Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1981 lines
82 KiB

require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe LettingsLogsController, type: :request do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, organisation: create(:organisation, rent_periods: [2])) }
let(:owning_organisation) { user.organisation }
let(:managing_organisation) { owning_organisation }
let(:api_username) { "test_user" }
let(:api_password) { "test_password" }
let(:basic_credentials) do
.encode_credentials(api_username, api_password)
let(:headers) do
"Content-Type" => "application/json",
"Accept" => "application/json",
"Authorization" => basic_credentials,
let(:fake_2021_2022_form) {"spec/fixtures/forms/2021_2022.json") }
before do
allow(ENV).to receive(:[])
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("API_USER").and_return(api_username)
allow(ENV).to receive(:[]).with("API_KEY").and_return(api_password)
allow(FormHandler.instance).to receive(:current_lettings_form).and_return(fake_2021_2022_form)
describe "POST #create" do
let(:tenant_code) { "T365" }
let(:age1) { 35 }
let(:offered) { 12 }
let(:period) { 2 }
let(:postcode_full) { "SE11 6TY" }
let(:in_progress) { "in_progress" }
let(:completed) { "completed" }
context "when API" do
let(:params) do
"tenancycode": tenant_code,
"age1": age1,
"postcode_full": postcode_full,
"offered": offered,
"period": period,
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.utc(2022, 2, 8))
post "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: params.to_json
after do
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "returns a serialized lettings log" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response.keys).to match_array(
it "creates a lettings log with the values passed" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response["tenancycode"]).to eq(tenant_code)
expect(json_response["age1"]).to eq(age1)
expect(json_response["postcode_full"]).to eq(postcode_full)
context "with invalid json parameters" do
let(:age1) { 2000 }
let(:offered) { 21 }
it "validates lettings log parameters" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)
expect(json_response["errors"]).to match_array([["offered", [I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.within_range", field: "Times previously offered since becoming available", min: 0, max: 20)]], ["age1", [I18n.t("validations.shared.numeric.within_range", field: "Lead tenant’s age", min: 16, max: 120)]]])
context "with a partial lettings log submission" do
it "marks the record as in_progress" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response["status"]).to eq(in_progress)
context "with a complete lettings log submission" do
let(:org_params) do
"lettings_log" => {
"owning_organisation_id" =>,
"managing_organisation_id" =>,
"assigned_to_id" =>,
let(:lettings_log_params) { JSON.parse("spec/fixtures/complete_lettings_log.json").read) }
let(:params) do
lettings_log_params.merge(org_params) { |_k, a_val, b_val| a_val.merge(b_val) }
xit "marks the record as completed" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response).not_to have_key("errors")
expect(json_response["status"]).to eq(completed)
context "with a request containing invalid credentials" do
let(:basic_credentials) do
ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(api_username, "Oops")
it "returns 401" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
context "when UI" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs", headers:
it "tracks who created the record" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
log = LettingsLog.find(created_id)
whodunnit_actor =
expect(whodunnit_actor).to be_a(User)
expect( eq(
expect(log.reload.created_by).to eq(user)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when creating a new log" do
context "when the user is support" do
let(:organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let(:support_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support, organisation:) }
before do
allow(support_user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in support_user
post "/lettings-logs", headers:
it "sets the managing org and stock-owning org as nil" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
lettings_log = LettingsLog.find_by(id: created_id)
expect(lettings_log.owning_organisation).to eq(nil)
expect(lettings_log.managing_organisation).to eq(nil)
it "sets created_by to current user" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
lettings_log = LettingsLog.find(created_id)
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(support_user)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when the user is not support" do
context "when the user's org holds stock" do
let(:organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "User org", holds_own_stock: true) }
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator, organisation:) }
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs", headers:
it "sets the managing org and stock-owning org as the user's org" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
lettings_log = LettingsLog.find_by(id: created_id)
expect( eq("User org")
expect( eq("User org")
it "sets created_by to current user" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
lettings_log = LettingsLog.find(created_id)
expect(lettings_log.created_by).to eq(user)
CLDC-1723 Overhaul letting log owning & managing org questions & tests (#1140) * test: check managing org not gone from answer opts when relationship deleted * feat: add current managing org to answer opts * feat: check if managing org exists before trying to show it * wip * test: improve managing orgs opts test when not support * test: improve managing orgs opts tests when support * test: make relationship deletion test consistent with other tests * test: add "(with hint)" to managing org opts test descriptions * test: refactor managing orgs opts tests for support user case * fix: don't call user in get_answer_label in CYA component * style: reorder instance vars and remove old comments in managing_organisation.rb * refactor: ensure label_from_value always accepts log & nil as args * lint * test: pass in log and user in housing provider opts test for support user * test: update housing provider opts tests for non-support user * feat: update housing provider answer opts to include current HP in db * style: add space after user definition * test: make context definition more human-readable * test: refactor housing providers opts tests (not support user) * test: check housing prov. still selectable after deleting relationship * fix: define log and current_user instance vars in label_from_value (housing prov.) * lint * test: update lettings log feature tests to differentiate between different numbers of stock owners when acting as a data coordinator * test: check owning & managing orgs set correctly when a log is created * test: add line breaks and start context descriptions with and (not if) * test: artificially reference org_rel2 to avoid lint offense * feat: don't set log owning org as user's org if that org doesn't hold stock * test: improve test context descriptions in lettings_log_spec * test: finish overhauling owning and managing org tests in lettings_log_spec * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/features/lettings_log_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/managing_organisation_spec.rb * test: change let! to let where possible in spec/models/form/lettings/questions/stock_owner_spec.rb * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" no managing orgs managing org test * test: remove if statement from "coordinator user's org does hold stock" >=1 managing orgs managing org test plus refactor previous test * test: explicitly reference org rels in "coordinator user's org doesn't hold stock" managing org test * test: don't create vars inside other vars (for tests edited/created in this branch) * chore: save schema changes after migration Co-authored-by: Phil Lee <>
2 years ago
context "when the user's org doesn't hold stock" do
let(:organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation, name: "User org", holds_own_stock: false) }
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator, organisation:) }
before do
sign_in user
post "/lettings-logs", headers:
it "sets the managing org as the user's org but the stock-owning org as nil" do
created_id = response.location.match(/[0-9]+/)[0]
lettings_log = LettingsLog.find_by(id: created_id)
expect(lettings_log.owning_organisation).to eq(nil)
expect( eq("User org")
describe "GET" do
let(:page) { }
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let(:organisation) { user.organisation }
let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let(:other_organisation) { other_user.organisation }
let!(:lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
tenancycode: "LC783",
let!(:unauthorized_lettings_log) do
assigned_to: other_user,
tenancycode: "UA984",
let!(:pending_lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
tenancycode: "LC999",
status: "pending",
skip_update_status: true,
context "when displaying a collection of logs" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
context "when you visit the index page" do
before do
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "does not have a button for creating sales logs" do
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
get lettings_logs_path, headers:, params: {}
page.assert_selector(".govuk-button", text: "Create a new sales log", count: 0)
page.assert_selector(".govuk-button", text: "Create a new lettings log", count: 1)
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
context "and the state of filters and search is such that display_delete_logs returns true" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(LogListHelper).to receive(:display_delete_logs?).and_return(true) # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance
