15 KiB
15 KiB
1 | ID | Log ID |
2 | STATUS | Status of log |
3 | DUPLICATESET | ID of a set of duplicate logs |
4 | CREATEDDATE | Time and date the log was created |
5 | UPLOADDATE | Time and date the log was last updated |
6 | COLLECTIONYEAR | Year collection period opened |
7 | CREATIONMETHOD | Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
8 | BULKUPLOADID | ID of a set of bulk uploaded logs |
9 | DATAPROTECT | Is the user in the created_by column the data protection officer? |
10 | OWNINGORGNAME | Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
11 | MANINGORGNAME | Which organisation reported the sale? |
12 | CREATEDBY | User that created the log |
13 | USERNAME | User the log is assigned to |
14 | DAY | Day of sale completion date |
15 | MONTH | Month of sale completion date |
16 | YEAR | Year of sale completion date |
17 | PURCHID | What is the purchaser code? |
18 | OWNERSHIP | Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
19 | TYPE | What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
20 | COMPANY | Is the buyer a company? |
21 | LIVEINBUYER | Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
22 | JOINT | Is this a joint purchase? |
23 | JOINTMORE | Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
24 | NOINT | Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
25 | PRIVACYNOTICE | Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
26 | UPRN | What is the UPRN of the property? |
27 | ADDRESS1 | Address line 1 |
28 | ADDRESS2 | Address line 2 |
29 | TOWNCITY | Town/City |
30 | COUNTY | County |
31 | POSTCODE | Postcode |
32 | ISLAINFERRED | The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode |
33 | LANAME | LA name |
34 | LA | LA code |
35 | UPRNSELECTED | UPRN of the address selected |
36 | ADDRESS_SEARCH_VALUE_CHECK | Was the 'No address found' page seen? |
37 | ADDRESS1INPUT | Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
38 | POSTCODEINPUT | Postcode input from address matching feature |
39 | BULKADDRESS1 | Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file |
40 | BULKADDRESS2 | Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file |
41 | BULKTOWNCITY | Town or city entered in bulk upload file |
42 | BULKCOUNTY | County entered in bulk upload file |
43 | BULKPOSTCODE | Postcode entered in bulk upload file |
44 | BULKLA | Local authority entered in bulk upload file |
45 | BEDS | How many bedrooms does the property have? |
46 | PROPTYPE | What type of unit is the property? |
47 | BUILTYPE | Which type of building is the property? |
48 | WCHAIR | Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
49 | AGE1 | What is buyer 1's age? |
50 | SEX1 | Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
51 | ETHNICGROUP1 | What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
52 | ETHNIC | Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
53 | NATIONALITYALL1 | What is buyer 1's nationality? |
54 | ECSTAT1 | Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
55 | LIVEINBUYER1 | Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
56 | RELAT2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
57 | AGE2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
58 | SEX2 | Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
59 | ETHNICGROUP2 | What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
60 | ETHNIC2 | Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
61 | NATIONALITYALL2 | What is buyer 2's nationality? |
62 | ECSTAT2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
63 | LIVEINBUYER2 | Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
64 | RELAT3 | What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
65 | AGE3 | What is person 3's age? |
66 | SEX3 | What is person 3's gender identity? |
67 | ECSTAT3 | What is person 3's working situation? |
68 | RELAT4 | What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
69 | AGE4 | What is person 4's age? |
70 | SEX4 | What is person 4's gender identity? |
71 | ECSTAT4 | What is person 4's working situation? |
72 | RELAT5 | What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
73 | AGE5 | What is person 5's age? |
74 | SEX5 | What is person 5's gender identity? |
75 | ECSTAT5 | What is person 5's working situation? |
76 | RELAT6 | What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
77 | AGE6 | What is person 6's age? |
78 | SEX6 | What is person 6's gender identity? |
79 | ECSTAT6 | What is person 6's working situation? |
80 | PREVTEN | What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
81 | PPCODENK | Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
82 | PPOSTC1 | Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
83 | PPOSTC2 | Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
84 | PREVIOUSLAKNOWN | Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
85 | PREVLOC | The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
86 | PREVLOCNAME | The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
87 | PREGYRHA | Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
88 | PREGOTHER | Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
89 | PREGLA | Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
90 | PREGGHB | Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
91 | PREVTEN2 | What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
92 | HHREGRES | Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
93 | HHREGRESSTILL | Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
94 | ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE | Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
