Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

228 lines
9.6 KiB

class BulkUpload::Sales::Validator
include ActiveModel::Validations
field_1: "What is the purchaser code?",
field_2: "What is the day of the sale completion date? - DD",
field_3: "What is the month of the sale completion date? - MM",
field_4: "What is the year of the sale completion date? - YY",
field_5: "This question has been removed",
field_6: "Was the buyer interviewed for any of the answers you will provide on this log?",
field_7: "Age of Buyer 1",
field_8: "Age of Person 2",
field_9: "Age of Person 3",
field_10: "Age of Person 4",
field_11: "Age of Person 5",
field_12: "Age of Person 6",
field_13: "Gender identity of Buyer 1",
field_14: "Gender identity of Person 2",
field_15: "Gender identity of Person 3",
field_16: "Gender identity of Person 4",
field_17: "Gender identity of Person 5",
field_18: "Gender identity of Person 6",
field_19: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 2",
field_20: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 3",
field_21: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 4",
field_22: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 5",
field_23: "Relationship to Buyer 1 for Person 6",
field_24: "Working situation of Buyer 1",
field_25: "Working situation of Person 2",
field_26: "Working situation of Person 3",
field_27: "Working situation of Person 4",
field_28: "Working situation of Person 5",
field_29: "Working situation of Person 6",
field_30: "What is buyer 1's ethnic group?",
field_31: "What is buyer 1's nationality?",
field_32: "What is buyer 1's gross annual income?",
field_33: "What is buyer 2's gross annual income?",
field_34: "Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application?",
field_35: "Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application?",
field_36: "What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property?",
field_37: "Have any of the purchasers previously owned a property?",
field_38: "This question has been removed",
field_39: "What was buyer 1's previous tenure?",
field_40: "What is the local authority of buyer 1's last settled home?",
field_41: "Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled home",
field_42: "Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled home",
field_43: "Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled home?",
field_44: "Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)?",
field_45: "Was the buyer registered with the local authority?",
field_46: "Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent?",
field_47: "Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)?",
field_48: "Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability?",
field_49: "Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair?",
field_50: "How many bedrooms does the property have?",
field_51: "What type of unit is the property?",
field_52: "Which type of bulding is the property?",
field_53: "What is the local authority of the property?",
field_54: "Part 1 of postcode of property",
field_55: "Part 2 of postcode of property",
field_56: "Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair user standards?",
field_57: "What is the type of shared ownership sale?",
field_58: "Is this a resale?",
field_59: "What is the day of the practical completion or handover date?",
field_60: "What is the month of the practical completion or handover date?",
field_61: "What is the day of the exchange of contracts date?",
field_62: "What is the day of the practical completion or handover date?",
field_63: "What is the month of the practical completion or handover date?",
field_64: "What is the year of the practical completion or handover date?",
field_65: "Was the household re-housed under a local authority nominations agreement?",
field_66: "How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have?",
field_67: "What was the type of the buyer's previous property?",
field_68: "What was the full purchase price?",
field_69: "What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased?",
field_70: "What is the mortgage amount?",
field_71: "Does this include any extra borrowing?",
field_72: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?",
field_73: "How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy?",
field_74: "What is the basic monthly rent?",
field_75: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?",
field_76: "What is the type of discounted ownership sale?",
field_77: "What was the full purchase price?",
field_78: "What was the amount of any loan, grant, discount or subsidy given?",
field_79: "What was the percentage discount?",
field_80: "What is the mortgage amount?",
field_81: "Does this include any extra borrowing?",
field_82: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?",
field_83: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?",
field_84: "What is the type of outright sale?",
field_85: "If 'other', what is the 'other' type?",
field_86: "This question has been removed",
field_87: "What is the full purchase price?",
field_88: "What is the mortgage amount?",
field_89: "Does this include any extra borrowing?",
field_90: "How much was the cash deposit paid on the property?",
field_91: "What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?",
field_92: "Which organisation owned this property before the sale?",
field_93: "Username",
field_94: "This question has been removed",
field_95: "Has the buyer ever served in the UK Armed Forces and for how long?",
field_96: "This question has been removed",
field_97: "Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK Armed Forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?",
field_98: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Shared ownership",
field_99: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?",
field_100: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Discounted ownership",
field_101: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?",
field_102: "What is the name of the mortgage lender? - Outright sale",
field_103: "If 'other', what is the name of the mortgage lender?",
field_104: "Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property?",
field_105: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Shared ownership",
field_106: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Discounted ownership",
field_107: "What is the length of the mortgage in years? - Outright sale",
field_108: "How long have the buyers been living in the property before the purchase? - Discounted ownership",
field_109: "Are there more than two joint purchasers of this property?",
field_110: "How long have the buyers been living in the property before the purchase? - Shared ownership",
field_111: "Is this a staircasing transaction?",
field_112: "Data Protection question",
field_113: "Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme?",
field_114: "Is the buyer a company?",
field_115: "Will the buyers live in the property?",
field_116: "Is this a joint purchase?",
field_117: "Will buyer 1 live in the property?",
field_118: "Will buyer 2 live in the property?",
field_119: "Besides the buyers, how many people will live in the property?",
field_120: "What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction?",
field_121: "What percentage of the property does the buyer now own in total?",
field_122: "What was the rent type of the buyer's previous property?",
field_123: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Shared ownership",
field_124: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Discounted ownership",
field_125: "Was a mortgage used for the purchase of this property? - Outright sale",
def self.question_for_field(field)
attr_reader :bulk_upload, :path
validate :validate_file_not_empty
validate :validate_max_columns
def initialize(bulk_upload:, path:)
@bulk_upload = bulk_upload
@path = path
def call
row_parsers.each_with_index do |row_parser, index|
row = index + row_offset + 1
row_parser.errors.each do |error|
field: error.attribute,
error: error.type,
purchaser_code: row_parser.field_1,
cell: "#{cols[field_number_for_attribute(error.attribute) + col_offset - 1]}#{row}",
def field_number_for_attribute(attribute)
def rows
@rows ||=, row_sep:)
def body_rows
def row_offset
def col_offset
def cols
@cols ||= ("A".."DV").to_a
def row_parsers
@row_parsers ||= do |row|
stripped_row = row[col_offset..]
headers = ("field_1".."field_125").to_a
hash = Hash[]
def row_sep
# "\n"
def validate_file_not_empty
if File.size(path).zero?
errors.add(:file, :blank)
def validate_max_columns
return if halt_validations?
max_row_size =
errors.add(:file, :max_row_size) if max_row_size > 126
def halt_validations!
@halt_validations = true
def halt_validations?
@halt_validations ||= false