it "displays the delete logs button with the correct path if there are logs visibile" do
get lettings_logs_path(search: "LC783")
expect(page).to have_link "Delete logs", href: delete_logs_lettings_logs_path(search: "LC783")
it "does not display the delete logs button if there are no logs displayed" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).not_to have_link "Delete logs"
context "and the state of filters and search is such that display_delete_logs returns false" do
before do
allow_any_instance_of(LogListHelper).to receive(:display_delete_logs?).and_return(false) # rubocop:disable RSpec/AnyInstance
it "does not display the delete logs button even if there are logs displayed" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_selector ""
expect(page).not_to have_link "Delete logs"
context "and organisation has absorbed organisations" do
let(:merged_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
before do
merged_organisation.update!(absorbing_organisation: organisation, merge_date:
it "shows organisation labels" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("Owned by")
expect(page).to have_content("Managed by")
context "and organisation does not own stock or have valid stock owners" do
before do
organisation.update!(holds_own_stock: false)
it "hides button to create a new log" do
get "/lettings-logs"
expect(page).not_to have_content("Create a new lettings log")
context "with coordinator user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator) }
it "displays a banner exlaining why create new logs button is missing" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner")
expect(page).to have_content("Your organisation does not own stock.")
expect(page).to have_link("add a stock owner", href: /stock-owners\/add/)
expect(page).not_to have_link("users page", href: /users/)
context "with provider user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_provider) }
it "displays a banner exlaining why create new logs button is missing" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner")
expect(page).to have_content("Your organisation does not own stock.")
expect(page).not_to have_link("add a stock owner", href: /stock-owners\/add/)
expect(page).to have_link("users page", href: /users/)
context "and organisation owns stock" do
before do
organisation.update!(holds_own_stock: true)
it "displays button to create a new log" do
get "/lettings-logs"
expect(page).to have_content("Create a new lettings log")
it "does not display the missing stock owners banner" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Your organisation does not own stock.")
expect(page).not_to have_link("add a stock owner", href: /stock-owners\/add/)
expect(page).not_to have_link("users page", href: /users/)
context "when the user is a customer support user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) }
before do
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "does have organisation values" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("Owned by")
expect(page).to have_content("Managed by")
it "shows lettings logs for all organisations" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("LC783")
expect(page).to have_content("UA984")
expect(page).not_to have_content(pending_lettings_log.tenancycode)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "displays CSV download links with the correct paths" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Download (CSV)", href: "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=false")
expect(page).to have_link("Download (CSV, codes only)", href: "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=true")
context "when there are duplicate logs for this user" do
before do
FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :duplicate, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user)
it "does not show a notification banner even if there are duplicate logs for this user" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).not_to have_content "duplicate logs"
expect(page).not_to have_link "Review logs"
context "when there are no logs in the database" do
before do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "does not display CSV download links" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_link("Download (CSV)")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Download (CSV, codes only)")
it "page has correct title" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
context "when filtering" do
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.utc(2024, 3, 3))
after do
context "with status filter" do
let(:organisation_2) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let(:user_2) { FactoryBot.create(:user, organisation: organisation_2) }
let!(:in_progress_lettings_log) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress,
owning_organisation: organisation,
managing_organisation: organisation,
assigned_to: user)
let!(:completed_lettings_log) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :completed,
owning_organisation: organisation_2,
managing_organisation: organisation,
assigned_to: user_2)
it "shows lettings logs for multiple selected statuses" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?status[]=in_progress&status[]=completed", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs for one selected status" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?status[]=in_progress", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
it "filters on owning organisation" do
get "/lettings-logs?owning_organisation[]=#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
it "filtering on owning organisation does not return managed orgs" do
get "/lettings-logs?owning_organisation[]=#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
it "does not reset the filters" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?status[]=in_progress", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "with year filter" do
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
around do |example|
Timecop.freeze(2022, 3, 1) do
let!(:lettings_log_2021) do
lettings_log =, :in_progress,
assigned_to: user,
startdate:, 3, 1))!(validate: false)
let!(:lettings_log_2022) do
lettings_log =, :completed,
owning_organisation: organisation,
mrcdate:, 2, 1),
startdate:, 12, 1),
tenancy: 6,
managing_organisation: organisation)!(validate: false)
it "shows lettings logs for multiple selected years" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?years[]=2021&years[]=2022", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs for one selected year" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?years[]=2021", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "with year and status filter" do
before do
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
Timecop.freeze(, 3, 1))
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
lettings_log_2021.update!(startdate:, 3, 1))
Timecop.freeze(, 12, 1))
after do
let!(:lettings_log_2021) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress,
owning_organisation: organisation,
managing_organisation: organisation,
assigned_to: user)
let!(:lettings_log_2022) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :completed,
owning_organisation: organisation,
mrcdate:, 2, 1),
startdate:, 12, 1),
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
voiddate:, 2, 1),
tenancy: 6,
managing_organisation: organisation,
assigned_to: user)
let!(:lettings_log_2022_in_progress) do, :in_progress,
owning_organisation: organisation,
mrcdate:, 2, 1),
startdate:, 12, 1),
tenancy: 6,
managing_organisation: organisation,
tenancycode: nil,
assigned_to: user)
it "shows lettings logs for multiple selected statuses and years" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?years[]=2021&years[]=2022&status[]=in_progress&status[]=completed", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs for one selected status" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?years[]=2022&status[]=in_progress", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "with bulk_upload_id filter" do
before do
Timecop.freeze(2023, 4, 1)
after do
context "with bulk upload that belongs to current user" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let(:user) { create(:user, organisation:) }
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user:) }
let!(:included_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, age1: nil, bulk_upload:, owning_organisation: organisation) }
let!(:excluded_log) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: organisation, tenancycode: "fake_code") }
before do
create(:bulk_upload_error, bulk_upload:, col: "A", row: 1)
it "returns logs only associated with the bulk upload" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content(
expect(page).not_to have_content(excluded_log.tenancycode)
it "dislays bulk uplaoad header" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content("Fix the errors from this bulk upload")
it "displays filter" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content("With logs from bulk upload")
it "hides collection year filter" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).not_to have_content("Collection year")
it "hides status filter" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).not_to have_content("Status")
it "has correct filter count and clear button" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content("1 filter applied")
expect(page).to have_content("Clear")
it "hides button to create a new log" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).not_to have_content("Create a new lettings log")
it "displays card with help info" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content("You have uploaded 1 log. There are errors in 1 log, and 1 error in total. Select the log to fix the errors.")
