Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
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CLDC-3382 Add support user functionality to merge organisations (#2566) * CLDC-2093 Merge organisations page - view all merge requests (#2561) * CLDC-3585 Update absorbing organisation question (#2564) * Update user permissions and absorbing org question order * Update absorbing organisation question and routing * CLDC 2094: View a merge request (#2565) * CLDC-3584 Update merging orgs question (#2567) * Update merging organisations question * Update rebase tests * Update routing between CYA and questions * CLDC-3586 Update merge date merge request question (#2571) * Remove unused paths and update merge date * lint * Create delete merge request functionality (#2568) * CLDC-3588: Add helpdesk ticket question (#2572) * Merge request fixes (#2578) * Add cancel button to merging orgs and update merging orgs selection * Update submit button text * Update back buttons * CLDC-2101 Add begin merge (#2575) * Calculate merge request status * Add start merge and merge request job * Update merge request when it gets processed * Refactor and display a banner for failed requests * update test * Update change links * Update copy for error message (#2583) * Do not display cancel button if there's no submit (#2584) * Update hint date (#2588) * CLDC-2100++ Add success notification after delete (#2589) * Update helpdesk_ticket.html.erb * CLDC-2094++ Merge details page adjustments (#2593) * Change page name and hide buttons during processing status * Update test * Make merge request status dynamic (#2592) * Make merge request status dynamic * Update tests * Keep check answers referrer when validation is hit (#2594) * Keep check answers referrer when validation is hit * Remove absorbing org from merging organisations list * Update text to handle singular merge requests * Add merge start confirmation page (#2601) * Set merge request as non processing if it fails (#2598) * Set merge request to no longer processing if it fails * clear last_failed_attempt as soon as we start processing the merge * CLDC-3603 View merged users outcomes (#2602) * Update user outcomes view link * Add user outcomes page * Set user outcomes before merge and on merge fail * Update hardcoded total user count * Account for singular user numbers * CLDC-3603 View scheme outcomes (#2604) * Update scheme outcomes view link * Add scheme outcomes page * Update scheme outcome before merge and on merge fail * Update back links in merge outcomes pages (#2611) * CLDC-3605 View relationships page (#2606) * CLDC-3609 Add existing absorbing organisation merge request question (#2600) * Add existing absorbing organisation page and field * Update status calculation and add new question to check answers * Call correct merge service flow * Update test * Update test * Return correct status when existing_absorbing_organisation is false (#2617) * Change styling of relationship outcomes page (#2619) * CLDC-3604 View logs outcomes (#2618) * Update view logs outcomes link * Add logs outcomes page * Set logs outcome before merge and on merge fail * Update logs outcomes text * Update line break * Fix incorrect filtering of relationships and count * Fix test * Fix test * Fix test * Make example date depend on collection year (#2620) --------- Co-authored-by: Manny Dinssa <>
6 months ago
require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe MergeRequestsHelper do
describe "#merging_organisations_without_users_text" do
context "with 1 organisation" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_users_text([organisation])).to eq("Org 1 has no users.")
context "with 2 organisations" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
let(:organisation_2) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 2") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_users_text([organisation, organisation_2])).to eq("Org 1 and Org 2 have no users.")
context "with 3 organisations" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
let(:organisation_2) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 2") }
let(:organisation_3) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 3") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_users_text([organisation, organisation_2, organisation_3])).to eq("Org 1, Org 2, and Org 3 have no users.")
describe "#link_to_merging_organisation_users" do
context "with 1 organisation user" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
it "returns the correct link" do
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_users(organisation)).to include("View 1 Org 1 user (opens in a new tab)")
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_users(organisation)).to include(users_organisation_path(organisation))
context "with multiple organisation users" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
before do
create(:user, organisation:)
it "returns the correct link" do
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_users(organisation)).to include("View all 2 Org 1 users (opens in a new tab)")
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_users(organisation)).to include(users_organisation_path(organisation))
describe "#merging_organisations_without_schemes_text" do
context "with 1 organisation" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_schemes_text([organisation])).to eq("Org 1 has no schemes.")
context "with 2 organisations" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
let(:organisation_2) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 2") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_schemes_text([organisation, organisation_2])).to eq("Org 1 and Org 2 have no schemes.")
context "with 3 organisations" do
let(:organisation) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
let(:organisation_2) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 2") }
let(:organisation_3) { build(:organisation, name: "Org 3") }
it "returns the correct text" do
expect(merging_organisations_without_schemes_text([organisation, organisation_2, organisation_3])).to eq("Org 1, Org 2, and Org 3 have no schemes.")
