You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
467 lines
19 KiB
467 lines
19 KiB
class FormController < ApplicationController |
include CollectionTimeHelper |
before_action :authenticate_user! |
before_action :find_resource, only: %i[review] |
before_action :find_resource_by_named_id, except: %i[review] |
before_action :check_collection_period, only: %i[submit_form show_page] |
before_action :set_cache_headers, only: [:show_page] |
def submit_form |
if @log |
@page = form.get_page(params[@log.log_type][:page]) |
return render_check_errors_page if params["check_errors"] |
shown_page_ids_with_unanswered_questions_before_update = @page.subsection.pages |
.select { |page| page.routed_to?(@log, current_user) } |
.select { |page| page.has_unanswered_questions?(@log) } |
.map(&:id) |
responses_for_page = responses_for_page(@page) |
mandatory_questions_with_no_response = mandatory_questions_with_no_response(responses_for_page) |
if mandatory_questions_with_no_response.empty? && @log.update(responses_for_page.merge(updated_by: current_user)) |
if previous_interruption_screen_page_id.present? |
updated_question = @page.questions.reject { |question| question.check_answer_label.blank? }.first |
updated_question_string = [updated_question&.question_number_string, updated_question&.check_answer_label.to_s.downcase].compact.join(": ") |
flash[:notice] = "You have successfully updated #{updated_question_string}" |
end |
update_duplication_tracking |
pages_requiring_update = pages_requiring_update(shown_page_ids_with_unanswered_questions_before_update) |
redirect_to(successful_redirect_path(pages_requiring_update)) |
else |
@log.valid? if mandatory_questions_with_no_response.any? |
| do |question| |
@log.errors.add, question.unanswered_error_message, category: :not_answered |
end |
error_attributes = |
| "User triggered validation(s) on: #{error_attributes.join(', ')}" |
@subsection = form.subsection_for_page(@page) |
flash[:errors] = @log.errors.each_with_object({}) do |error, result| |
if |
result[error.attribute.to_s] = error.message |
end |
end |
flash[:log_data] = responses_for_page |
question_ids = ( - [:base]).uniq |
flash[:pages_with_errors_count] = { |id| @log.form.get_question(id, @log)&.page&.id }.compact.uniq.count |
redirect_to send("#{@log.log_type}_#{}_path", @log, { referrer: request.params["referrer"], original_page_id: request.params["original_page_id"], related_question_ids: request.params["related_question_ids"] }) |
end |
else |
render_not_found |
end |
end |
def check_answers |
if @log |
current_url = request.env["PATH_INFO"] |
subsection = form.get_subsection(current_url.split("/")[-2]) |
render "form/check_answers", locals: { subsection:, current_user: } |
else |
render_not_found |
end |
end |
def review |
if @log |
render "form/review" |
else |
render_not_found |
end |
end |
def show_page |
if request.params["referrer"] == "interruption_screen" && request.headers["HTTP_REFERER"].present? |
@interruption_page_id = URI.parse(request.headers["HTTP_REFERER"]).path.split("/").last.underscore |
@interruption_page_referrer_type = from_referrer_query("referrer") |
end |
if adding_answer_from_check_errors_page? |
@related_question_ids = request.params["related_question_ids"] |
@original_page_id = request.params["original_page_id"] |
@check_errors = true |
end |
if @log |
page_id = request.path.split("/")[-1].underscore |
@page = form.get_page(page_id) |
@subsection = form.subsection_for_page(@page) |
@pages_with_errors_count = 0 |
if @page.routed_to?(@log, current_user) || is_referrer_type?("interruption_screen") || adding_answer_from_check_errors_page? |
if updated_answer_from_check_errors_page? |
@questions = request.params["related_question_ids"].map { |id| @log.form.get_question(id, @log) } |
render "form/check_errors" |
else |
if flash[:errors].present? |
restore_previous_errors(flash[:errors]) |
restore_error_field_values(flash[:log_data]) |
@pages_with_errors_count = flash[:pages_with_errors_count] |
end |
render "form/page" |
end |
else |
redirect_to @log.lettings? ? lettings_log_path(@log) : sales_log_path(@log) |
end |
else |
render_not_found |
end |
end |
private |
def restore_error_field_values(previous_responses) |