95 | DISABLED | Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
96 | WHEEL | Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
97 | INC1NK | Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
98 | INCOME1 | What is buyer 1's annual income? |
99 | INC1MORT | Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
100 | INC2NK | Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
101 | INCOME2 | What is buyer 2's annual income? |
102 | INC2MORT | Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
103 | HB | Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
104 | SAVINGSNK | Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
105 | SAVINGS | What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
106 | PREVOWN | Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
107 | PREVSHARED | Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
108 | PROPLEN | How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
109 | STAIRCASE | Is this a staircasing transaction? |
110 | STAIRBOUGHT | What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
111 | STAIROWNED | What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
112 | STAIRCASETOSALE | Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
113 | RESALE | Is this a resale? |
114 | EXDAY | Day of the exchange of contracts |
115 | EXMONTH | Month of the exchange of contracts |
116 | EXYEAR | Year of the exchange of contracts |
117 | HODAY | Day of the practical completion or handover date |
118 | HOMONTH | Month of the practical completion or handover date |
119 | HOYEAR | Year of the practical completion or handover date |
120 | LANOMAGR | Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
121 | FROMBEDS | How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
122 | FROMPROP | What was the previous property type? |
123 | SOCPREVTEN | What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
124 | VALUE | What is the full purchase price? |
125 | VALUE_VALUE_CHECK | Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
126 | EQUITY | What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
127 | MORTGAGEUSED | Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
128 | MORTGAGE | What is the mortgage amount? |
129 | MORTGAGELENDER | What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
130 | MORTLEN1 | What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
131 | EXTRABOR | Does this include any extra borrowing? |
132 | DEPOSIT | How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
133 | CASHDIS | How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
134 | MRENT | What is the basic monthly rent? |
135 | HASMSCHARGE | Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
136 | MSCHARGE | What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
137 | MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECK | Populated if a soft validation is confirmed. |
138 | DISCOUNT | What was the percentage discount? |
139 | id | Log ID |
140 | status | Status of log |
141 | duplicate_set_id | ID of a set of duplicate logs |
142 | created_at | Time and date the log was created |
143 | updated_at | Time and date the log was last updated |
144 | old_form_id | The ID on the old service |
145 | collection_start_year | Year collection period opened |
146 | creation_method | Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload? |
147 | is_dpo | Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer? |
148 | owning_organisation_name | Which organisation owned this property before the sale? |
149 | managing_organisation_name | Which organisation reported the sale? |
150 | assigned_to | User the log is assigned to |
151 | day | Day of sale completion date |
152 | month | Month of sale completion date |
153 | year | Year of sale completion date |
154 | purchid | What is the purchaser code? |
155 | ownershipsch | Was this purchase made through an ownership scheme? |
156 | type | What is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale? |
157 | companybuy | Is the buyer a company? |
158 | buylivein | Will the buyer(s) live in the property? |
159 | jointpur | Is this a joint purchase? |
160 | jointmore | Are there more than 2 joint buyers of this property? |
161 | beds | How many bedrooms does the property have? |
162 | proptype | What type of unit is the property? |
163 | builtype | Which type of building is the property? |
164 | uprn | What is the UPRN of the property? |
165 | uprn_confirmed | We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address? |
166 | address_line1_input | Address line 1 input from address matching feature |
167 | postcode_full_input | Postcode input from address matching feature |
168 | uprn_selection | UPRN of the address selected |
169 | address_line1 | Address line 1 |
170 | address_line2 | Address line 2 |
171 | town_or_city | Town/City |
172 | county | County |
173 | pcode1 | Part 1 of the property's postcode |
174 | pcode2 | Part 2 of the property's postcode |
175 | la | LA code |
176 | la_label | LA name |
177 | wchair | Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards? |
178 | noint | Did you interview the buyer to answer these questions? |
179 | privacynotice | Has the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice? |
180 | age1 | What is buyer 1's age? |
181 | sex1 | Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity? |
182 | ethnic_group | What is buyer 1's ethnic group? |
183 | ethnic | Which of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background? |
184 | nationality_all | What is buyer 1's nationality? |
185 | ecstat1 | Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation? |
