Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

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2STATUSStatus of log
3DUPLICATESETID of a set of duplicate logs
4CREATEDDATETime and date the log was created
5UPLOADDATETime and date the log was last updated
6COLLECTIONYEARYear collection period opened
7CREATIONMETHODWas the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload?
8BULKUPLOADIDID of a set of bulk uploaded logs
9DATAPROTECTIs the user in the created_by column the data protection officer?
10OWNINGORGNAMEWhich organisation owned this property before the sale?
11MANINGORGNAMEWhich organisation reported the sale?
12CREATEDBYUser that created the log
13USERNAMEUser the log is assigned to
14DAYDay of sale completion date
15MONTHMonth of sale completion date
16YEARYear of sale completion date
17PURCHIDWhat is the purchaser code?
18OWNERSHIPWas this purchase made through an ownership scheme?
19TYPEWhat is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale?
20COMPANYIs the buyer a company?
21LIVEINBUYERWill the buyer(s) live in the property?
22JOINTIs this a joint purchase?
23JOINTMOREAre there more than 2 joint buyers of this property?
24NOINTDid you interview the buyer to answer these questions?
25PRIVACYNOTICEHas the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice?
26UPRNWhat is the UPRN of the property?
27ADDRESS1Address line 1
28ADDRESS2Address line 2
32ISLAINFERREDThe internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode
34LALA code
35UPRNSELECTEDUPRN of the address selected
36ADDRESS_SEARCH_VALUE_CHECKWas the 'No address found' page seen?
37ADDRESS1INPUTAddress line 1 input from address matching feature
38POSTCODEINPUTPostcode input from address matching feature
39BULKADDRESS1Address line 1 entered in bulk upload file
40BULKADDRESS2Address line 2 entered in bulk upload file
41BULKTOWNCITYTown or city entered in bulk upload file
42BULKCOUNTYCounty entered in bulk upload file
43BULKPOSTCODEPostcode entered in bulk upload file
44BULKLALocal authority entered in bulk upload file
45BEDSHow many bedrooms does the property have?
46PROPTYPEWhat type of unit is the property?
47BUILTYPEWhich type of building is the property?
48WCHAIRIs the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?
49AGE1What is buyer 1's age?
50SEX1Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity?
51ETHNICGROUP1What is buyer 1's ethnic group?
52ETHNICWhich of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background?
53NATIONALITYALL1What is buyer 1's nationality?
54ECSTAT1Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation?
55LIVEINBUYER1Will buyer 1 live in the property?
56RELAT2What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1?
57AGE2What is buyer 2 or person 2's age?
58SEX2Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity?
59ETHNICGROUP2What is buyer 2's ethnic group?
60ETHNIC2Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background?
61NATIONALITYALL2What is buyer 2's nationality?
62ECSTAT2What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation?
63LIVEINBUYER2Will buyer 2 live in the property?
64RELAT3What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1?
65AGE3What is person 3's age?
66SEX3What is person 3's gender identity?
67ECSTAT3What is person 3's working situation?
68RELAT4What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1?
69AGE4What is person 4's age?
70SEX4What is person 4's gender identity?
71ECSTAT4What is person 4's working situation?
72RELAT5What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1?
73AGE5What is person 5's age?
74SEX5What is person 5's gender identity?
75ECSTAT5What is person 5's working situation?
76RELAT6What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1?
77AGE6What is person 6's age?
78SEX6What is person 6's gender identity?
79ECSTAT6What is person 6's working situation?
80PREVTENWhat was buyer 1's previous tenure?
81PPCODENKDo you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation?
82PPOSTC1Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
83PPOSTC2Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
84PREVIOUSLAKNOWNDo you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation?
85PREVLOCThe local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
86PREVLOCNAMEThe local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
87PREGYRHAWas the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)?
88PREGOTHERWas the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)?
89PREGLAWas the buyer registered with the local authority?
90PREGGHBWas the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent?
91PREVTEN2What was buyer 2's previous tenure?
92HHREGRESHave any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces?
93HHREGRESSTILLIs the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces?
94ARMEDFORCESSPOUSEAre any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?
95DISABLEDDoes anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability?
96WHEELDoes anyone in the household use a wheelchair?
97INC1NKIs buyer 1's annual income known?