it "displays dynamic error number" do
included_log.update!(age2: nil)
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content("You have uploaded 1 log. There are errors in 1 log, and 2 errors in total. Select the log to fix the errors.")
it "displays meta info about the bulk upload" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_content(bulk_upload.filename)
expect(page).to have_content(bulk_upload.created_at.to_fs(:govuk_date_and_time))
context "with bulk upload that belongs to another user" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let(:user) { create(:user, organisation:) }
let(:other_user) { create(:user, organisation:) }
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user: other_user) }
before do
create(:lettings_log, bulk_upload:, owning_organisation: organisation, tenancycode: "fake_code_1")
create(:lettings_log, owning_organisation: organisation, tenancycode: "fake_code_2")
it "does not return any logs" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).not_to have_content("fake_code_1")
expect(page).not_to have_content("fake_code_2")
context "when bulk upload has been resolved" do
let(:organisation) { create(:organisation) }
let(:user) { create(:user, organisation:) }
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user:) }
it "redirects to resume the bulk upload" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(response).to redirect_to(resume_bulk_upload_lettings_result_path(bulk_upload))
it "allows returning to all logs" do
get "/lettings-logs?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_link("Return to lettings logs", href: clear_filters_path(filter_type: "lettings_logs"))
context "without bulk_upload_id" do
it "does not display filter" do
get "/lettings-logs"
expect(page).not_to have_content("With logs from bulk upload")
it "displays button to create a new log" do
get "/lettings-logs"
expect(page).to have_content("Create a new lettings log")
it "does not display card with help info" do
get "/lettings-logs"
expect(page).not_to have_content("The following logs are from your recent bulk upload")
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
context "when the user is a data provider" do
before do
sign_in user
it "does not have organisation columns" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_content("Owning organisation")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Managing organisation")
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "displays standard CSV download link only, with the correct path" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Download (CSV)", href: "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=false")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Download (CSV, codes only)")
it "does not display CSV download links if there are no logs" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_link("Download (CSV)")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Download (CSV, codes only)")
it "does not show a notification banner even if there are duplicate logs for this user" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).not_to have_content "duplicate logs"
expect(page).not_to have_link "Review logs"
context "when using a search query" do
let(:logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 3, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) }
let(:log_to_search) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) }
let(:log_total_count) { LettingsLog.where(owning_organisation: user.organisation).count }
before do
Timecop.freeze(Time.utc(2024, 3, 3))
after do
it "has search results in the title" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{}", headers:, params: {}
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs (1 logs matching ‘#{}’) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
it "shows lettings logs matching the id" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs matching the tenant code" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{log_to_search.tenancycode}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs matching the property reference" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{log_to_search.propcode}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
it "shows lettings logs matching the property postcode" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{log_to_search.postcode_full}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "includes the search on the CSV links" do
search_term = "foo"
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, assigned_to: user, owning_organisation: user.organisation, tenancycode: "foo")
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{search_term}", headers:, params: {}
download_link = page.find_link("Download (CSV)")
download_link_params = CGI.parse(URI.parse(download_link[:href]).query)
expect(download_link_params).to include("search" => [search_term])
context "when more than one results with matching postcode" do
let!(:matching_postcode_log) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, postcode_full: log_to_search.postcode_full) }
it "displays all matching logs" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{log_to_search.postcode_full}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when there are more than 1 page of search results" do
let(:postcode) { "XX11YY" }
let(:logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 30, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, postcode_full: postcode, assigned_to: user) }
let(:log_total_count) { LettingsLog.where(owning_organisation: user.organisation).count }
it "has title with pagination details for page 1" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{logs[0].postcode_full}", headers:, params: {}
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs (#{logs.count} logs matching ‘#{postcode}’) (page 1 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
it "has title with pagination details for page 2" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{logs[0].postcode_full}&page=2", headers:, params: {}
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs (#{logs.count} logs matching ‘#{postcode}’) (page 2 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
context "when search query doesn't match any logs" do
it "doesn't display any logs" do
get "/lettings-logs?search=foobar", headers:, params: {}
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when search query is empty" do
it "doesn't display any logs" do
get "/lettings-logs?search=", headers:, params: {}
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
context "when search and filter is present" do
let(:matching_postcode) { log_to_search.postcode_full }
let(:matching_status) { "in_progress" }
let!(:log_matching_filter_and_search) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: user.organisation, postcode_full: matching_postcode, assigned_to: user) }
it "shows only logs matching both search and filters" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
get "/lettings-logs?search=#{matching_postcode}&status[]=#{matching_status}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link(
expect(page).not_to have_link(
logs.each do |log|
expect(page).not_to have_link(
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
context "when there are fewer than 20 logs" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
it "shows a table of logs" do
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match(/<article class="app-log-summary">/)
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match(/lettings-logs/)
it "only shows lettings logs for your organisation" do
expected_case_row_log = "Log #{}"
unauthorized_case_row_log = "Log #{}"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(expected_case_row_log)
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).not_to include(unauthorized_case_row_log)
it "shows the formatted created at date for each log" do
formatted_date = lettings_log.created_at.to_formatted_s(:govuk_date)
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(formatted_date)
it "shows the log's status" do
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(lettings_log.status.humanize)
it "shows the total log count" do
