Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

7 lines
693 B

<% if current_user.present? %>
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l govuk-!-width-two-thirds">About this service</h1>
<% else %>
<h2 class="govuk-heading-m govuk-!-width-two-thirds">About this service</h2>
<% end %>
<p class="govuk-body">Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) is a service that collects information about every new social housing letting and sale in England. The data you submit is used to make decisions about funding, regulations, and policies.</p>
<p class="govuk-body"><%= govuk_link_to "Learn more about statistics on social housing lettings (opens in a new tab)", "", target: "_blank" %></p>