466 lines
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466 lines
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module Imports |
class SalesLogsImportService < LogsImportService |
def initialize(storage_service, logger = Rails.logger) |
@logs_with_discrepancies = Set.new |
@logs_overridden = Set.new |
super |
end |
def create_logs(folder) |
import_from(folder, :create_log) |
if @logs_with_discrepancies.count.positive? |
@logger.warn("The following sales logs had status discrepancies: [#{@logs_with_discrepancies.join(', ')}]") |
end |
end |
private |
def create_log(xml_doc) |
return unless meta_field_value(xml_doc, "form-name").include?("Sales") |
attributes = {} |
previous_status = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "status") |
# Required fields for status complete or logic to work |
# Note: order matters when we derive from previous values (attributes parameter) |
attributes["saledate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "DAY", "MONTH", "YEAR") |
attributes["owning_organisation_id"] = find_organisation_id(xml_doc, "OWNINGORGID") |
attributes["type"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "DerSaleType") |
attributes["old_id"] = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "document-id") |
attributes["created_at"] = Time.zone.parse(meta_field_value(xml_doc, "created-date")) |
attributes["updated_at"] = Time.zone.parse(meta_field_value(xml_doc, "modified-date")) |
attributes["purchid"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PurchaserCode") |
attributes["ownershipsch"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Ownership") |
attributes["ownershipsch"] = ownership_from_type(attributes) if attributes["ownershipsch"].blank? # sometimes Ownership is missing, but type is set |
attributes["othtype"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q38OtherSale") |
attributes["jointpur"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "joint") |
attributes["jointmore"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "JointMore") if attributes["jointpur"] == 1 |
attributes["beds"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q11Bedrooms") |
attributes["companybuy"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "company") if attributes["ownershipsch"] == 3 |
attributes["hhmemb"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "HHMEMB") |
(1..6).each do |index| |
attributes["age#{index}"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P#{index}Age") |
attributes["sex#{index}"] = sex(xml_doc, index) |
attributes["ecstat#{index}"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P#{index}Eco") |
attributes["age#{index}_known"] = age_known(xml_doc, index, attributes["hhmemb"], attributes["age#{index}"]) |
end |
(2..6).each do |index| |
attributes["relat#{index}"] = relat(xml_doc, index) |
attributes["details_known_#{index}"] = details_known(index, attributes) |
end |
attributes["national"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P1Nat") |
attributes["othernational"] = nil |
attributes["ethnic"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P1Eth") |
attributes["ethnic_group"] = ethnic_group(attributes["ethnic"]) |
attributes["buy1livein"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LiveInBuyer1") |
attributes["buylivein"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LiveInBuyer") if attributes["ownershipsch"] == 3 |
attributes["builtype"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q13BuildingType") |
attributes["proptype"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q12PropertyType") |
attributes["privacynotice"] = 1 if string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Qdp") == "Yes" |
attributes["noint"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "PartAPurchaser") |
attributes["buy2livein"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LiveInBuyer2") |
attributes["wheel"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q10Wheelchair") |
attributes["hholdcount"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LiveInOther") |
attributes["la"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q14ONSLACode") |
attributes["income1"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2Person1Income") |
attributes["income1nk"] = income_known(unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P1IncKnown")) |
attributes["inc1mort"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2Person1Mortgage") |
attributes["income2"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2Person2Income") |
attributes["income2nk"] = income_known(unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "P2IncKnown")) |
attributes["savings"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q3Savings") |
attributes["savingsnk"] = savings_known(xml_doc) |
attributes["prevown"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q4PrevOwnedProperty") |
attributes["mortgage"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "CALCMORT") |