CLDC-3014 Add schemes and locations csv download functionality (#2083) * feat: add schemes and locations download links and pages * feat: update current path helper * feat: update tests for different user visibility levels * feat: update search caption tests * refactor: lint tests * refactor: lint tests * git: revert unintentional inclusion * feat: update tests * refactor: lint * feat: DRY up routing * refactor: lint * feat: add csv confirmation view * feat: add scheme csv service * feat: rename * feat: update csv service * feat: update csv service * feat: update controller and rename view * feat: update view * refactor: lint * feat: show correct headers in csv * feat: add locations and combined csv behaviour * feat: remove redundant user instance variable * feat: add scheme csv service spec * feat: add scheme email csv job tests * feat: update filters in spec * refactor: move scheme_email_csv_job_spec.rb * feat: update spec * refactor: remove blank line * feat: add nowrap to all download links * feat: update org schemes controller with org schemes (and rename for clarity) * feat: update link indentation and spec * feat: only include location LA name, and rename to location_local_authority * feat: update seed locations with westminster local authorities to avoid similar confusion to some that arose in PO review * feat: display multiple active periods on a single line * feat: display multiple active periods on a single line * feat: update line spacing in search captions * feat: replace 2/3 with full column in download page * feat: move scheme alphabeticising into manager * feat: update tests now search/filterless copy has changed * refactor: lint * refactor: lint * refactor: lint * feat: add filter alphabeticising test * feat: correct spacing
1 year ago
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("<strong>1</strong> total logs")
it "does not show the pagination links" do
expect(page).not_to have_link("Previous")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Next")
it "does not show the pagination result line" do
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).not_to match("Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b>26</b> logs")
it "does not have pagination in the title" do
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
it "shows the CSV download link" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
expect(page).to have_link("Download (CSV)", href: "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=false")
it "does not show the organisation filter" do
expect(page).not_to have_field("organisation-field")
context "when the user is a customer support user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) }
let(:org_1) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let(:org_2) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let(:tenant_code_1) { "TC5638" }
let(:tenant_code_2) { "TC8745" }
before do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: org_1, tenancycode: tenant_code_1, assigned_to: user)
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, owning_organisation: org_2, tenancycode: tenant_code_2)
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "shows all logs by default" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content(tenant_code_1)
expect(page).to have_content(tenant_code_2)
context "when filtering by a specific user" do
it "only show the selected user's logs" do
get "/lettings-logs?assigned_to=specific_user&user=#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content(tenant_code_1)
expect(page).not_to have_content(tenant_code_2)
context "when the support user has filtered by organisation, then switches back to all organisations" do
it "shows all organisations" do
get "http://localhost:3000/lettings-logs?%5Byears%5D%5B%5D=&%5Bstatus%5D%5B%5D=&assigned_to=all&organisation_select=all&organisation=#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content(tenant_code_1)
expect(page).to have_content(tenant_code_2)
context "when there are more than 20 logs" do
before do
FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 25, assigned_to: user)
context "when on the first page" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
it "has pagination links" do
expect(page).not_to have_content("Previous")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Previous")
expect(page).to have_content("Next")
expect(page).to have_link("Next")
it "shows which logs are being shown on the current page" do
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b>26</b> logs")
it "has pagination in the title" do
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs (page 1 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
context "when on the second page" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs?page=2", headers:, params: {}
it "shows the total log count" do
CLDC-3014 Add schemes and locations csv download functionality (#2083) * feat: add schemes and locations download links and pages * feat: update current path helper * feat: update tests for different user visibility levels * feat: update search caption tests * refactor: lint tests * refactor: lint tests * git: revert unintentional inclusion * feat: update tests * refactor: lint * feat: DRY up routing * refactor: lint * feat: add csv confirmation view * feat: add scheme csv service * feat: rename * feat: update csv service * feat: update csv service * feat: update controller and rename view * feat: update view * refactor: lint * feat: show correct headers in csv * feat: add locations and combined csv behaviour * feat: remove redundant user instance variable * feat: add scheme csv service spec * feat: add scheme email csv job tests * feat: update filters in spec * refactor: move scheme_email_csv_job_spec.rb * feat: update spec * refactor: remove blank line * feat: add nowrap to all download links * feat: update org schemes controller with org schemes (and rename for clarity) * feat: update link indentation and spec * feat: only include location LA name, and rename to location_local_authority * feat: update seed locations with westminster local authorities to avoid similar confusion to some that arose in PO review * feat: display multiple active periods on a single line * feat: display multiple active periods on a single line * feat: update line spacing in search captions * feat: replace 2/3 with full column in download page * feat: move scheme alphabeticising into manager * feat: update tests now search/filterless copy has changed * refactor: lint * refactor: lint * refactor: lint * feat: add filter alphabeticising test * feat: correct spacing
1 year ago
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("<strong>26</strong> total logs")
it "has pagination links" do
expect(page).to have_content("Previous")
expect(page).to have_link("Previous")
expect(page).not_to have_content("Next")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Next")
it "shows which logs are being shown on the current page" do
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to match("Showing <b>21</b> to <b>26</b> of <b>26</b> logs")
it "has pagination in the title" do
1 year ago
expect(page).to have_title("Lettings logs (page 2 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK")
context "and there are duplicate logs for this user" do
let!(:duplicate_logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :duplicate, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) }
it "displays a notification banner with a link to review logs" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_content "duplicate logs"
expect(page).to have_link "Review logs", href: "/duplicate-logs?referrer=duplicate_logs_banner"
context "when there is one set of duplicates" do
it "displays the correct copy in the banner" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_content "There is 1 set of duplicate logs"
context "when the set is not editable" do
before do
duplicate_logs.each do |log|
log.startdate = - 3.years!(validate: false)
it "does not display the banner" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).not_to have_content "duplicate logs"
context "when there are multiple sets of duplicates" do
before do
Timecop.freeze(, 3, 1))
FactoryBot.create_list(:sales_log, 2, :duplicate, owning_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user)
after do
it "displays the correct copy in the banner" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_content "There are 2 sets of duplicate logs"
expect(page).to have_link "Review logs", href: "/duplicate-logs?referrer=duplicate_logs_banner"
context "when one set is not editable" do
before do
log = duplicate_logs.first
log.startdate = - 3.years!(validate: false)
it "displays the correct copy in the banner" do
get lettings_logs_path
expect(page).to have_content "There is 1 set of duplicate logs"
expect(page).to have_link "Review logs", href: "/duplicate-logs?referrer=duplicate_logs_banner"
context "when requesting a specific lettings log" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) }
let(:id) { }
before do
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}", headers:
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "returns a serialized lettings log" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response["status"]).to eq(lettings_log.status)
context "when requesting an invalid lettings log id" do