describe "#link_to_merging_organisation_schemes" do
context "with 1 organisation scheme" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
before do
create(:scheme, owning_organisation: organisation)
it "returns the correct link" do
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_schemes(organisation)).to include("View 1 Org 1 scheme (opens in a new tab)")
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_schemes(organisation)).to include(schemes_organisation_path(organisation))
context "with multiple organisation schemes" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
before do
create_list(:scheme, 2, owning_organisation: organisation)
it "returns the correct link" do
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_schemes(organisation)).to include("View all 2 Org 1 schemes (opens in a new tab)")
expect(link_to_merging_organisation_schemes(organisation)).to include(schemes_organisation_path(organisation))
describe "when creating relationship outcomes content" do
let(:stock_owner1) { create(:organisation, name: "Stock owner 1") }
let(:stock_owner2) { create(:organisation, name: "Stock owner 2") }
let(:managing_agent1) { create(:organisation, name: "Managing agent 1") }
let(:managing_agent2) { create(:organisation, name: "Managing agent 2") }
let(:absorbing_organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Absorbing Org") }
let(:merging_organisations) { create_list(:organisation, 2) { |org, i| = "Dummy Org #{i + 1}" } }
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, absorbing_organisation:, merging_organisations:) }
context "when there are no relationships" do
it "returns text stating there are no stock owners" do
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).to eq("Absorbing Org, Dummy Org 1, and Dummy Org 2 have no stock owners.<br><br>")
it "returns text stating there are no managing agents" do
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).to eq("Absorbing Org, Dummy Org 1, and Dummy Org 2 have no managing agents.<br><br>")
context "when there are stock owners" do
before do
create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: absorbing_organisation, parent_organisation: stock_owner1)
create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: merging_organisations.first, parent_organisation: stock_owner2)
create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: merging_organisations.first, parent_organisation: stock_owner1)
it "returns text stating the relationships" do
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).to include("Some of the organisations merging have common stock owners.")
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).to include("Dummy Org 2 has no stock owners.")
expect(stock_owners_text(merge_request)).to include("<a class=\"govuk-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"/organisations/#{}/stock-owners\">View all 2 Dummy Org 1 stock owners (opens in a new tab)</a>")
context "when there are managing agents" do
before do
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: absorbing_organisation, child_organisation: managing_agent1)
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: absorbing_organisation, child_organisation: managing_agent2)
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: merging_organisations.first, child_organisation: managing_agent2)
it "returns text stating the relationships" do
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).to include("Some of the organisations merging have common managing agents.")
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).to include("Dummy Org 2 has no managing agents.")
expect(managing_agent_text(merge_request)).to include("<a class=\"govuk-link\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"/organisations/#{}/managing-agents\">View the 1 Dummy Org 1 managing agent (opens in a new tab)</a>")
describe "logs outcomes summary" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 1") }
let(:merging_organisation) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 2") }
let(:merging_organisation_2) { create(:organisation, name: "Org 3") }
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, absorbing_organisation: organisation, merge_date: }
before do
create(:merge_request_organisation, merge_request:, merging_organisation:)
context "when merging organisations don't have logs" do
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisation and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 and Org 2 have no lettings logs.")
it "returns correct lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("0 lettings logs after merge")
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisation and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisation in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 and Org 2 have no sales logs.")
it "returns correct sales_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(sales_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("0 sales logs after merge")
context "when merging organisations have logs" do
before do
create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: organisation)
create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: merging_organisation, startdate:
create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: merging_organisation, startdate:
create(:sales_log, owning_organisation: organisation)
create(:sales_log, owning_organisation: merging_organisation, saledate:
create(:sales_log, owning_organisation: merging_organisation, saledate:
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisation and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 2 has no lettings logs.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View all 2 Org 2 lettings logs (opens in a new tab)")
it "returns correct lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("3 lettings logs after merge")
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisation after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisation and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 2 has no sales logs.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View all 2 Org 2 sales logs (opens in a new tab)")
it "returns correct sales_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(sales_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("3 sales logs after merge")
context "when logs are owned and managed by organisations in the same merge" do
before do
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: merging_organisation_2, child_organisation: merging_organisation)
create(:merge_request_organisation, merge_request:, merging_organisation: merging_organisation_2)
create(:lettings_log, assigned_to: merging_organisation_2.users.first, owning_organisation: merging_organisation_2, managing_organisation: merging_organisation, startdate:
create(:sales_log, assigned_to: merging_organisation_2.users.first, owning_organisation: merging_organisation_2, managing_organisation: merging_organisation, saledate:
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_lettings_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 users will have access to all lettings logs owned or managed by the merging organisations after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Lettings logs that are owned or managed by the merging organisations and have a tenancy start date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Some logs are owned and managed by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 2 has no lettings logs.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View all 3 Org 2 lettings logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View 1 Org 3 lettings log (opens in a new tab)")
it "returns correct lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(lettings_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("4 lettings logs after merge")
it "returns the correct merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text text" do
outcome_text = merging_organisations_sales_logs_outcomes_text(merge_request)
expect(outcome_text).to include("Org 1 users will have access to all sales logs owned or reported by the merging organisations after the merge.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Sales logs that are owned or reported by the merging organisations and have a sale completion date after the merge date will have their owning or managing organisation changed to Org 1.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("Some logs are owned and reported by different organisations in this merge. They appear in the list for both the owning and the managing organisation.")
