265 lines
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265 lines
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module Exports |
class LettingsLogExportService |
include Exports::LettingsLogExportConstants |
include CollectionTimeHelper |
def initialize(storage_service, logger = Rails.logger) |
@storage_service = storage_service |
@logger = logger |
end |
def export_xml_lettings_logs(full_update: false) |
start_time = Time.zone.now |
logs_by_collection = retrieve_lettings_logs(start_time, full_update).group_by(&:collection_start_year) |
daily_run_number = get_daily_run_number |
archives_for_manifest = {} |
base_number = LogsExport.where(empty_export: false).maximum(:base_number) || 1 |
available_collection_years.each do |collection| |
lettings_logs = logs_by_collection.fetch(collection, LettingsLog.none) |
export = build_export_run(collection, start_time, base_number, full_update) |
archives = write_export_archive(export, lettings_logs) |
archives_for_manifest.merge!(archives) |
export.empty_export = archives.empty? |
export.save! |
end |
write_master_manifest(daily_run_number, archives_for_manifest) |
end |
private |
def get_daily_run_number |
today = Time.zone.today |
LogsExport.where(created_at: today.beginning_of_day..today.end_of_day).select(:started_at).distinct.count + 1 |
end |
def build_export_run(collection, current_time, base_number, full_update) |
previous_exports_with_data = LogsExport.where(collection:, empty_export: false) |
increment_number = previous_exports_with_data.where(base_number:).maximum(:increment_number) || 1 |
if full_update |
base_number += 1 if LogsExport.any? # Only increment when it's not the first run |
increment_number = 1 |
else |
increment_number += 1 |
end |
if previous_exports_with_data.empty? |
return LogsExport.new(collection:, base_number:, started_at: current_time) |
end |
LogsExport.new(collection:, started_at: current_time, base_number:, increment_number:) |
end |
def write_master_manifest(daily_run, archive_datetimes) |
today = Time.zone.today |
increment_number = daily_run.to_s.rjust(4, "0") |
month = today.month.to_s.rjust(2, "0") |
day = today.day.to_s.rjust(2, "0") |
file_path = "Manifest_#{today.year}_#{month}_#{day}_#{increment_number}.csv" |
string_io = build_manifest_csv_io(archive_datetimes) |
@storage_service.write_file(file_path, string_io) |
end |
def get_archive_name(lettings_log, base_number, increment) |
return unless lettings_log.startdate |
collection_start = lettings_log.collection_start_year |
start_month = collection_start_date(lettings_log.startdate).strftime("%b") |
end_month = collection_end_date(lettings_log.startdate).strftime("%b") |
base_number_str = "f#{base_number.to_s.rjust(4, '0')}" |
increment_str = "inc#{increment.to_s.rjust(4, '0')}" |
"core_#{collection_start}_#{collection_start + 1}_#{start_month}_#{end_month}_#{base_number_str}_#{increment_str}".downcase |
end |
def write_export_archive(export, lettings_logs) |
# Order lettings logs per archive |
lettings_logs_per_archive = {} |
lettings_logs.each do |lettings_log| |
archive = get_archive_name(lettings_log, export.base_number, export.increment_number) |
next unless archive |
if lettings_logs_per_archive.key?(archive) |
lettings_logs_per_archive[archive] << lettings_log |
else |
lettings_logs_per_archive[archive] = [lettings_log] |
end |
end |
# Write all archives |
archive_datetimes = {} |
lettings_logs_per_archive.each do |archive, lettings_logs_to_export| |
manifest_xml = build_manifest_xml(lettings_logs_to_export.count) |
zip_file = Zip::File.open_buffer(StringIO.new) |
zip_file.add("manifest.xml", manifest_xml) |
part_number = 1 |
lettings_logs_to_export.each_slice(MAX_XML_RECORDS) do |lettings_logs_slice| |
data_xml = build_export_xml(lettings_logs_slice) |
part_number_str = "pt#{part_number.to_s.rjust(3, '0')}" |
zip_file.add("#{archive}_#{part_number_str}.xml", data_xml) |
part_number += 1 |
end |
# Required by S3 to avoid Aws::S3::Errors::BadDigest |
zip_io = zip_file.write_buffer |
zip_io.rewind |
@storage_service.write_file("#{archive}.zip", zip_io) |
archive_datetimes[archive] = Time.zone.now |
end |
archive_datetimes |
end |
def retrieve_lettings_logs(start_time, full_update) |
recent_export = LogsExport.order("started_at").last |
if !full_update && recent_export |
params = { from: recent_export.started_at, to: start_time } |
LettingsLog.exportable.where("updated_at >= :from and updated_at <= :to", params) |
else |
params = { to: start_time } |
LettingsLog.exportable.where("updated_at <= :to", params) |
end |
end |
def build_manifest_csv_io(archive_datetimes) |
headers = ["zip-name", "date-time zipped folder generated", "zip-file-uri"] |
csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv| |
csv << headers |
archive_datetimes.each do |(archive, datetime)| |
csv << [archive, datetime, "#{archive}.zip"] |
end |
end |
StringIO.new(csv_string) |
end |
def xml_doc_to_temp_file(xml_doc) |
file = Tempfile.new |