let(:id) { (LettingsLog.order(:id).last&.id || 0) + 1 }
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when viewing a pending log" do
let(:lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
status: "pending",
skip_update_status: true,
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when editing a lettings log" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
context "with a user that is not signed in" do
it "does not let the user get lettings log tasklist pages they don't have access to" do
get lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
expect(response).to redirect_to("/account/sign-in")
context "with a signed in user" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user) }
before do
sign_in user
context "with lettings logs that are owned or managed by your organisation" do
before do
get lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
it "shows the tasklist for lettings logs you have access to" do
expect(response.body).to match("Log")
expect(response.body).to match(
it "displays a section status for a lettings log" do
assert_select ".govuk-tag", text: /Not started/, count: 3
assert_select ".govuk-tag", text: /In progress/, count: 3
assert_select ".govuk-tag", text: /Completed/, count: 1
assert_select ".govuk-tag", text: /Cannot start yet/, count: 0
context "and the log is completed" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, assigned_to: user) }
it "displays a link to update the log for currently editable logs" do
expect(lettings_log.status).to eq("completed")
expect(page).to have_link("review and make changes to this log", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/review")
context "with bulk_upload_id filter" do
let(:bulk_upload) { create(:bulk_upload, :lettings, user:) }
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed, age1: nil, bulk_upload:, assigned_to: user, creation_method: "bulk upload") }
before do
lettings_log.status = "completed"
lettings_log.skip_update_status = true!(validate: false)
context "with bulk_upload_id filter in session" do
it "displays back to uploaded logs link" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}?bulk_upload_id[]=#{}"
expect(page).to have_link("Back to uploaded logs")
context "without bulk_upload_id filter in session" do
it "does not display back to uploaded logs link" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}"
expect(page).not_to have_link("Back to uploaded logs")
context "with lettings logs from a closed collection period before the previous collection" do
let(:lettings_log) do
log = build(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user, startdate: - 2.years)!(validate: false)
before do
get lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
it "redirects to review page" do
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{}/review")
it "displays a closed collection window message for previous collection year logs" do
expect(page).to have_content(/This log is from the \d{4} to \d{4} collection window, which is now closed\./)
context "when a lettings log is for a renewal of supported housing" do
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :startdate_today, assigned_to: user, renewal: 1, needstype: 2, rent_type: 3, postcode_known: 0) }
it "does not show property information" do
get lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
expect(page).to have_content "Tenancy information"
expect(page).not_to have_content "Property information"
it "does not crash the app if postcode_known is not nil" do
expect { get lettings_log_path(lettings_log) }.not_to raise_error
context "with lettings logs that are not owned or managed by your organisation" do
before do
sign_in user
get "/lettings-logs/#{}", headers:, params: {}
it "does not show the tasklist for lettings logs you don't have access to" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when valid scheme and location are added to an unresolved log" do
let(:scheme) { create(:scheme, owning_organisation: user.organisation) }
let(:location) { create(:location, scheme:) }
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, assigned_to: user, unresolved: true) }
let(:further_unresolved_logs_count) { 2 }
before do
create_list(:lettings_log, further_unresolved_logs_count, unresolved: true, assigned_to: user)
lettings_log.update!(needstype: 2, scheme:, location:)
get lettings_log_path(lettings_log)
it "marks the log as resolved" do
expect(lettings_log.unresolved).to eq(false)
it "displays a success banner" do
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner.govuk-notification-banner--success")
expect(page).to have_content("You’ve updated all the fields affected by the scheme change")
expect(page).to have_link("Update #{further_unresolved_logs_count} more logs", href: "/lettings-logs/update-logs")
context "when accessing the check answers page" do
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
before do
Timecop.freeze(2021, 4, 1)
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
completed_lettings_log.update!(startdate:, 4, 1), voiddate:, 4, 1), mrcdate:, 4, 1))
Cldc 3114 enable support control of rent periods per organisation (#2442) * write helper method to support having the correct rent period checkboxes checked * update new and create in organisations controller and view to enable creation of relevant organisation rent periods write tests for this * small changes to models * enable editing rent period in the UI display change button on org details page display rent periods question on edit page * enable updating org rent periods update logic in #update related tests * alter redirect after support user creates an organisation * adjust various UI elements: ordering of rows, copy changes, label size and associated tests * rework the #rent_period_labels method to return All under the correct conditions, rework tests related to that. + fix assorted tests that were either flakey or breaking due to addition of rent periods logic to create and update * amend failing tests and resolve linting complaints * changes following review * disable checkboxes for rent periods if they are in use so that users are not able to make existing logs invalid hint text added to the question to explain this I have also added all rent periods to a hidden field to remove the need to fetch them again form the db in the update method * update validation to reflect the fact that an org having no associated rent periods no longer means they accept all rent periods update tests adding both cases and removing unnecessary additional db additions * rake task to create rent period associations for orgs that have none * revert mistaken copy changes in designs * create rent periods in factories as default, with an option to skip. skip automatic creation in tests specifically related to rent periods * stub api call for factory value, update csv tests and fixtures accordingly * extract a good chunk of tests out of lettings_log_spec and into a dedicated derived fields spec file. in many cases refactor tests * remove before(:context) and associated patterns. use assign_attributes in various places for cleaner code * escape . in regex for API call stubs to satisfy codeQL remove destroy_all call at the start of a test that was dealing with leftover modesl in the test db * further refactoring of various tests to reduce database interactions and improve speed * remove outdated distinction between unitletas mappings from before 23/24 * remove tests that seem to be testing active record and/or ruby Date class
9 months ago
stub_request(:get, /api\.postcodes\.io/)
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
.to_return(status: 200, body: "{\"status\":200,\"result\":{\"admin_district\":\"Manchester\", \"codes\":{\"admin_district\": \"E08000003\"}}}", headers: {})
sign_in user
let(:postcode_lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
postcode_known: "No")
let(:id) { }
let(:completed_lettings_log) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :completed, owning_organisation: user.organisation, managing_organisation: user.organisation, assigned_to: user) }
it "shows the inferred la" do
lettings_log = FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log,
assigned_to: user,
postcode_known: 1,
postcode_full: "PO5 3TE")
id =
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-information/check-answers"
expected_inferred_answer = "<span class=\"govuk-!-font-weight-regular app-!-colour-muted\">Manchester</span>"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include(expected_inferred_answer)
it "does not show do you know the property postcode question" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-information/check-answers"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).not_to include("Do you know the property postcode?")
