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7 months ago
id,Log ID
status,Status of log
duplicate_set_id,ID of a set of duplicate logs
created_by,User the log is created by
is_dpo,Is the user in the assigned_to column the data protection officer?
created_at,Time and date the log was created
updated_by,User who last updated the log
updated_at,Time and date the log was last updated
creation_method,Was the log submitted in-service or via bulk upload?
old_id,The (internal) ID on the old service
old_form_id,The ID the users saw on the old service
collection_start_year,Year collection period opened
assigned_to,User the log is assigned to
owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns this property?
managing_organisation_name,Which organisation manages this letting?
needstype,What is the needs type?
lettype,What is the letting type?
renewal,Is this letting a renewal?
startdate,What is the tenancy start date?
renttype,What is the rent type? (grouped into SR, IR or AR)
renttype_detail,What is the rent type?
irproduct,Which type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?
irproduct_other,Which 'Other' type of Intermediate Rent is this letting?
lar,Is this a London Affordable Rent letting?
tenancycode,What is the tenant code?
propcode,What is the property reference?
uprn_known,Is the UPRN known?
uprn,If known, property's UPRN
uprn_confirmed,We found an address that might be this property. Is this the property address?
address_line1,Address line 1
address_line2,Address line 2
town_or_city,Town or City
is_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the LA was inferred from the postcode
la_label,What is the property's local authority?
la,Local authority code
first_time_property_let_as_social_housing,Is this the first time the property has been let as social housing?
unitletas,What rent product was the property most recently let as?
rsnvac,What is the reason for the property being vacant?
newprop,Is this property new to the social rented sector?
offered,How many times was the property offered between becoming vacant and this letting?
unittype_gn,What type of unit is the property?
builtype,Which type of building is the property?
wchair,Is the property built or adapted to wheelchair-user standards?
beds,How many bedrooms does the property have?
voiddate,What is the void date?
vacdays,Number of days the property was vacant
void_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us that the property has been vacant for more than 2 years. This is higher than we would expect.
majorrepairs,Were any major repairs carried out during the void period?
mrcdate,What date were any major repairs completed on?
major_repairs_date_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us the property has been vacant for 2 years. This is higher than we would expect.
joint,Is this a joint tenancy?
startertenancy,Is this a starter tenancy?
tenancy,What is the type of tenancy?
tenancyother,If 'Other', what is the type of tenancy?
tenancylength,What is the length of the fixed-term tenancy to the nearest year?
sheltered,Is this letting in sheltered accommodation?
declaration,Has the tenant seen the MHCLG privacy notice?
hhmemb,How many people live in the household at this letting?
pregnancy_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us somebody in the household is pregnant. You also told us there are no female tenants living at the property.
refused,Where household characteristics have a 'Refused' option for some or all of: AGE1-AGE8, SEX1-SEX8, RELAT2-RELAT8, ECSTAT1-ECSTAT8
hhtype,Type of household 1 = 1 elder; 2 = 2 adults, including elder(s); 3 = 1 adult; 4 = 2 adults; 5 = 1 adult & 1+ children; 6 = 2+ adults & 1+ children; 9 = Other
totchild,Total number of dependent children in the household (Sum of when RELAT2-8 = C)
totelder,Total number of elders in household (Sum of when AGE1-8 >= 60)
totadult,Total number of adults in household
age1,What is the lead tenant's age?
retirement_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: You told us this person is aged %{age} years and retired. The minimum expected retirement age for %{gender} in England is %{age}.
sex1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's gender identity?
ethnic_group,What is the lead tenant's ethnic group?
ethnic,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's ethnic background?
national,What is the lead tenant's nationality?
ecstat1,Which of these best describes the lead tenant's working situation?
details_known_2,Are the details of tenant 2 known?
relat2,What is person 2's relationship to the lead tenant?
age2,What is person 2's age?
sex2,Which of these best describes person 2's gender identity?
ecstat2,Which of these best describes person 2's working situation?
details_known_3,Are the details of tenant 3 known?
relat3,What is person 3's relationship to the lead tenant?
age3,What is person 3's age?
sex3,Which of these best describes person 3's gender identity?
ecstat3,Which of these best describes person 3's working situation?
details_known_4,Are the details of tenant 4 known?
relat4,What is person 4's relationship to the lead tenant?
age4,What is person 4's age?
sex4,Which of these best describes person 4's gender identity?
ecstat4,Which of these best describes person 4's working situation?
details_known_5,Are the details of tenant 5 known?
relat5,What is person 5's relationship to the lead tenant?
age5,What is person 5's age?
sex5,Which of these best describes person 5's gender identity?
ecstat5,Which of these best describes person 5's working situation?
details_known_6,Are the details of tenant 6 known?
relat6,What is person 6's relationship to the lead tenant?
age6,What is person 6's age?
sex6,Which of these best describes person 6's gender identity?
ecstat6,Which of these best describes person 6's working situation?
details_known_7,Are the details of tenant 7 known?
relat7,What is person 7's relationship to the lead tenant?
age7,What is person 7's age?
sex7,Which of these best describes person 7's gender identity?
ecstat7,Which of these best describes person 7's working situation?
details_known_8,Are the details of tenant 8 known?
relat8,What is person 8's relationship to the lead tenant?
age8,What is person 8's age?
sex8,Which of these best describes person 8's gender identity?
ecstat8,Which of these best describes person 8's working situation?
armedforces,Does anybody in the household have links to the UK armed forces?
leftreg,Is this person still serving in the UK armed forces?
reservist,Was this person seriously injured or ill as a result of serving in the UK armed forces?
preg_occ,Is anybody in the household pregnant?
housingneeds,Does anybody in the household have any disabled access needs?