98INCOME1What is buyer 1's annual income?
99INC1MORTWas buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application?
100INC2NKIs buyer 1's annual income known?
101INCOME2What is buyer 2's annual income?
102INC2MORTWas buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application?
103HBWere the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property?
104SAVINGSNKIs the the total amount the buyers had in savings known?
105SAVINGSWhat is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property?
106PREVOWNHave any of the buyers previously owned a property?
107PREVSHAREDWas the previous property under shared ownership?
108PROPLENHow long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it?
109STAIRCASEIs this a staircasing transaction?
110STAIRBOUGHTWhat percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction?
111STAIROWNEDWhat percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total?
112STAIRCASETOSALEWas this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market?
113RESALEIs this a resale?
114EXDAYDay of the exchange of contracts
115EXMONTHMonth of the exchange of contracts
116EXYEARYear of the exchange of contracts
117HODAYDay of the practical completion or handover date
118HOMONTHMonth of the practical completion or handover date
119HOYEARYear of the practical completion or handover date
120LANOMAGRWas the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement?
121FROMBEDSHow many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have?
122FROMPROPWhat was the previous property type?
123SOCPREVTENWhat was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure?
124VALUEWhat is the full purchase price?
125VALUE_VALUE_CHECKPopulated if a soft validation is confirmed.
126EQUITYWhat was the initial percentage equity stake purchased?
127MORTGAGEUSEDWas a mortgage used to buy this property?
128MORTGAGEWhat is the mortgage amount?
129MORTGAGELENDERWhat is the name of the mortgage lender?
130MORTLEN1What is the length of the mortgage in years?
131EXTRABORDoes this include any extra borrowing?
132DEPOSITHow much was the cash deposit paid on the property?
133CASHDISHow much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy?
134MRENTWhat is the basic monthly rent?
135HASMSCHARGEDoes the property have any monthly leasehold charges?
136MSCHARGEWhat are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?
137MSCHARGE_VALUE_CHECKPopulated if a soft validation is confirmed.
138DISCOUNTWhat was the percentage discount?
139idLog ID
140statusStatus of log
141duplicate_set_idID of a set of duplicate logs
142created_atTime and date the log was created
143updated_atTime and date the log was last updated
144old_form_idThe ID on the old service
145collection_start_yearYear collection period opened
146creation_methodWas the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload?
147is_dpoIs the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer?
148owning_organisation_nameWhich organisation owned this property before the sale?
149managing_organisation_nameWhich organisation reported the sale?
150assigned_toUser the log is assigned to
151dayDay of sale completion date
152monthMonth of sale completion date
153yearYear of sale completion date
154purchidWhat is the purchaser code?
155ownershipschWas this purchase made through an ownership scheme?
156typeWhat is the type of shared ownership/discounted ownership/outright sale?
157companybuyIs the buyer a company?
158buyliveinWill the buyer(s) live in the property?
159jointpurIs this a joint purchase?
160jointmoreAre there more than 2 joint buyers of this property?
161bedsHow many bedrooms does the property have?
162proptypeWhat type of unit is the property?
163builtypeWhich type of building is the property?
164uprnWhat is the UPRN of the property?
165uprn_confirmedWe found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address?
166address_line1_inputAddress line 1 input from address matching feature
167postcode_full_inputPostcode input from address matching feature
168uprn_selectionUPRN of the address selected
169address_line1Address line 1
170address_line2Address line 2
173pcode1Part 1 of the property's postcode
174pcode2Part 2 of the property's postcode
175laLA code
176la_labelLA name
177wchairIs the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?
178nointDid you interview the buyer to answer these questions?
179privacynoticeHas the buyer seen the MHCLG privacy notice?
180age1What is buyer 1's age?
181sex1Which of these best describes buyer 1's gender identity?
182ethnic_groupWhat is buyer 1's ethnic group?
183ethnicWhich of the following best describes buyer 1's ethnic background?
184nationality_allWhat is buyer 1's nationality?
185ecstat1Which of these best describes buyer 1's working situation?
186buy1liveinWill buyer 1 live in the property?
187relat2What is buyer 2 or person 2's relationship to buyer 1?
188age2What is buyer 2 or person 2's age?