it "shows if the postcode is not known" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-information/check-answers"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include("Not known")
it "shows `you haven't answered this question` if the question wasn’t answered" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/income-and-benefits/check-answers"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include("You didn’t answer this question")
it "does not allow you to change the answers for previous collection year logs" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/setup/check-answers", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_link("Change")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Answer")
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-and-benefits/check-answers", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(page).not_to have_link("Change")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Answer")
context "when the edit end date is in the future" do
before do
Timecop.freeze(2022, 7, 5)
after do
it "allows you to change the answers for previous collection year logs" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/setup/check-answers", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Change")
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/income-and-benefits/check-answers", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Change")
it "lets the user navigate to questions for previous collection year logs" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/needs-type", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
it "does not let the user navigate to questions for previous collection year logs" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/needs-type", headers: { "Accept" => "text/html" }, params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{}")
context "when os places api returns non json response" do
let(:lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
uprn_known: 0,
uprn: nil,
address_line1_input: "Address line 1",
postcode_full_input: "SW1A 1AA")
let(:id) { }
before do!(validate: false)
WebMock.stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/api\.os\.uk\/search\/places\/v1\/find/)
.to_return(status: 503, body: "something went wrong", headers: {})
sign_in user
it "renders the property information check answers without error" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/property-information/check-answers"
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
context "when requesting CSV download" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
let(:search_term) { "foo" }
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
let!(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user, owning_organisation: user.organisation, tenancycode: search_term) }
before do
sign_in user
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
context "when there is 1 year selected in the filters" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false", headers:
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "shows a confirmation button" do
expect(page).to have_button("Send email")
it "includes the search term" do
expect(page).to have_field("search", type: "hidden", with: search_term)
it "allows updating log filters" do
expect(page).to have_content("Check your filters")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", count: 6)
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/years?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/assigned-to?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/owned-by?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/managed-by?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/status?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_link("Change", href: "/lettings-logs/filters/needstype?codes_only=false&referrer=check_answers&search=#{search_term}")
it "displays correct assigned to filter" do
create_list(:user, 12, organisation: user.organisation)
filtered_user = create(:user, organisation: user.organisation, name: "Obviously not usual name")
get("/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false&assigned_to=specific_user&user=#{}", headers:)
expect(page).to have_content("Obviously not usual name")
it "does not display assigned to user from other org" do
user_from_different_org = create(:user, name: "User from different org")
get("/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false&assigned_to=specific_user&user=#{}", headers:)
expect(page).not_to have_content("User from different org")
it "does not display non related managing orgs" do
managing_agent = create(:organisation, name: "Managing agent")
create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: managing_agent, parent_organisation: user.organisation)
unrelated_organisation = create(:organisation, name: "Unrelated managing org")
get("/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false&managing_organisation_select=specific_org&managing_organisation=#{}", headers:)
expect(page).not_to have_content("Unrelated managing org")
it "does not display non related owning orgs" do
managing_agent = create(:organisation, name: "Managing agent")
create(:organisation_relationship, child_organisation: managing_agent, parent_organisation: user.organisation)
unrelated_organisation = create(:organisation, name: "Unrelated owning org")
get("/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false&owning_organisation_select=specific_org&&owning_organisation=#{}", headers:)
expect(page).not_to have_content("Unrelated owning org")
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
context "when there are no years selected in the filters" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false", headers:
it "redirects to the year filter question" do
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/filters/years?codes_only=false&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_content("Which financial year do you want to download data for?")
expect(page).to have_button("Save changes")
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
context "when there are multiple years selected in the filters" do
before do
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=2021&years[]=2022&search=#{search_term}&codes_only=false", headers:
it "redirects to the year filter question" do
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/filters/years?codes_only=false&search=#{search_term}")
expect(page).to have_content("Which financial year do you want to download data for?")
expect(page).to have_button("Save changes")
context "when confirming the CSV email" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
context "when a log exists" do
before do
sign_in user
it "confirms that the user will receive an email with the requested CSV" do
get "/lettings-logs/csv-confirmation"
expect(CGI.unescape_html(response.body)).to include("We’re sending you an email")
context "when viewing a collection of logs affected by deactivated location" do
let!(:affected_lettings_logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 3, unresolved: true, assigned_to: user) }
let!(:other_user_affected_lettings_log) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, unresolved: true) }
let!(:non_affected_lettings_logs) { FactoryBot.create_list(:lettings_log, 4, assigned_to: user) }
let(:other_user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, organisation: user.organisation) }
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
before do
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "displays logs in a table" do
get "/lettings-logs/update-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("Log ID")
expect(page).to have_content("Tenancy code")
expect(page).to have_content("Property reference")
expect(page).to have_content("Status")
expect(page).to have_content(
expect(page).to have_content(affected_lettings_logs.first.tenancycode)
expect(page).to have_content(affected_lettings_logs.first.propcode)
expect(page).to have_link("Update now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
it "only displays affected logs" do
get "/lettings-logs/update-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("You need to update 3 logs")
expect(page).to have_link("Update now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Update now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
it "only displays the logs assigned to the user" do
get "/lettings-logs/update-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Update now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
expect(page).not_to have_link("Update now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
expect(page).to have_content("You need to update 3 logs")
it "displays correct content when there are no unresolved logs" do
LettingsLog.where(unresolved: true).update!(unresolved: false)
get "/lettings-logs/update-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("There are no more logs that need updating")
expect(page).to have_content("You’ve completed all the logs that were affected by scheme changes.")