housingneeds_type,What access needs do they have? (Fully wheelchair-accessible housing, Level access housing or Wheelchair access to essential rooms)
housingneeds_a,Disabled access needs a) Fully wheelchair-accessible housing
housingneeds_b,Disabled access needs b) Wheelchair access to essential rooms
housingneeds_c,Disabled access needs c) Level access housing
housingneeds_f,Disabled access needs f) Other disabled access needs
housingneeds_g,Disabled access needs g) No disabled access needs
housingneeds_h,Disabled access needs h) Don't know
housingneeds_other,Do they have any other disabled access needs?
illness,Does anybody in the household have a physical or mental health condition (or other illness) expected to last 12 months or more?
illness_type_4,Does this person's condition affect their dexterity?
illness_type_5,Does this person's condition affect their learning or understanding or concentrating?
illness_type_2,Does this person's condition affect their hearing?
illness_type_6,Does this person's condition affect their memory?
illness_type_7,Does this person's condition affect their mental health?
illness_type_3,Does this person's condition affect their mobility?
illness_type_9,Does this person's condition affect them socially or behaviourally?
illness_type_8,Does this person's condition affect their stamina or breathing or fatigue?
illness_type_1,Does this person's condition affect their vision?
illness_type_10,Does this person's condition affect them in another way?
layear,How long has the household continuously lived in the local authority area of the new letting?
waityear,How long has the household been on the local authority waiting list for the new letting?
reason,What is the tenant's main reason for the household leaving their last settled home?
reasonother,If 'Other', what was the main reason for leaving their last settled home?
prevten,Where was the household immediately before this letting?
homeless,Did the household experience homelessness immediately before this letting?
ppcodenk,Previous postcode unknown or previous accommodation was temporary
ppostcode_full,What is the postcode of the household's last settled home?
previous_la_known,Was the local authority of the household's last settled home known?
is_previous_la_inferred,The internal value to indicate if the previous LA was inferred from the postcode
prevloc_label,Previous location LA name
prevloc,Previous location's ONS LA Code
reasonpref,Was the household given reasonable preference by the local authority?
rp_homeless,Reasonable preference reason - They were homeless or about to lose their home (within 56 days)
rp_insan_unsat,Reasonable preference reason - They were living in insanitary, overcrowded or unisatisfactory housing
rp_medwel,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move on medical and welfare reasons (including disability)
rp_hardship,Reasonable preference reason - They needed to move to avoid hardship to themselves or others
rp_dontknow,Reasonable preference reason - Don't Know
cbl,Was the letting made under Choice-Based Lettings (CBL)?
cap,Was the letting made under the Common Allocation Policy (CAP)?
chr,Was the letting made under the Common Housing Register (CHR)?
letting_allocation_none,The letting was not allocated under CBL, CAP, CHR or Accessible Register.
referral,What was the source of referral for this letting?
referral_value_check,The following soft validation was confirmed: Are you sure? This is a general needs log, and this referral type is for supported housing.
net_income_known,Do you know the household's combined income after tax?
incref,Was the household income refused?
earnings,How much income does the household have in total?
incfreq,How often does the household receive income?
net_income_value_check,Populated when someone hits the soft validation and confirmed in the service
hb,Is the tenant likely to be receiving any of these housing-related benefits?
has_benefits,Does the tenant receive housing-related benefits? Yes if hb = Universal Credit housing element or Housing benefit, No if hb = Don't Know, Neither, Tenant prefers not to say or blank
benefits,How much of the household's income is from Universal Credit, state pensions or benefits?
household_charge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation?
nocharge,Does the household pay rent or other charges for the accommodation? - flag for when household_charge is answered no
period,How often does the household pay rent and other charges?
is_carehome,Is this accommodation a care home?
chcharge,If this is a care home, how much does the household pay every [time period]?
wchchrg,Weekly care home charge
carehome_charges_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
brent,What is the basic rent?
wrent,Weekly rent
rent_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
scharge,What is the service charge?
wscharge,Weekly service charge
pscharge,What is the personal service charge?
wpschrge,Weekly personal service charge
supcharg,What is the support charge?
wsupchrg,Weekly support charge
tcharge,Total charge to the tenant
wtcharge,Weekly total charge to the tenant
scharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
pscharge_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
supcharg_value_check,Populated when the soft validation and confirmed in the service
hbrentshortfall,After the household has received any housing-related benefits, will they still need to pay for rent and charges?
tshortfall_known,Can you estimate the outstanding amount?
tshortfall,Estimated outstanding amount
wtshortfall,Weekly total rent shortfall charge for tenant receiving housing benefit
scheme_code,What scheme does this letting belong to?
scheme_service_name,From scheme code, we map to the scheme name
scheme_confidential,Does the scheme contain confidential information?
SCHTYPE,What is this type of scheme? (Direct access hostel), Foyer, Housing for older people or Other supported housing
scheme_registered_under_care_act,Is this scheme registered under the Care Standards Act 2000?
scheme_owning_organisation_name,Which organisation owns the housing stock for this scheme?
scheme_primary_client_group,What client group is this scheme intended for?
scheme_has_other_client_group,Does this scheme provide for another client group?
scheme_secondary_client_group,What is the other client group?
scheme_support_type,What support does this scheme provide?
scheme_intended_stay,Intended length of stay
scheme_created_at,Date scheme was created
location_code,Which location is this letting for?
location_postcode,What is the postcode for this location?
location_name,What is the name of this location?
location_units,How many units are at this location?
location_type_of_unit,What is the most common type of unit at this location?
location_mobility_type,What are the mobility standards for the majority of the units in this location?
location_local_authority,What is the local authority of this postcode?
location_startdate,When did the first property in this location become available under this scheme?