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**Why**: When looking up a class with `Object.const_defined?`, `false` will be returned the first time it is called, even when the class exists in the Rails app. I think this might be due to the way Rails loads classes. **How**: Use `ActiveSupport::Inflector#constantize`, which returns the class all the time when the class exists, and throws a `NameError` when it doesn't. The only way I was able to properly test this was to create the `UserOtpSender` class as a real file in the test Rails app, and create a Devise Admin user to test the scenario where `AdminOtpSender` does not exist. I verified that with the old code, `reset_otp_state` was not being called when it should be, and that the new code makes the tests pass.master
10 changed files with 111 additions and 48 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
class Admin < ActiveRecord::Base |
# Include default devise modules. Others available are: |
# :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable |
devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, |
:recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
class UserOtpSender |
def initialize(user) |
@user = user |
end |
def reset_otp_state |
@user.update_attributes(email: '') |
end |
end |
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
class DeviseCreateAdmins < ActiveRecord::Migration |
def change |
create_table(:admins) do |t| |
## Database authenticatable |
t.string :email, null: false, default: "" |
t.string :encrypted_password, null: false, default: "" |
## Recoverable |
t.string :reset_password_token |
t.datetime :reset_password_sent_at |
## Rememberable |
t.datetime :remember_created_at |
## Trackable |
t.integer :sign_in_count, default: 0, null: false |
t.datetime :current_sign_in_at |
t.datetime :last_sign_in_at |
t.string :current_sign_in_ip |
t.string :last_sign_in_ip |
## Confirmable |
# t.string :confirmation_token |
# t.datetime :confirmed_at |
# t.datetime :confirmation_sent_at |
# t.string :unconfirmed_email # Only if using reconfirmable |
## Lockable |
# t.integer :failed_attempts, default: 0, null: false # Only if lock strategy is :failed_attempts |
# t.string :unlock_token # Only if unlock strategy is :email or :both |
# t.datetime :locked_at |
t.timestamps null: false |
end |
add_index :admins, :email, unique: true |
add_index :admins, :reset_password_token, unique: true |
# add_index :admins, :confirmation_token, unique: true |
# add_index :admins, :unlock_token, unique: true |
end |
end |
Reference in new issue