page.assert_selector(".govuk-button", text: "Back to all logs")
it "displays a banner on the lettings log page" do
get "/lettings-logs", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_css(".govuk-notification-banner")
expect(page).to have_content("A scheme has changed and it has affected 3 logs")
expect(page).to have_link("Update logs", href: "/lettings-logs/update-logs")
context "when viewing a specific log affected by deactivated location" do
let!(:affected_lettings_log) { FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, unresolved: true, assigned_to: user, needstype: 2, startdate:, 4, 1)) }
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
before do
allow(affected_lettings_log.form).to receive(:edit_end_date).and_return( +
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "routes to the tenancy date question" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}", headers:, params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to("/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date")
expect(page).to have_content("What is the tenancy start date?")
it "tenancy start date page links to the scheme page" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Skip for now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/scheme")
it "scheme page links to the locations page" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/scheme", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_link("Skip for now", href: "/lettings-logs/#{}/location")
it "displays inset hint text on the tenancy start date question" do
get "/lettings-logs/#{}/tenancy-start-date", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_content("Some scheme details have changed, and now this log needs updating. Check that the tenancy start date is correct.")
describe "PATCH" do
let(:lettings_log) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, tenancycode: "Old Value", postcode_full: "M1 1AE")
let(:params) do
{ tenancycode: "New Value" }
let(:id) { }
before do
patch "/lettings-logs/#{id}", headers:, params: params.to_json
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "updates the lettings log with the given fields and keeps original values where none are passed" do
expect(lettings_log.tenancycode).to eq("New Value")
expect(lettings_log.postcode_full).to eq("M1 1AE")
context "with an invalid lettings log id" do
let(:id) { (LettingsLog.order(:id).last&.id || 0) + 1 }
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "with an invalid lettings log params" do
CLDC-1917 Add Startdate Validation (#1378) * feat: add validation with feature flag, typo fix and update tests * feat: flip feature toggle * feat: update feature toggle name * feat: fix form handler inequality * refactor: linting * refactor: use between in form handler * feat: remove feature toggle * feat: add dynamic date to lettings log factory * feat: fix log_summary_component_spec.rb tests * feat: update lettings_log.rb and start fixing lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix more tests * feat: fix lettings log import service * refactor: linting * feat: fix checkboxes_spec.rb * feat: fix interruption_screen_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_helper_spec.rb * feat: fix page_routing_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_field_import_service_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix question_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_logs_controller_spec.rb * feat: fix check_answers_page_lettings_logs_spec.rb * feat: fix tenancy_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix validations_spec.rb * feat: fix accessible_autocomplete_spec.rb * feat: fix form_navigation_spec.rb * feat: fix soft_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_export_service_spec.rb * feat: fix saving_data_spec.rb * feat: fix page_spec.rb * feat: fix form_controller_spec.rb * refactor: linting * feat: fix subsection_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * feat: fix financial_validations_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_page_spec.rb * feat: fix conditional_questions_spec.rb * feat: fix form_page_error_helper_spec.rb and log_summary_component_spec.rb * feat: fix lettings_log_csv_service_spec.rb * feat: fix tasklist_helper_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: linting * feat: fix lettings_log_spec.rb * refactor: linting * refactor: replace financial year with collection yaer * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 1 * feat: respond to PR comments pt. 2
2 years ago
around do |example|
Timecop.freeze(, 1, 1)) do
let(:params) { { age1: 200 } }
it "returns 422" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unprocessable_entity)
it "returns an error message" do
json_response = JSON.parse(response.body)
expect(json_response["errors"]).to eq({ "age1" => ["Lead tenant’s age must be between 16 and 120."] })
context "with a request containing invalid credentials" do
let(:basic_credentials) do
ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(api_username, "Oops")
it "returns 401" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
# We don't really have any meaningful distinction between PUT and PATCH here since you can update some or all
# fields in both cases, and both route to #Update. Rails generally recommends PATCH as it more closely matches
# what actually happens to an ActiveRecord object and what we're doing here, but either is allowed.
describe "PUT" do
let(:lettings_log) do
FactoryBot.create(:lettings_log, :in_progress, tenancycode: "Old Value", postcode_full: "SW1A 2AA")
let(:params) do
{ tenancycode: "New Value" }
let(:id) { }
before do
put "/lettings-logs/#{id}", headers:, params: params.to_json
it "returns http success" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:success)
it "updates the lettings log with the given fields and keeps original values where none are passed" do
expect(lettings_log.tenancycode).to eq("New Value")
expect(lettings_log.postcode_full).to eq("SW1A 2AA")
context "with an invalid lettings log id" do
let(:id) { (LettingsLog.order(:id).last&.id || 0) + 1 }
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "with a request containing invalid credentials" do
let(:basic_credentials) do
ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(api_username, "Oops")
it "returns 401" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
describe "DELETE" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
let(:page) { }
let(:user) { create(:user, :support) }
let(:id) { }
let(:delete_request) { delete "/lettings-logs/#{id}", headers: }
before do
Timecop.freeze(2024, 3, 1)
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
after do
context "when delete permitted" do
let!(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed) }
it "redirects to lettings logs and shows message" do
expect(response).to redirect_to(lettings_logs_path)
expect(page).to have_content("Log #{id} has been deleted.")
