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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
170 lines
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170 lines
6.1 KiB
module Csv |
class SalesLogCsvService |
def initialize(user:, export_type:) |
@user = user |
@export_type = export_type |
@attributes = sales_log_attributes |
end |
def prepare_csv(logs) |
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv| |
csv << @attributes |
logs.find_each do |log| |
csv << { |attribute| value(attribute, log) } |
end |
end |
end |
private |
day: { |
labels: %i[saledate day], |
codes: %i[saledate day], |
}, |
month: { |
labels: %i[saledate month], |
codes: %i[saledate month], |
}, |
year: { |
labels: %i[saledate year], |
codes: %i[saledate year], |
}, |
is_dpo: { |
labels: %i[assigned_to is_dpo], |
codes: %i[assigned_to is_dpo], |
}, |
created_by: { |
labels: %i[created_by email], |
codes: %i[created_by email], |
}, |
assigned_to: { |
labels: %i[assigned_to email], |
codes: %i[assigned_to email], |
}, |
owning_organisation_name: { |
labels: %i[owning_organisation name], |
codes: %i[owning_organisation name], |
}, |
managing_organisation_name: { |
labels: %i[managing_organisation name], |
codes: %i[managing_organisation name], |
}, |
creation_method: { |
labels: %i[creation_method], |
codes: %i[creation_method_before_type_cast], |
}, |
}.freeze |
PERSON_DETAILS = {}.tap { |hash| |
hash["age1"] = { "refused_code" => "-9", "refused_label" => "Not known", "age_known_field" => "age1_known" } |
(2..6).each do |i| |
hash["age#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "-9", "refused_label" => "Not known", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}", "age_known_field" => "age#{i}_known" } |
hash["sex#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "R", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" } |
hash["relat#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "R", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" } |
hash["ecstat#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "10", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" } |
end |
}.freeze |
la |
prevloc |
].freeze |
"la_label" => "la", |
"prevloc_label" => "prevloc", |
}.freeze |
created_at |
updated_at |
].freeze |
def value(attribute, log) |
if CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS.key? attribute.to_sym |
call_chain = CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS[attribute.to_sym][@export_type.to_sym] |
call_chain.reduce(log) { |object, next_call| object&.public_send(next_call) } |
elsif FIELDS_ALWAYS_EXPORTED_AS_CODES.include? attribute |
log.send(attribute) |
attribute = FIELDS_ALWAYS_EXPORTED_AS_LABELS[attribute] |
value = log.send(attribute) |
get_label(value, attribute, log) |
elsif SYSTEM_DATE_FIELDS.include? attribute |
log.public_send(attribute)&.iso8601 |
elsif PERSON_DETAILS.any? { |key, _value| key == attribute } && (person_details_not_known?(log, attribute) || age_not_known?(log, attribute)) |
case @export_type |
when "codes" |
PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["refused_code"] |
when "labels" |
PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["refused_label"] |
end |
else |
value = log.public_send(attribute) |
case @export_type |
when "codes" |
value |
when "labels" |
answer_label = get_label(value, attribute, log) |
answer_label || label_if_boolean_value(value) || value |
end |
end |
end |
def get_label(value, attribute, log) |
log.form |
.get_question(attribute, log) |
&.label_from_value(value) |
end |
def label_if_boolean_value(value) |
return "Yes" if value == true |
return "No" if value == false |
end |
"saledate" => %w[day month year], |
"exdate" => %w[exday exmonth exyear], |
"hodate" => %w[hoday homonth hoyear], |
"postcode_full" => %w[pcode1 pcode2], |
"ppostcode_full" => %w[ppostc1 ppostc2], |
"la" => %w[la la_label], |
"prevloc" => %w[prevloc prevloc_label], |
"created_by_id" => %w[created_by], |
"assigned_to_id" => %w[assigned_to], |
"owning_organisation_id" => %w[owning_organisation_name], |
"managing_organisation_id" => %w[managing_organisation_name], |
}.freeze |
SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES = %w[address_line1_as_entered address_line2_as_entered town_or_city_as_entered county_as_entered postcode_full_as_entered la_as_entered created_by].freeze |
def sales_log_attributes |
ordered_questions = FormHandler.instance.ordered_sales_questions_for_all_years |
ordered_questions.reject! { |q|<!la)_known)|(_check)|(_asked)|nationality_all_group|nationality_all_buyer2_group/) } |
attributes = ordered_questions.flat_map do |question| |
if question.type == "checkbox" |
question.answer_options.keys |
else |
| |
end |
end |
non_question_fields = %w[id status duplicate_set_id created_at updated_at old_form_id collection_start_year creation_method is_dpo address_line1_as_entered address_line2_as_entered town_or_city_as_entered county_as_entered postcode_full_as_entered la_as_entered created_by] |
final_attributes = non_question_fields + attributes |
| ? final_attributes : final_attributes - SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES |
end |
def person_details_not_known?(log, attribute) |
details_known_field = PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["details_known_field"] |
log[details_known_field] == 2 # 1 for lettings logs, 2 for sales logs |
end |
def age_not_known?(log, attribute) |
age_known_field = PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["age_known_field"] |
log[age_known_field] == 1 |
end |
end |