return unless previous_responses |
previous_responses_to_reset = previous_responses.reject do |key, value| |
if @log.form.get_question(key, @log)&.type == "date" && value.present? |
year = value.split("-").first.to_i |
year&.zero? |
else |
false |
end |
end |
@log.assign_attributes(previous_responses_to_reset) |
end |
def restore_previous_errors(previous_errors) |
return unless previous_errors |
previous_errors.each do |attribute, message| |
@log.errors.add attribute, message.html_safe |
end |
end |
def responses_for_page(page) |
page.questions.each_with_object({}) do |question, result| |
question_params = params[@log.log_type][] |
if question.type == "date" |
day, month, year = params[@log.log_type][].split("/") |
next unless [day, month, year].any?(&:present?) |
date_matches_format = params[@log.log_type][].match?(/\A\d{1,2}\/\d{1,2}\/\d{4}\z/) |
result[] = if date_matches_format && Date.valid_date?(year.to_i, month.to_i, day.to_i) && year.to_i.positive? |
|, month.to_i, day.to_i) |
else |
|, 1, 1) |
end |
end |
if == "saledate" && set_managing_organisation_to_assigned_to_organisation?(result["saledate"]) |
result["managing_organisation_id"] = @log.assigned_to.organisation_id |
end |
next unless question_params |
if question.type == "checkbox" |
question.answer_keys_without_dividers.each do |option| |
result[option] = 1 if question_params.include?(option) |
end |
elsif question.type != "date" |
result[] = question_params |
end |
if == "owning_organisation_id" |
owning_organisation = result["owning_organisation_id"].present? ? Organisation.find(result["owning_organisation_id"]) : nil |
result["managing_organisation_id"] = if set_managing_organisation_to_owning_organisation?(owning_organisation) |
end |
result |
end |
end |
def find_resource |
@log = if params.key?("sales_log") |
current_user.sales_logs.visible.find_by(id: params[:id]) |
else |
current_user.lettings_logs.visible.find_by(id: params[:id]) |
end |
end |
def find_resource_by_named_id |
@log = if params[:sales_log_id].present? |
current_user.sales_logs.visible.find_by(id: params[:sales_log_id]) |
else |
current_user.lettings_logs.visible.find_by(id: params[:lettings_log_id]) |
end |
end |
def is_referrer_type?(referrer_type) |
from_referrer_query("referrer") == referrer_type |
end |
def from_referrer_query(query_param) |
referrer = request.headers["HTTP_REFERER"] |
return unless referrer |
query_params = URI.parse(referrer).query |
return unless query_params |
parsed_params = CGI.parse(query_params) |
parsed_params[query_param]&.first |
end |
def original_duplicate_log_id_from_query |
query_params = URI.parse(request.url).query |
return unless query_params |
parsed_params = CGI.parse(query_params) |
parsed_params["original_log_id"]&.first |
end |
def previous_interruption_screen_page_id |
params[@log.log_type]["interruption_page_id"] |
end |
def previous_interruption_screen_referrer |
params[@log.log_type]["interruption_page_referrer_type"].presence |
end |
def page_has_duplicate_check_question |
@page.questions.any? { |q| @log.duplicate_check_question_ids.include?( } |
end |
def update_duplication_tracking |
return unless page_has_duplicate_check_question |
class_name = @log.log_type |
dynamic_duplicates = current_user.send(class_name.pluralize).duplicate_logs(@log) |
if dynamic_duplicates.any? |
saved_duplicates = @log.duplicates |
if saved_duplicates.none? || duplicates_changed?(dynamic_duplicates, saved_duplicates) |
duplicate_set_id = dynamic_duplicates.first.duplicate_set_id || new_duplicate_set_id(@log) |
update_logs_with_duplicate_set_id(@log, dynamic_duplicates, duplicate_set_id) |
saved_duplicates.first.update!(duplicate_set_id: nil) if saved_duplicates.count == 1 |
end |
else |
remove_fixed_duplicate_set_ids(@log) |
end |
end |
def successful_redirect_path(pages_to_check) |
class_name = @log.log_type |
if is_referrer_type?("duplicate_logs") || is_referrer_type?("duplicate_logs_banner") |
original_log = current_user.send(class_name.pluralize).find_by(id: from_referrer_query("original_log_id")) |
if original_log.present? && current_user.send(class_name.pluralize).duplicate_logs(original_log).any? |
if @log.duplicate_set_id.nil? |