expect(outcome_text).not_to include("Org 2 has no sales logs.")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View all 3 Org 2 sales logs (opens in a new tab)")
expect(outcome_text).to include("View 1 Org 3 sales log (opens in a new tab)")
it "returns correct sales_logs_outcomes_header_text" do
expect(sales_logs_outcomes_header_text(merge_request)).to eq("4 sales logs after merge")
3 months ago
describe "#merge_request_details_prompt" do
it "returns the correct message for existing_absorbing_organisation" do
expect(helper.merge_request_details_prompt("existing_absorbing_organisation")).to eq("Tell us if absorbing organisation is already active")
3 months ago
it "returns the correct message for helpdesk_ticket" do
expect(helper.merge_request_details_prompt("helpdesk_ticket")).to eq("Enter helpdesk ticket number")
it "returns the correct message for merging_organisations" do
expect(helper.merge_request_details_prompt("merging_organisations")).to eq("Add merging organisations")
it "returns the correct message for merge_date" do
expect(helper.merge_request_details_prompt("merge_date")).to eq("Set merge date")
it "returns a default message for an unknown page" do
expect(helper.merge_request_details_prompt("unknown_page")).to eq("Enter unknown page")
CLDC-3382 Add support user functionality to merge organisations (#2566) * CLDC-2093 Merge organisations page - view all merge requests (#2561) * CLDC-3585 Update absorbing organisation question (#2564) * Update user permissions and absorbing org question order * Update absorbing organisation question and routing * CLDC 2094: View a merge request (#2565) * CLDC-3584 Update merging orgs question (#2567) * Update merging organisations question * Update rebase tests * Update routing between CYA and questions * CLDC-3586 Update merge date merge request question (#2571) * Remove unused paths and update merge date * lint * Create delete merge request functionality (#2568) * CLDC-3588: Add helpdesk ticket question (#2572) * Merge request fixes (#2578) * Add cancel button to merging orgs and update merging orgs selection * Update submit button text * Update back buttons * CLDC-2101 Add begin merge (#2575) * Calculate merge request status * Add start merge and merge request job * Update merge request when it gets processed * Refactor and display a banner for failed requests * update test * Update change links * Update copy for error message (#2583) * Do not display cancel button if there's no submit (#2584) * Update hint date (#2588) * CLDC-2100++ Add success notification after delete (#2589) * Update helpdesk_ticket.html.erb * CLDC-2094++ Merge details page adjustments (#2593) * Change page name and hide buttons during processing status * Update test * Make merge request status dynamic (#2592) * Make merge request status dynamic * Update tests * Keep check answers referrer when validation is hit (#2594) * Keep check answers referrer when validation is hit * Remove absorbing org from merging organisations list * Update text to handle singular merge requests * Add merge start confirmation page (#2601) * Set merge request as non processing if it fails (#2598) * Set merge request to no longer processing if it fails * clear last_failed_attempt as soon as we start processing the merge * CLDC-3603 View merged users outcomes (#2602) * Update user outcomes view link * Add user outcomes page * Set user outcomes before merge and on merge fail * Update hardcoded total user count * Account for singular user numbers * CLDC-3603 View scheme outcomes (#2604) * Update scheme outcomes view link * Add scheme outcomes page * Update scheme outcome before merge and on merge fail * Update back links in merge outcomes pages (#2611) * CLDC-3605 View relationships page (#2606) * CLDC-3609 Add existing absorbing organisation merge request question (#2600) * Add existing absorbing organisation page and field * Update status calculation and add new question to check answers * Call correct merge service flow * Update test * Update test * Return correct status when existing_absorbing_organisation is false (#2617) * Change styling of relationship outcomes page (#2619) * CLDC-3604 View logs outcomes (#2618) * Update view logs outcomes link * Add logs outcomes page * Set logs outcome before merge and on merge fail * Update logs outcomes text * Update line break * Fix incorrect filtering of relationships and count * Fix test * Fix test * Fix test * Make example date depend on collection year (#2620) --------- Co-authored-by: Manny Dinssa <>
6 months ago