attributes["inc2mort"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2Person2MortApplication") |
attributes["hb"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q2a") |
attributes["frombeds"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q20Bedrooms") |
attributes["staircase"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q17aStaircase") |
attributes["stairbought"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "PercentBought") |
attributes["stairowned"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "PercentOwns") if attributes["staircase"] == 1 |
attributes["mrent"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q28MonthlyRent") |
attributes["exdate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "EXDAY", "EXMONTH", "EXYEAR") |
attributes["exday"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "EXDAY") |
attributes["exmonth"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "EXMONTH") |
attributes["exyear"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "EXYEAR") |
attributes["resale"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q17Resale") |
attributes["deposit"] = deposit(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["cashdis"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q27SocialHomeBuy") |
attributes["disabled"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Disability") |
attributes["lanomagr"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q19Rehoused") |
attributes["value"] = purchase_price(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["equity"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q23Equity") |
attributes["discount"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q33Discount") |
attributes["grant"] = safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q32Reductions") |
attributes["pregyrha"] = 1 if string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PREGYRHA") == "Yes" |
attributes["pregla"] = 1 if string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PREGLA") == "Yes" |
attributes["pregghb"] = 1 if string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PREGHBA") == "Yes" |
attributes["pregother"] = 1 if string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PREGOTHER") == "Yes" |
attributes["ppostcode_full"] = compose_postcode(xml_doc, "PPOSTC1", "PPOSTC2") |
attributes["prevloc"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q7ONSLACode") |
attributes["ppcodenk"] = previous_postcode_known(xml_doc, attributes["ppostcode_full"], attributes["prevloc"]) # Q7UNKNOWNPOSTCODE check mapping |
attributes["ppostc1"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PPOSTC1") |
attributes["ppostc2"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PPOSTC2") |
attributes["previous_la_known"] = nil |
attributes["hhregres"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "ArmedF") |
attributes["hhregresstill"] = still_serving(xml_doc) |
attributes["proplen"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q16aProplen2") || safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q16aProplensec2") |
attributes["mscharge"] = monthly_charges(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["mscharge_known"] = 1 if attributes["mscharge"].present? |
attributes["prevten"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q6PrevTenure") |
attributes["mortlen"] = mortgage_length(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["extrabor"] = borrowing(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["mortgageused"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "MORTGAGEUSED") |
attributes["wchair"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q15Wheelchair") |
attributes["armedforcesspouse"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "ARMEDFORCESSPOUSE") |
attributes["hodate"] = compose_date(xml_doc, "HODAY", "HOMONTH", "HOYEAR") |
attributes["hoday"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "HODAY") |
attributes["homonth"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "HOMONTH") |
attributes["hoyear"] = safe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "HOYEAR") |
attributes["fromprop"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q21PropertyType") |
attributes["socprevten"] = unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "PrevRentType") |
attributes["mortgagelender"] = mortgage_lender(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["mortgagelenderother"] = mortgage_lender_other(xml_doc, attributes) |
attributes["pcode1"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PCODE1") |
attributes["pcode2"] = string_or_nil(xml_doc, "PCODE2") |
attributes["postcode_full"] = compose_postcode(xml_doc, "PCODE1", "PCODE2") |
attributes["pcodenk"] = 0 if attributes["postcode_full"].present? # known if given |
attributes["soctenant"] = soctenant(attributes) |
attributes["ethnic_group2"] = nil # 23/24 variable |
attributes["ethnicbuy2"] = nil # 23/24 variable |
attributes["prevshared"] = nil # 23/24 variable |
