Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)

255 lines
10 KiB

module Csv
class LettingsLogCsvService
def initialize(user:, export_type:)
@user = user
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
@export_type = export_type
@attributes = lettings_log_attributes
def prepare_csv(logs)
CSV.generate(headers: true) do |csv|
csv << @attributes
logs.find_each do |log|
csv << { |attribute| value(attribute, log) }
created_by: {
labels: %i[created_by email],
codes: %i[created_by email],
updated_by: {
labels: %i[updated_by email],
codes: %i[updated_by email],
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
location_code: {
labels: %i[location id],
codes: %i[location id],
location_postcode: {
labels: %i[location postcode],
codes: %i[location postcode],
location_name: {
labels: %i[location name],
codes: %i[location name],
location_units: {
labels: %i[location units],
codes: %i[location units],
location_type_of_unit: {
labels: %i[location type_of_unit],
codes: %i[location type_of_unit_before_type_cast],
location_mobility_type: {
labels: %i[location mobility_type],
codes: %i[location mobility_type_before_type_cast],
location_admin_district: {
labels: %i[location location_admin_district],
codes: %i[location location_admin_district],
location_startdate: {
labels: %i[location startdate],
codes: %i[location startdate],
scheme_service_name: {
labels: %i[scheme service_name],
codes: %i[scheme service_name],
scheme_sensitive: {
labels: %i[scheme sensitive],
codes: %i[scheme sensitive_before_type_cast],
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
labels: %i[scheme scheme_type],
codes: %i[scheme scheme_type_before_type_cast],
scheme_registered_under_care_act: {
labels: %i[scheme registered_under_care_act],
codes: %i[scheme registered_under_care_act_before_type_cast],
scheme_owning_organisation_name: {
labels: %i[scheme owning_organisation name],
codes: %i[scheme owning_organisation name],
scheme_primary_client_group: {
labels: %i[scheme primary_client_group],
codes: %i[scheme primary_client_group_before_type_cast],
scheme_has_other_client_group: {
labels: %i[scheme has_other_client_group],
codes: %i[scheme has_other_client_group_before_type_cast],
scheme_secondary_client_group: {
labels: %i[scheme secondary_client_group],
codes: %i[scheme secondary_client_group_before_type_cast],
scheme_support_type: {
labels: %i[scheme support_type],
codes: %i[scheme support_type_before_type_cast],
scheme_intended_stay: {
labels: %i[scheme intended_stay],
codes: %i[scheme intended_stay_before_type_cast],
scheme_created_at: {
labels: %i[scheme created_at],
codes: %i[scheme created_at],
scheme_code: {
labels: %i[scheme id_to_display],
codes: %i[scheme id_to_display],
creation_method: {
labels: %i[creation_method],
codes: %i[creation_method_before_type_cast],
is_dpo: {
labels: %i[created_by is_dpo?],
codes: %i[created_by is_dpo?],
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
PERSON_DETAILS = {}.tap { |hash|
hash["age1"] = { "refused_code" => "-9", "refused_label" => "Not known", "age_known_field" => "age1_known" }
(2..8).each do |i|
hash["age#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "-9", "refused_label" => "Not known", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}", "age_known_field" => "age#{i}_known" }
hash["sex#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "R", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" }
hash["relat#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "R", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" }
hash["ecstat#{i}"] = { "refused_code" => "10", "refused_label" => "Prefers not to say", "details_known_field" => "details_known_#{i}" }
"la_label" => "la",
"prevloc_label" => "prevloc",
def value(attribute, log)
attribute = "rent_type" if attribute == "rent_type_detail" # rent_type_detail is the requested column header for rent_type, so as not to confuse with renttype. It can be exported as label or code.
if CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS.key? attribute.to_sym
call_chain = CUSTOM_CALL_CHAINS[attribute.to_sym][@export_type.to_sym]
call_chain.reduce(log) { |object, next_call| object&.public_send(next_call) }
elsif FIELDS_ALWAYS_EXPORTED_AS_CODES.include? attribute
value = log.public_send(attribute)
get_label(value, attribute, log)
elsif SYSTEM_DATE_FIELDS.include? attribute
elsif USER_DATE_FIELDS.include? attribute
elsif PERSON_DETAILS.any? { |key, _value| key == attribute } && (person_details_not_known?(log, attribute) || age_not_known?(log, attribute))
case @export_type
when "codes"
PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["refused_code"]
when "labels"
PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["refused_label"]
value = log.public_send(attribute)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
case @export_type
when "codes"
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
when "labels"
answer_label = get_label(value, attribute, log)
answer_label || label_if_boolean_value(value) || value
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
def get_label(value, attribute, log)
.get_question(attribute, log)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
def label_if_boolean_value(value)
return "Yes" if value == true
return "No" if value == false
"owning_organisation_id" => %w[owning_organisation_name],
"managing_organisation_id" => %w[managing_organisation_name],
"created_by_id" => [],
"scheme_id" => [],
"location_id" => [],
"rent_type" => %w[renttype rent_type_detail],
"hb" => %w[hb has_benefits],
"age1" => %w[refused hhtype totchild totelder totadult age1],
"housingneeds_type" => %w[housingneeds_type housingneeds_a housingneeds_b housingneeds_c housingneeds_f housingneeds_g housingneeds_h],
"net_income_known" => %w[net_income_known incref],
"irproduct_other" => %w[irproduct irproduct_other lar],
"la" => %w[is_la_inferred la_label la],
"prevloc" => %w[is_previous_la_inferred prevloc_label prevloc],
"needstype" => %w[needstype lettype],
"prevten" => %w[prevten new_old],
"voiddate" => %w[voiddate vacdays],
"rsnvac" => %w[rsnvac newprop],
"household_charge" => %w[household_charge nocharge],
"brent" => %w[brent wrent rent_value_check],
"scharge" => %w[scharge wscharge],
"pscharge" => %w[pscharge wpschrge],
"supcharg" => %w[supcharg wsupchrg],
"tcharge" => %w[tcharge wtcharge],
"chcharge" => %w[chcharge wchchrg],
"tshortfall" => %w[tshortfall wtshortfall],
CLDC-2718 Add vacdays to non support csvs (#1962) * feat: remove vacdays from support only attributes * feat: update tests * CLDC-2810 Send missing addresses template (#1952) * Add missing addresses csv job * Update missing addresses csv service methods * Add rake task * Update the job to send missing town or city templates * Update service to create mising town or city templates * Add send missing town or city csv rake task * Add IDs to the CSVs * Put all log in the same csv * Add issue type column * Write wrong uprn logs to csv * Add mailer methods * Skip uprn issue for specified orgs * Add sales csv rake task * set SKIP_UPRN_ISSUE_ORG_IDS on review apps * test * Update notify template IDs for testing * Initialize service with organisation instead of a hash * Add expiration time to url * Add optional tags and remove LA from csv * Extract log to csv methods * Update casing * Update old IDs in factories * Move constant * Extract some repeating scopes * Pass in organisations to skip instead of using an env var * update template id for sales * Update link expiry time and headers * Lower the threshold for testing * Add issue explanation to the email * Add how to fix * update emails * CLDC-2810 Create all addresses CSV (#1953) * Add rake tasks for creating all addresses CSV * Write headers if logs don't exist, update header names * Rename method * CLDC-2810 Correct addresses from csv (#1957) * Updating importing lettings addresses form csv * Add import_sales_addresses_from_csv rake * Allow correcting addresses from both templates * escape . * Reinfer LA if the postcode hasn't changed * Update labels and email content * Update missing addresses threshold * Remove unused env var * CLDC-2563: Update prod deployment pipeline (#1960) * CLDC-2563: Update prod deployment pipeline * CLDC-2563: remove redundant REPO_URL assignment * CLDC-2563: use GITHUB_OUTPUT only where necessary * CLDC-2563: don't push image if tag already exists * CLDC-2563: actually use github.sha for production as well * CLDC-2563: remove obsolete env check in push docker image job * CLDC-2563: remove redundant main branch check * Delete obsolete data_export_csv task (#1974) * CLDC-2773 Update lettings (and sales) csv date format (#1954) * feat: update datetime format in csv services * feat: update tests * feat: keep system date fields in iso8601 format * feat: merge fix * feat: update tests * Bump postcss from 8.4.25 to 8.4.31 (#1969) Bumps [postcss]( from 8.4.25 to 8.4.31. - [Release notes]( - [Changelog]( - [Commits]( --- updated-dependencies: - dependency-name: postcss dependency-type: indirect ... Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]> * Correctly map equity ranges (#1964) * CLDC-2723 Allow data coordinators access to stock owners' schemes (#1958) * feat: allow data coordinators to create, edit and view stock owners' schemes * feat: only show data coordinators their org and stock owners in scheme owner select, update location policy * feat: update some tests * feat: update tests * feat: use zero? where appropriate and lint * feat: update tests * refactor: lint * feat: use helper for answer options * CLDC-2871 Fix bulk upload scheme lookup bug (#1971) * feat: wip tests * feat: update tests and functionality * refactor: lint * feat: update tests and don't add errors to scheme/location fields unless determined * feat: update duplicate log behaviour and tests * refactor: lint * feat: use needstype helpers * feat: use needstype helpers and test tweak * feat: make tests explicit regarding needstype * feat: make tests explicit regarding needstype * Update schemes banner text (#1968) * CLDC-2796 Display managed logs for support (#1966) * Display managed logs * Update tests * feat: add schemes to navbar when org has stock owners and code refactoring (#1980) * CLDC-2824 Update bulk upload header guidance (#1975) * feat: update copy in 23/24 lettings and sales prepare file pages * feat: add full stops in alignment with designs * feat: update tests * feat: update tests * feat: update tests * feat: update tests --------- Signed-off-by: dependabot[bot] <> Co-authored-by: kosiakkatrina <> Co-authored-by: SamSeed-Softwire <> Co-authored-by: dependabot[bot] <49699333+dependabot[bot]>
1 year ago
SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES = %w[hhmemb net_income_value_check first_time_property_let_as_social_housing renttype needstype postcode_known is_la_inferred totchild totelder totadult net_income_known is_carehome previous_la_known is_previous_la_inferred age1_known age2_known age3_known age4_known age5_known age6_known age7_known age8_known letting_allocation_unknown details_known_2 details_known_3 details_known_4 details_known_5 details_known_6 details_known_7 details_known_8 rent_type_detail wrent wscharge wpschrge wsupchrg wtcharge wtshortfall rent_value_check old_form_id old_id retirement_value_check tshortfall_known pregnancy_value_check hhtype new_old la prevloc updated_by_id bulk_upload_id uprn_confirmed].freeze
def lettings_log_attributes
ordered_questions = FormHandler.instance.ordered_lettings_questions_for_all_years
ordered_questions.reject! { |q|\d_known|rent_value_check/) }
attributes = ordered_questions.flat_map do |question|
if question.type == "checkbox"
question.answer_options.keys.reject { |key| key == "divider" }
non_question_fields = %w[id status created_by is_dpo created_at updated_by updated_at creation_method old_id old_form_id collection_start_year]
scheme_and_location_attributes = %w[scheme_code scheme_service_name scheme_sensitive SCHTYPE scheme_registered_under_care_act scheme_owning_organisation_name scheme_primary_client_group scheme_has_other_client_group scheme_secondary_client_group scheme_support_type scheme_intended_stay scheme_created_at location_code location_postcode location_name location_units location_type_of_unit location_mobility_type location_admin_district location_startdate]
final_attributes = non_question_fields + attributes + scheme_and_location_attributes ? final_attributes : final_attributes - SUPPORT_ONLY_ATTRIBUTES
def person_details_not_known?(log, attribute)
details_known_field = PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["details_known_field"]
log[details_known_field] == 1 # 1 for lettings logs, 2 for sales logs
def age_not_known?(log, attribute)
age_known_field = PERSON_DETAILS.find { |key, _value| key == attribute }[1]["age_known_field"]
log[age_known_field] == 1