# Two factor authentication for Devise [](https://gitter.im/Houdini/two_factor_authentication?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) [](https://travis-ci.org/Houdini/two_factor_authentication) [](https://codeclimate.com/github/Houdini/two_factor_authentication) ## Features * Support for 2 types of OTP codes 1. Codes delivered directly to the user 2. TOTP (Google Authenticator) codes based on a shared secret (HMAC) * Configurable OTP code digit length * Configurable max login attempts * Customizable logic to determine if a user needs two factor authentication * Configurable period where users won't be asked for 2FA again * Option to encrypt the TOTP secret in the database, with iv and salt ## Configuration ### Initial Setup In a Rails environment, require the gem in your Gemfile: gem 'two_factor_authentication' Once that's done, run: bundle install Note that Ruby 2.1 or greater is required. ### Installation #### Automatic initial setup To set up the model and database migration file automatically, run the following command: bundle exec rails g two_factor_authentication MODEL Where MODEL is your model name (e.g. User or Admin). This generator will add `:two_factor_authenticatable` to your model's Devise options and create a migration in `db/migrate/`, which will add the following columns to your table: - `:second_factor_attempts_count` - `:encrypted_otp_secret_key` - `:encrypted_otp_secret_key_iv` - `:encrypted_otp_secret_key_salt` - `:direct_otp` - `:direct_otp_sent_at` - `:totp_timestamp` #### Manual initial setup If you prefer to set up the model and migration manually, add the `:two_factor_authentication` option to your existing devise options, such as: ```ruby devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable, :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable, :two_factor_authenticatable ``` Then create your migration file using the Rails generator, such as: ``` rails g migration AddTwoFactorFieldsToUsers second_factor_attempts_count:integer encrypted_otp_secret_key:string:index encrypted_otp_secret_key_iv:string encrypted_otp_secret_key_salt:string direct_otp:string direct_otp_sent_at:datetime totp_timestamp:timestamp ``` Open your migration file (it will be in the `db/migrate` directory and will be named something like `20151230163930_add_two_factor_fields_to_users.rb`), and add `unique: true` to the `add_index` line so that it looks like this: ```ruby add_index :users, :encrypted_otp_secret_key, unique: true ``` Save the file. #### Complete the setup Run the migration with: bundle exec rake db:migrate Add the following line to your model to fully enable two-factor auth: has_one_time_password(encrypted: true) Set config values in `config/initializers/devise.rb`: ```ruby config.max_login_attempts = 3 # Maximum second factor attempts count. config.allowed_otp_drift_seconds = 30 # Allowed TOTP time drift between client and server. config.otp_length = 6 # TOTP code length config.direct_otp_valid_for = 5.minutes # Time before direct OTP becomes invalid config.direct_otp_length = 6 # Direct OTP code length config.remember_otp_session_for_seconds = 30.days # Time before browser has to perform 2fA again. Default is 0. config.otp_secret_encryption_key = ENV['OTP_SECRET_ENCRYPTION_KEY'] config.second_factor_resource_id = 'id' # Field or method name used to set value for 2fA remember cookie config.delete_cookie_on_logout = false # Delete cookie when user signs out, to force 2fA again on login ``` The `otp_secret_encryption_key` must be a random key that is not stored in the DB, and is not checked in to your repo. It is recommended to store it in an environment variable, and you can generate it with `bundle exec rake secret`. Override the method in your model in order to send direct OTP codes. This is automatically called when a user logs in unless they have TOTP enabled (see below): ```ruby def send_two_factor_authentication_code(code) # Send code via SMS, etc. end ``` ### Customisation and Usage By default, second factor authentication is required for each user. You can change that by overriding the following method in your model: ```ruby def need_two_factor_authentication?(request) request.ip != '' end ``` In the example above, two factor authentication will not be required for local users. This gem is compatible with [Google Authenticator](https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/1066447?hl=en). To enable this a shared secret must be generated by invoking the following method on your model: ```ruby user.generate_totp_secret ``` This must then be shared via a provisioning uri: ```ruby user.provisioning_uri # This assumes a user model with an email attribute ``` This provisioning uri can then be turned in to a QR code if desired so that users may add the app to Google Authenticator easily. Once this is done, they may retrieve a one-time password directly from the Google Authenticator app. #### Overriding the view The default view that shows the form can be overridden by adding a file named `show.html.erb` (or `show.html.haml` if you prefer HAML) inside `app/views/devise/two_factor_authentication/` and customizing it. Below is an example using ERB: ```html