attributes["staircasesale"] = nil # 23/24 variable |
# Required for our form invalidated questions (not present in import) |
attributes["previous_la_known"] = 1 if attributes["prevloc"].present? && attributes["ppostcode_full"].blank? |
attributes["la_known"] = 1 if attributes["la"].present? && attributes["postcode_full"].blank? |
# Sets the log creator |
owner_id = meta_field_value(xml_doc, "owner-user-id").strip |
if owner_id.present? |
user = LegacyUser.find_by(old_user_id: owner_id)&.user |
@logger.warn "Missing user! We expected to find a legacy user with old_user_id #{owner_id}" unless user |
attributes["created_by"] = user |
end |
set_default_values(attributes) if previous_status.include?("submitted") |
sales_log = save_sales_log(attributes, previous_status) |
compute_differences(sales_log, attributes) |
check_status_completed(sales_log, previous_status) unless @logs_overridden.include?(sales_log.old_id) |
end |
def save_sales_log(attributes, previous_status) |
sales_log = SalesLog.new(attributes) |
begin |
sales_log.save! |
sales_log |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique |
legacy_id = attributes["old_id"] |
record = SalesLog.find_by(old_id: legacy_id) |
@logger.info "Updating sales log #{record.id} with legacy ID #{legacy_id}" |
record.update!(attributes) |
record |
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e |
rescue_validation_or_raise(sales_log, attributes, previous_status, e) |
end |
end |
def rescue_validation_or_raise(sales_log, _attributes, _previous_status, exception) |
@logger.error("Log #{sales_log.old_id}: Failed to import") |
raise exception |
end |
def compute_differences(sales_log, attributes) |
differences = [] |
attributes.each do |key, value| |
sales_log_value = sales_log.send(key.to_sym) |
next if fields_not_present_in_softwire_data.include?(key) |
if value != sales_log_value |
differences.push("#{key} #{value.inspect} #{sales_log_value.inspect}") |
end |
end |
@logger.warn "Differences found when saving log #{sales_log.old_id}: #{differences}" unless differences.empty? |
end |
def fields_not_present_in_softwire_data |
%w[created_by |
income1_value_check |
mortgage_value_check |
savings_value_check |
deposit_value_check |
wheel_value_check |
retirement_value_check |
extrabor_value_check |
deposit_and_mortgage_value_check |
shared_ownership_deposit_value_check |
grant_value_check |
value_value_check |
old_persons_shared_ownership_value_check |
staircase_bought_value_check |
monthly_charges_value_check |
hodate_check |
saledate_check] |
end |
def check_status_completed(sales_log, previous_status) |
if previous_status.include?("submitted") && sales_log.status != "completed" |
@logger.warn "sales log #{sales_log.id} is not completed. The following answers are missing: #{missing_answers(sales_log).join(', ')}" |
@logger.warn "sales log with old id:#{sales_log.old_id} is incomplete but status should be complete" |
@logs_with_discrepancies << sales_log.old_id |
end |
end |
def age_known(_xml_doc, index, hhmemb, age) |
return nil if hhmemb.present? && index > hhmemb |
return 0 if age.present? |
end |
def details_known(index, attributes) |
return nil if attributes["hhmemb"].nil? || index > attributes["hhmemb"] |
return nil if attributes["jointpur"] == 1 && index == 2 |
if attributes["age#{index}_known"] != 0 && |
attributes["sex#{index}"] == "R" && |
attributes["relat#{index}"] == "R" && |
attributes["ecstat#{index}"] == 10 |
2 # No |
else |
1 # Yes |
end |
end |
"atom bank" => 1, |
"barclays bank plc" => 2, |
"bath building society" => 3, |
"buckinghamshire building society" => 4, |
"cambridge building society" => 5, |
"coventry building society" => 6, |
"cumberland building society" => 7, |
"darlington building society" => 8, |
"dudley building society" => 9, |
"ecology building society" => 10, |
"halifax" => 11, |
"hanley economic building society" => 12, |
"hinckley and rugby building society" => 13, |
"holmesdale building society" => 14, |
"ipswich building society" => 15, |
"leeds building society" => 16, |
"lloyds bank" => 17, |
"mansfield building society" => 18, |
"market harborough building society" => 19, |
"melton mowbray building society" => 20, |
"nationwide building society" => 21, |
"natwest" => 22, |
"nedbank private wealth" => 23, |
"newbury building society" => 24, |
"oneSavings bank" => 25, |
"parity trust" => 26, |
"penrith building society" => 27, |
"pepper homeloans" => 28, |
"royal bank of scotland" => 29, |
"santander" => 30, |
"skipton building society" => 31, |
"teachers building society" => 32, |
"the co-operative bank" => 33, |
"tipton & coseley building society" => 34, |
"tss" => 35, |
"ulster bank" => 36, |
"virgin money" => 37, |
"west bromwich building society" => 38, |
"yorkshire building society" => 39, |
"other" => 40, |
}.freeze |
# this comes through as a string, need to map to a corresponding integer |
def mortgage_lender(xml_doc, attributes) |
lender = case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q24aMortgageLender") |
