This gem is compatible with Google Authenticator ( You can generate provisioning uris by invoking the following method on your model:
user.provisioning_uri #This assumes a user model with an email attributes
This provisioning uri can then be turned in to a QR code if desired so that users may add the app to Google Authenticator easily. Once this is done they may retrieve a one-time password directly from the Google Authenticator app as well as through whatever method you define in `send_two_factor_authentication_code`
The default view that shows the form can be overridden by first adding a folder named: "two_factor_authentication" inside "app/views/devise", in here you want to create a "show.html.erb" view.
The full path should be "app/views/devise/two_factor_authentication/show.html.erb"
<h2>Hi, you received a code by email, please enter it below, thanks!</h2>
<%= form_tag([resource_name, :two_factor_authentication], :method => :put) do %>
If you have existing users that needs to be provided with a OTP secret key, so they can take benefit of the two factor authentication, create a rake. It could look like this one below:
desc "rake task to update users with otp secret key"
task :update_users_with_otp_secret_key => :environment do
users = User.all
users.each do |user|
key = ROTP::Base32.random_base32
user.update_attributes(:otp_secret_key => key)
puts "Rake[:update_users_with_otp_secret_key] => User '#{}' OTP secret key set to '#{key}'"