xml_doc.write_xml_to(file, encoding: "UTF-8") |
file.rewind |
file |
end |
def build_manifest_xml(record_number) |
doc = Nokogiri::XML("<report/>") |
doc.at("report") << doc.create_element("form-data-summary") |
doc.at("form-data-summary") << doc.create_element("records") |
doc.at("records") << doc.create_element("count-of-records", record_number) |
xml_doc_to_temp_file(doc) |
end |
def apply_cds_transformation(lettings_log, export_mode) |
attribute_hash = lettings_log.attributes_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["formid"] = attribute_hash["old_form_id"] || (attribute_hash["id"] + LOG_ID_OFFSET) |
# We can't have a variable number of columns in CSV |
unless export_mode == EXPORT_MODE[:csv] |
case lettings_log.collection_start_year |
when 2021 |
attribute_hash.delete("joint") |
when 2022 |
attribute_hash.delete("underoccupation_benefitcap") |
end |
end |
# Organisation fields |
if lettings_log.owning_organisation |
attribute_hash["owningorgid"] = lettings_log.owning_organisation.old_visible_id || (lettings_log.owning_organisation.id + LOG_ID_OFFSET) |
attribute_hash["owningorgname"] = lettings_log.owning_organisation.name |
attribute_hash["hcnum"] = lettings_log.owning_organisation.housing_registration_no |
end |
if lettings_log.managing_organisation |
attribute_hash["maningorgid"] = lettings_log.managing_organisation.old_visible_id || (lettings_log.managing_organisation.id + LOG_ID_OFFSET) |
attribute_hash["maningorgname"] = lettings_log.managing_organisation.name |
attribute_hash["manhcnum"] = lettings_log.managing_organisation.housing_registration_no |
end |
# Covert date times to ISO 8601 |
attribute_hash["createddate"] = lettings_log.created_at&.iso8601 |
attribute_hash["uploaddate"] = lettings_log.updated_at&.iso8601 |
attribute_hash["mrcdate"] = lettings_log.mrcdate&.iso8601 |
attribute_hash["startdate"] = lettings_log.startdate&.iso8601 |
attribute_hash["voiddate"] = lettings_log.voiddate&.iso8601 |
attribute_hash["cbl"] = 2 if attribute_hash["cbl"]&.zero? |
attribute_hash["cap"] = 2 if attribute_hash["cap"]&.zero? |
attribute_hash["chr"] = 2 if attribute_hash["chr"]&.zero? |
# Age refused |
(1..8).each do |index| |
attribute_hash["age#{index}"] = -9 if attribute_hash["age#{index}_known"] == 1 |
end |
# Supported housing fields |
if lettings_log.is_supported_housing? |
attribute_hash["unittype_sh"] = lettings_log.unittype_sh |
attribute_hash["sheltered"] = lettings_log.sheltered |
attribute_hash["nocharge"] = lettings_log.household_charge == 1 ? 1 : nil |
attribute_hash["chcharge"] = lettings_log.chcharge |
add_scheme_fields!(lettings_log.scheme, attribute_hash) if lettings_log.scheme |
add_location_fields!(lettings_log.location, attribute_hash) if lettings_log.location |
attribute_hash.delete("unittype_gn") |
end |
attribute_hash |
end |
def add_scheme_fields!(scheme, attribute_hash) |
attribute_hash["confidential"] = scheme.sensitive_before_type_cast == 1 ? 1 : nil |
attribute_hash["cligrp1"] = scheme.primary_client_group_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["cligrp2"] = scheme.secondary_client_group_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["intstay"] = scheme.intended_stay_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["mantype"] = scheme.arrangement_type_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["reghome"] = scheme.registered_under_care_act_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["schtype"] = scheme.scheme_type_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["support"] = scheme.support_type_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["units_scheme"] = scheme.locations.map(&:units).compact.sum |
end |
def add_location_fields!(location, attribute_hash) |
attribute_hash["mobstand"] = location.mobility_type_before_type_cast |
attribute_hash["scheme"] = location.old_visible_id || (location.id + LOG_ID_OFFSET) |
attribute_hash["units"] = location.units |
end |
def filter_keys!(attributes) |
attributes.reject! { |attribute| is_omitted_field?(attribute) } |
end |
def is_omitted_field?(field_name) |
pattern_age = /age\d_known/ |
details_known_prefix = "details_known_" |
field_name.starts_with?(details_known_prefix) || |
pattern_age.match(field_name) || |
!EXPORT_FIELDS.include?(field_name) |
end |
def build_export_xml(lettings_logs) |
doc = Nokogiri::XML("<forms/>") |
lettings_logs.each do |lettings_log| |
attribute_hash = apply_cds_transformation(lettings_log, EXPORT_MODE[:xml]) |
form = doc.create_element("form") |
doc.at("forms") << form |
attribute_hash.each do |key, value| |
if is_omitted_field?(key) |
next |
else |
form << doc.create_element(key, value) |
end |
end |
form << doc.create_element("providertype", lettings_log.owning_organisation&.read_attribute_before_type_cast(:provider_type)) |
end |
xml_doc_to_temp_file(doc) |
end |
def available_collection_years |
FormHandler.instance.lettings_forms.values.map { |f| f.start_date.year }.uniq |
end |
end |