flash[:notice] = deduplication_success_banner |
end |
return send("#{class_name}_duplicate_logs_path", original_log, original_log_id:, referrer: params[:referrer], organisation_id: params[:organisation_id]) |
else |
flash[:notice] = deduplication_success_banner |
return send("#{class_name}_duplicate_logs_path", "#{class_name}_id".to_sym => from_referrer_query("first_remaining_duplicate_id"), original_log_id: from_referrer_query("original_log_id"), referrer: params[:referrer], organisation_id: params[:organisation_id]) |
end |
end |
unless @log.duplicate_set_id.nil? |
return send("#{@log.log_type}_duplicate_logs_path", @log, original_log_id: |
end |
if is_referrer_type?("check_answers") |
next_page_id = form.next_page_id(@page, @log, current_user) |
next_page = form.get_page(next_page_id) |
previous_page = form.previous_page_id(@page, @log, current_user) |
if next_page&.interruption_screen? || next_page_id == previous_page || CONFIRMATION_PAGE_IDS.include?(next_page_id) |
return redirect_path_to_question(next_page, pages_to_check) |
elsif pages_to_check.any? |
return redirect_path_to_question(pages_to_check[0], pages_to_check) |
else |
return send("#{@log.log_type}_#{form.subsection_for_page(@page).id}_check_answers_path", @log) |
end |
end |
if previous_interruption_screen_page_id.present? |
return send("#{@log.log_type}_#{previous_interruption_screen_page_id}_path", @log, { referrer: previous_interruption_screen_referrer, original_log_id: original_duplicate_log_id_from_query }.compact) |
end |
if params[@log.log_type]["check_errors"] |
@page = form.get_page(params[@log.log_type]["page"]) |
flash[:notice] = "You have successfully updated #{}" |
original_page_id = params[@log.log_type]["original_page_id"] |
related_question_ids = params[@log.log_type]["related_question_ids"].split(" ") |
return send("#{@log.log_type}_#{original_page_id}_path", @log, { check_errors: true, related_question_ids: }.compact) |
end |
if params["referrer"] == "check_errors" |
@page = form.get_page(params[@log.log_type]["page"]) |
flash[:notice] = "You have successfully updated #{}" |
return send("#{@log.log_type}_#{params['original_page_id']}_path", @log, { check_errors: true, related_question_ids: params["related_question_ids"] }.compact) |
end |
is_new_answer_from_check_answers = is_referrer_type?("check_answers_new_answer") |
redirect_path = form.next_page_redirect_path(@page, @log, current_user, ignore_answered: is_new_answer_from_check_answers) |
referrer = is_new_answer_from_check_answers ? "check_answers_new_answer" : nil |
send(redirect_path, @log, { referrer: }) |
end |
def redirect_path_to_question(page_to_show, unanswered_pages) |
remaining_pages = unanswered_pages.excluding(page_to_show) |
remaining_page_ids = remaining_pages.any? ?",") : nil |
send("#{@log.log_type}_#{}_path", @log, { referrer: "check_answers", unanswered_pages: remaining_page_ids }) |
end |
def pages_requiring_update(previously_visible_empty_page_ids) |
return [] unless is_referrer_type?("check_answers") |
currently_shown_pages = @page.subsection.pages |
.select { |page| page.routed_to?(@log, current_user) } |
existing_unanswered_pages = request.params["unanswered_pages"].nil? ? [] : request.params["unanswered_pages"].split(",") |
currently_shown_pages |
.reject { |page| previously_visible_empty_page_ids.include?( && !existing_unanswered_pages.include?( } |
.select { |page| page.has_unanswered_questions?(@log) } |
end |
def form |
@log&.form |
end |
def mandatory_questions_with_no_response(responses_for_page) |
session["fields"] = {} |
calc_questions = |
| do |question| |
next if calc_questions.include?( |
question_is_required?(question) && question_missing_response?(responses_for_page, question) |
end |
end |
def question_is_required?(question) |
@log.optional_fields.exclude?( && required_questions.include?( |
end |
def required_questions |
@required_questions ||= begin |
log = @log |
log.assign_attributes(responses_for_page(@page)) |
@page.subsection.applicable_questions(log).select { |q| q.enabled?(log) }.map(&:id) |
end |
end |
def question_missing_response?(responses_for_page, question) |
if question.type == "checkbox" |
answered = do |option| |