189sex2Which of these best describes buyer 2 or person 2's gender identity?
190ethnic_group2What is buyer 2's ethnic group?
191ethnicbuy2Which of the following best describes buyer 2's ethnic background?
192nationality_all_buyer2What is buyer 2's nationality?
193ecstat2What is buyer 2 or person 2's working situation?
194buy2liveinWill buyer 2 live in the property?
195relat3What is person 3's relationship to buyer 1?
196age3What is person 3's age?
197sex3What is person 3's gender identity?
198ecstat3What is person 3's working situation?
199relat4What is person 4's relationship to buyer 1?
200age4What is person 4's age?
201sex4What is person 4's gender identity?
202ecstat4What is person 4's working situation?
203relat5What is person 5's relationship to buyer 1?
204age5What is person 5's age?
205sex5What is person 5's gender identity?
206ecstat5What is person 5's working situation?
207relat6What is person 6's relationship to buyer 1?
208age6What is person 6's age?
209sex6What is person 6's gender identity?
210ecstat6What is person 6's working situation?
211prevtenWhat was buyer 1's previous tenure?
212ppcodenkDo you know the postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation?
213ppostc1Part 1 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
214ppostc2Part 2 of postcode of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
215previous_la_knownDo you know the local authority of buyer 1's last settled accommodation?
216prevlocThe local authority code of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
217prevloc_labelThe local authority name of buyer 1's last settled accommodation
218pregyrhaWas the buyer registered with their PRP (HA)?
219pregotherWas the buyer registered with another PRP (HA)?
220preglaWas the buyer registered with the local authority?
221pregghbWas the buyer registered with a Help to Buy agent?
222prevtenbuy2What was buyer 2's previous tenure?
223hhregresHave any of the buyers ever served as a regular in the UK armed forces?
224hhregresstillIs the buyer still serving in the UK armed forces?
225armedforcesspouseAre any of the buyers a spouse or civil partner of a UK armed forces regular who died in service within the last 2 years?
226disabledDoes anyone in the household consider themselves to have a disability?
227wheelDoes anyone in the household use a wheelchair?
228income1nkIs buyer 1's annual income known?
229income1What is buyer 1's annual income?
230inc1mortWas buyer 1's income used for a mortgage application?
231income2nkIs buyer 2's annual income known?
232income2What is buyer 2's annual income?
233inc2mortWas buyer 2's income used for a mortgage application?
234hbWere the buyers receiving any of these housing-related benefits immediately before buying this property?
235savingsnkIs the the total amount the buyers had in savings known?
236savingsWhat is the total amount the buyers had in savings before they paid any deposit for the property?
237prevownHave any of the buyers previously owned a property?
238prevsharedWas the previous property under shared ownership?
239proplenHow long did the buyer(s) live in the property before purchasing it?
240staircaseIs this a staircasing transaction?
241stairboughtWhat percentage of the property has been bought in this staircasing transaction?
242stairownedWhat percentage of the property do the buyers now own in total?
243staircasesaleWas this transaction part of a back-to-back staircasing transaction to facilitate sale of the home on the open market?
244resaleIs this a resale?
245exdayDay of the exchange of contracts
246exmonthMonth of the exchange of contracts
247exyearYear of the exchange of contracts
248hodayDay of the practical completion or handover date
249homonthMonth of the practical completion or handover date
250hoyearYear of the practical completion or handover date
251lanomagrWas the household rehoused under a local authority nominations agreement?
252frombedsHow many bedrooms did the buyer's previous property have?
253frompropWhat was the previous property type?
254socprevtenWhat was the rent type of buyer's previous tenure?
255valueWhat is the full purchase price?
256equityWhat was the initial percentage equity stake purchased?
257mortgageusedWas a mortgage used to buy this property?
258mortgageWhat is the mortgage amount?
259mortgagelenderWhat is the name of the mortgage lender?
260mortlenWhat is the length of the mortgage in years?
261extraborDoes this include any extra borrowing?
262depositHow much was the cash deposit paid on the property?
263cashdisHow much cash discount was given through Social Homebuy?
264mrentWhat is the basic monthly rent?
265has_mschargeDoes the property have any monthly leasehold charges?
266mschargeWhat are the total monthly leasehold charges for the property?
267discountWhat was the percentage discount?