186 | buy1livein | Will buyer 1 live in the property? |
187 | relat2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1? |
188 | age2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's age? |
189 | sex2 | Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity? |
190 | ethnic_group2 | What is buyer 2's ethnic group? |
191 | ethnicbuy2 | Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background? |
192 | nationality_all_buyer2 | What is buyer 2's nationality? |
193 | ecstat2 | What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation? |
194 | buy2livein | Will buyer 2 live in the property? |
195 | relat3 | What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1? |
196 | age3 | What is person 3's age? |
197 | sex3 | What is person 3's gender identity? |
198 | ecstat3 | What is person 3's working situation? |
199 | relat4 | What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1? |
200 | age4 | What is person 4's age? |
201 | sex4 | What is person 4's gender identity? |
202 | ecstat4 | What is person 4's working situation? |
203 | relat5 | What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1? |
204 | age5 | What is person 5's age? |
205 | sex5 | What is person 5's gender identity? |
206 | ecstat5 | What is person 5's working situation? |
207 | relat6 | What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1? |
208 | age6 | What is person 6's age? |
209 | sex6 | What is person 6's gender identity? |
210 | ecstat6 | What is person 6's working situation? |
211 | prevten | What was buyer 1's previous tenure? |
212 | ppcodenk | Do you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
213 | ppostc1 | Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
214 | ppostc2 | Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
215 | previous_la_known | Do you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation? |
216 | prevloc | The local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
217 | prevloc_label | The local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation |
218 | pregyrha | Was the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)? |
219 | pregother | Was the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)? |
220 | pregla | Was the buyer registered with the local authority? |
221 | pregghb | Was the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent? |
222 | prevtenbuy2 | What was buyer 2's previous tenure? |
223 | hhregres | Have any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces? |
224 | hhregresstill | Is the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces? |
225 | armedforcesspouse | Are any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years? |
226 | disabled | Does anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability? |
227 | wheel | Does anyone in the household use a wheelchair? |
228 | income1nk | Is buyer 1's annual income known? |
229 | income1 | What is buyer 1's annual income? |
230 | inc1mort | Was buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application? |
231 | income2nk | Is buyer 2's annual income known? |
232 | income2 | What is buyer 2's annual income? |
233 | inc2mort | Was buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application? |
234 | hb | Were the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property? |
235 | savingsnk | Is the the total amount the buyers had in savings known? |
236 | savings | What is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property? |
237 | prevown | Have any of the buyers previously owned a property? |
238 | prevshared | Was the previous property under shared ownership? |
239 | proplen | How long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it? |
240 | staircase | Is this a staircasing transaction? |
241 | stairbought | What percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction? |
242 | stairowned | What percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total? |
243 | staircasesale | Was this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market? |
244 | resale | Is this a resale? |
245 | exday | Day of the exchange of contracts |
246 | exmonth | Month of the exchange of contracts |
247 | exyear | Year of the exchange of contracts |
248 | hoday | Day of the practical completion or handover date |
249 | homonth | Month of the practical completion or handover date |
250 | hoyear | Year of the practical completion or handover date |
251 | lanomagr | Was the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement? |
252 | frombeds | How many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have? |
253 | fromprop | What was the previous property type? |
254 | socprevten | What was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure? |
255 | value | What is the full purchase price? |
256 | equity | What was the initial percentage equity stake purchased? |
257 | mortgageused | Was a mortgage used to buy this property? |
258 | mortgage | What is the mortgage amount? |
259 | mortgagelender | What is the name of the mortgage lender? |
260 | mortlen | What is the length of the mortgage in years? |
261 | extrabor | Does this include any extra borrowing? |
262 | deposit | How much was the cash deposit paid on the property? |
263 | cashdis | How much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy? |
264 | mrent | What is the basic monthly rent? |
265 | has_mscharge | Does the property have any monthly leasehold charges? |
266 | mscharge | What are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property? |
267 | discount | What was the percentage discount? |