session["fields"][option] = @log[option] = params[@log.log_type][].include?(option) ? 1 : 0 |
params[@log.log_type][].exclude?(option) |
end |
answered.all? |
else |
session["fields"][] = @log[] = responses_for_page[] |
responses_for_page[].nil? || responses_for_page[].blank? |
end |
end |
def check_collection_period |
return unless @log |
unless @log.collection_period_open_for_editing? |
redirect_to @log.lettings? ? lettings_log_path(@log) : sales_log_path(@log) |
end |
end |
CONFIRMATION_PAGE_IDS = %w[uprn_confirmation uprn_selection].freeze |
def deduplication_success_banner |
deduplicated_log_link = "<a class=\"govuk-notification-banner__link govuk-!-font-weight-bold\" href=\"#{send("#{@log.log_type}_path", @log)}\">Log #{}</a>" |
changed_labels = { |
property_postcode: "postcode", |
lead_tenant_age: "lead tenant’s age", |
rent_4_weekly: "household rent and charges", |
rent_bi_weekly: "household rent and charges", |
rent_monthly: "household rent and charges", |
rent_or_other_charges: "household rent and charges", |
address: "postcode", |
} |
changed_question_label = changed_labels[] || (@page.questions.first.check_answer_label.to_s.presence || @page.questions.first.header.to_s).downcase |
I18n.t("notification.duplicate_logs.deduplication_success_banner", log_link: deduplicated_log_link, changed_question_label:).html_safe |
end |
def remove_fixed_duplicate_set_ids(log) |
duplicate_set_id = log.duplicate_set_id |
return unless duplicate_set_id |
log.update!(duplicate_set_id: nil) |
LettingsLog.find_by(duplicate_set_id:)&.update!(duplicate_set_id: nil) if log.lettings? && LettingsLog.where(duplicate_set_id:).count == 1 |
SalesLog.find_by(duplicate_set_id:)&.update!(duplicate_set_id: nil) if log.sales? && SalesLog.where(duplicate_set_id:).count == 1 |
end |
def new_duplicate_set_id(log) |
if log.lettings? |
LettingsLog.maximum(:duplicate_set_id).to_i + 1 |
else |
SalesLog.maximum(:duplicate_set_id).to_i + 1 |
end |
end |
def duplicates_changed?(dynamic_duplicates, saved_duplicates) |
dynamic_duplicates.present? && saved_duplicates.present? && dynamic_duplicates.order(:id).pluck(:id) != saved_duplicates.order(:id).pluck(:id) |
end |
def update_logs_with_duplicate_set_id(log, dynamic_duplicates, duplicate_set_id) |
log.update!(duplicate_set_id:) |
dynamic_duplicates.each do |duplicate| |
duplicate.update!(duplicate_set_id: log.duplicate_set_id) if duplicate.duplicate_set_id != log.duplicate_set_id |
end |
end |
def set_managing_organisation_to_owning_organisation?(owning_organisation) |
return true if && @log.managing_organisation.blank? && owning_organisation&.managing_agents&.empty? |
return true if owning_organisation&.absorbing_organisation == current_user.organisation |
return true if @log.managing_organisation&.absorbing_organisation == current_user.organisation && owning_organisation == current_user.organisation |
false |
end |
def set_managing_organisation_to_assigned_to_organisation?(saledate) |
return false if |
return false if collection_start_year_for_date(saledate) >= 2024 |
true |
end |
def render_check_errors_page |
if params[@log.log_type]["clear_question_ids"].present? |
question_ids = params[@log.log_type]["clear_question_ids"].split(" ") |
question_ids.each do |question_id| |
question = @log.form.get_question(question_id, @log) |
next if == "setup" |
| { |id| @log[id] = nil } |
@log.previous_la_known = nil if == "ppostcode_full" |
end |
|! |
@questions = params[@log.log_type].keys.reject { |id| %w[clear_question_ids page].include?(id) }.map { |id| @log.form.get_question(id, @log) } |
else |
responses_for_page = responses_for_page(@page) |
@log.assign_attributes(responses_for_page) |
@log.valid? |
@log.reload |
error_attributes = |
@questions = { |q| error_attributes.include?( &&, current_user) } |
end |
render "form/check_errors" |
end |
def adding_answer_from_check_errors_page? |
request.params["referrer"] == "check_errors" |
end |
def updated_answer_from_check_errors_page? |
params["check_errors"] |
end |
def set_cache_headers |
response.headers["Cache-Control"] = "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0" |
response.headers["Pragma"] = "no-cache" |
response.headers["Expires"] = "Mon, 01 Jan 1990 00:00:00 GMT" |
end |