enabled?(lettings_log)).to be true |
end |
context "when the condition type hasn't been implemented yet" do |
let(:unimplemented_question) { OpenStruct.new(id: "hb", type: "unkown") } |
before do |
allow(page).to receive(:questions).and_return([unimplemented_question]) |
end |
it "raises an exception" do |
expect { question.enabled?(lettings_log) }.to raise_error("Not implemented yet") |
end |
end |
end |
context "when answers have a suffix dependent on another answer" do |
let(:section_id) { "rent_and_charges" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "income_and_benefits" } |
let(:page_id) { "net_income" } |
let(:question_id) { "earnings" } |
it "displays the correct label for given suffix and answer the suffix depends on" do |
lettings_log.incfreq = 1 |
lettings_log.earnings = 500 |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("£500.00 every week") |
lettings_log.incfreq = 2 |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("£500.00 every month") |
lettings_log.incfreq = 3 |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("£500.00 every year") |
end |
end |
context "with inferred_check_answers_value" do |
context "when Lettings form" do |
let(:section_id) { "household" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "household_needs" } |
let(:page_id) { "armed_forces" } |
let(:question_id) { "armedforces" } |
it "returns the inferred label value" do |
lettings_log.armedforces = 3 |
expect(question.answer_label(lettings_log)).to eq("Prefers not to say") |
end |
end |
context "when Sales form" do |
let(:sales_log) { FactoryBot.create(:sales_log, :completed, ethnic_group: 17, saledate: Time.zone.local(2022, 1, 1)) } |
let(:question) { sales_log.form.get_question("ethnic_group", sales_log) } |
it "returns the inferred label value" do |
expect(question.answer_label(sales_log)).to eq("Prefers not to say") |
end |
end |
end |
end |
describe ".completed?" do |
context "when the question has inferred value only for check answers display" do |
let(:section_id) { "tenancy_and_property" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "property_information" } |
let(:page_id) { "property_postcode" } |
let(:question_id) { "postcode_full" } |
it "returns true" do |
lettings_log["postcode_known"] = 0 |
expect(question.completed?(lettings_log)).to be(true) |
end |
end |
end |
context "when the question has a hidden in check answers attribute with dependencies" do |
let(:section_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:subsection_id) { "local_authority" } |
let(:page_id) { "time_lived_in_la" } |
let(:question_id) { "layear" } |
let(:lettings_log) do |
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress) |
end |
it "can work out if the question will be shown in check answers" do |
expect(question.hidden_in_check_answers?(lettings_log, nil)).to be(false) |
lettings_log.layear = 0 |
expect(question.hidden_in_check_answers?(lettings_log, nil)).to be(true) |
end |
end |