when 2 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q34a") |
when 3 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q41aMortgageLender") |
end |
return if lender.blank? |
end |
def mortgage_lender_other(xml_doc, attributes) |
return unless attributes["mortgagelender"] == MORTGAGE_LENDER_OPTIONS["other"] |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q24aMortgageLender") |
when 2 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q34a") |
when 3 |
string_or_nil(xml_doc, "Q41aMortgageLender") |
end |
end |
def mortgage_length(xml_doc, attributes) |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q24b") |
when 2 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q34b") |
when 3 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q41b") |
end |
end |
def savings_known(xml_doc) |
case unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "savingsKnown") |
when 1 # known |
0 |
when 2 # unknown |
1 |
end |
end |
def soctenant(attributes) |
return nil unless attributes["ownershipsch"] == 1 |
if attributes["frombeds"].blank? && attributes["fromprop"].blank? && attributes["socprevten"].blank? |
2 |
else |
1 |
end |
# NO (2) if FROMBEDS, FROMPROP and socprevten are blank, and YES(1) if they are completed |
end |
def still_serving(xml_doc) |
case unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "LeftArmedF") |
when 4 |
4 |
when 5, 6 |
5 |
end |
end |
def income_known(value) |
case value |
when 1 # known |
0 |
when 2 # unknown |
1 |
end |
end |
def borrowing(xml_doc, attributes) |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q25Borrowing") |
when 2 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q35Borrowing") |
when 3 |
unsafe_string_as_integer(xml_doc, "Q42Borrowing") |
end |
end |
def purchase_price(xml_doc, attributes) |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q22PurchasePrice") |
when 2 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q31PurchasePrice") |
when 3 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q40PurchasePrice") |
end |
end |
def deposit(xml_doc, attributes) |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q26CashDeposit") |
when 2 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q36CashDeposit") |
when 3 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q43CashDeposit") |
end |
end |
def monthly_charges(xml_doc, attributes) |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q29MonthlyCharges") |
case attributes["ownershipsch"] |
when 1 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q29MonthlyCharges") |
when 2 |
safe_string_as_decimal(xml_doc, "Q37MonthlyCharges") |
end |
end |
def ownership_from_type(attributes) |
case attributes["type"] |
when 2, 24, 18, 16, 28, 31, 30 |
1 # shared ownership |
when 8, 14, 27, 9, 29, 21, 22 |
2 # discounted ownership |
when 10, 12 |
3 # outright sale |
end |
end |
def set_default_values(attributes) |
attributes["armedforcesspouse"] ||= 7 |
attributes["hhregres"] ||= 8 |
attributes["disabled"] ||= 3 |
attributes["wheel"] ||= 3 |
attributes["hb"] ||= 4 |
attributes["prevown"] ||= 3 |
attributes["savingsnk"] ||= attributes["savings"].present? ? 0 : 1 |
attributes["jointmore"] ||= 3 if attributes["jointpur"] == 1 |
attributes["inc1mort"] ||= 3 |
if [attributes["pregyrha"], attributes["pregla"], attributes["pregghb"], attributes["pregother"]].all?(&:blank?) |
attributes["pregblank"] = 1 |
end |
# buyer 1 characteristics |
attributes["age1_known"] ||= 1 |
attributes["sex1"] ||= "R" |
attributes["ethnic_group"] ||= 17 |
attributes["ethnic"] ||= 17 |
attributes["national"] ||= 13 |
attributes["ecstat1"] ||= 10 |
attributes["income1nk"] ||= attributes["income1"].present? ? 0 : 1 |
attributes["hholdcount"] ||= default_household_count(attributes) # just for testing, might need to change |
# buyer 2 characteristics |
if attributes["jointpur"] == 1 |
attributes["age2_known"] ||= 1 |
attributes["sex2"] ||= "R" |
attributes["ecstat2"] ||= 10 |
attributes["income2nk"] ||= attributes["income2"].present? ? 0 : 1 |
attributes["relat2"] ||= "R" |
attributes["inc2mort"] ||= 3 |
end |
# other household members characteristics |
(2..attributes["hhmemb"]).each do |index| |
attributes["age#{index}_known"] ||= 1 |
attributes["sex#{index}"] ||= "R" |
attributes["ecstat#{index}"] ||= 10 |
attributes["relat#{index}"] ||= "R" |
end |
end |
def missing_answers(sales_log) |
applicable_questions = sales_log.form.subsections.map { |s| s.applicable_questions(sales_log).select { |q| q.enabled?(sales_log) } }.flatten |
applicable_questions.filter { |q| q.unanswered?(sales_log) }.map(&:id) |
end |
# just for testing, logic will need to change to match the number of people details known |
def default_household_count(attributes) |
return 0 if attributes["hhmemb"].zero? || attributes["hhmemb"].blank? |
household_count = attributes["jointpur"] == 1 ? attributes["hhmemb"] - 2 : attributes["hhmemb"] - 1 |
household_count.positive? ? household_count : 0 |
end |
end |