it "marks the log as deleted" do
expect { delete_request }.to change { lettings_log.reload.status }.from("completed").to("deleted")
context "when log does not exist" do
let(:id) { -1 }
before do
create(:lettings_log, :completed)
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when user not authorised" do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :completed) }
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
it "returns 401" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
describe "GET delete-confirmation" do
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
let(:page) { }
let(:user) { create(:user, :support) }
let!(:lettings_log) do
create(:lettings_log, :completed)
let(:id) { }
let(:request) { get "/lettings-logs/#{id}/delete-confirmation", headers: }
before do
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
context "when delete permitted" do
it "renders page" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:ok)
expect(page).to have_content("Are you sure you want to delete this log?")
expect(page).to have_button(text: "Delete this log")
expect(page).to have_link(text: "Cancel", href: lettings_log_path(id))
context "when log does not exist" do
let(:id) { -1 }
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:not_found)
context "when user not authorised" do
let(:user) { create(:user) }
it "returns 404" do
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
describe "GET csv-download" do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
let(:page) { }
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user) }
let(:headers) { { "Accept" => "text/html" } }
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
let!(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user) }
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
before do
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
it "renders a page with the correct header" do
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=false", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
header = page.find_css("h1")
expect(header.text).to include("Download CSV")
it "renders a form with the correct target containing a button with the correct text" do
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=false", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
form = page.find("form.button_to")
expect(form[:method]).to eq("post")
expect(form[:action]).to eq("/lettings-logs/email-csv")
expect(form).to have_button("Send email")
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
context "when query string contains search parameter" do
let(:search_term) { "blam" }
let!(:lettings_log) { create(:lettings_log, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user, tenancycode: search_term) }
it "contains hidden field with correct value" do
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=false&search=#{search_term}", headers:, params: {}
expect(page).to have_button("Send email")
hidden_field = page.find("form.button_to").find_field("search", type: "hidden")
expect(hidden_field.value).to eq(search_term)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
context "when the user is a data coordinator" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator) }
it "when codes_only query parameter is false, form contains hidden field with correct value" do
codes_only = false
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
hidden_field = page.find("form.button_to").find_field("codes_only", type: "hidden")
expect(hidden_field.value).to eq(codes_only.to_s)
it "when codes_only query parameter is true, user is not authorized" do
codes_only = true
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
context "when filtering by organisation and year" do
let(:other_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
let(:lettings_logs) { create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user, owning_organisation: other_organisation, managing_organisation: user.organisation) }
let(:params) do
years: [lettings_logs[0].form.start_date.year],
owning_organisation_select: "specific_org",
codes_only: false,
before do
create(:organisation_relationship, parent_organisation: other_organisation, child_organisation: user.organisation)
create_list(:lettings_log, 2, :setup_completed, assigned_to: user, owning_organisation: other_organisation, managing_organisation: user.organisation, discarded_at:
it "does not count deleted logs" do
get csv_download_lettings_logs_path, headers:, params: params
expect(page).to have_content("You've selected 2 logs.")
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
context "when the user is a data provider" do
it "when codes_only query parameter is false, form contains hidden field with correct value" do
codes_only = false
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
hidden_field = page.find("form.button_to").find_field("codes_only", type: "hidden")
expect(hidden_field.value).to eq(codes_only.to_s)
it "when codes_only query parameter is true, user is not authorized" do
codes_only = true
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)
context "when the user is a support user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) }
it "when codes_only query parameter is false, form contains hidden field with correct value" do
codes_only = false
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
hidden_field = page.find("form.button_to").find_field("codes_only", type: "hidden")
expect(hidden_field.value).to eq(codes_only.to_s)
it "when codes_only query parameter is true, form contains hidden field with correct value" do
codes_only = true
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
get "/lettings-logs/csv-download?years[]=#{lettings_log.form.start_date.year}&codes_only=#{codes_only}", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
hidden_field = page.find("form.button_to").find_field("codes_only", type: "hidden")
expect(hidden_field.value).to eq(codes_only.to_s)
CLDC-2290 implement delete multiple logs story (#1657) * add a button to the logs list to delete multiple logs style and position of button helpers for displaying the button conditionally depending on user role and what filters and search are active * correct indentation from 4 spaces to 2 in view file * test appearance of delete logs button on index page for lettings logs * write a happy path feature test for the entire journey * create basic tests for the view component for listing logs to delete * create request tests for the GET delete-logs path * create request tests for the GET delete-logs-confirmation path * create request tests for the DELETE delete-logs path * comprehensive reworking after code review ensure that we are not passing lists of ids through params in the query string, risking overflowing the maximum URL length, adjust tests accordingly, do not attempt to reuse the same table for sales and lettings * alter config to allow creating controllers from the command line with associated spec files that matches how we test * extract controller methods and associated tests to do with the delete logs feature into their own controller, amend routes accordingly * implement same work for sales as for lettings * implement the story for lettings and sales logs under the organisation tab routing and controller methods testing for deleting sales logs, lettings or sales logs for an organisation move storage of relevant routes inside the form object as a comprehensive view model * merge the delete pages for lettings logs and sales logs, add to the tests for the lettings page to test sales specific content * minor refactor to delete logs controller: ensure session filters are only fetched from teh session when needed and extract discard logs method to private method * extract tables for lettings and sales to own partials * refactor delete logs controller after tech review improve the private method that builds the form object so that it has the flexibility to do so for all controller methods ensure that the search term is passed to the delete logs controller when navigating through the organisations tab ensure that noly logs for that organisation are displayed when navigating to delete logs through the organisations tab * remove unnecessary untested arguments * test new helper methods * implement dirty fiddle to get the checkboxes smaller and also not misaligned * ensure delete logs button is always visible on log lists when in the organisations tab * minor linting corrections * revert change, causing errors and outside the scope of this ticket * simplify tests for whether delete logs button appears on index page * replicate request specs from lettings for sales and organisations controllers * minor refactor of lettings log feature spec setup, replicate happy path for sales * minor refactors after rebasing onto Nat's work * temp * write tests for the delete logs form object * lint: add new line at end of file * respond to PO feedback the log id in the delte logs table should be a link to the log the delete logs button should be visible when the user is in a bulk upload journey updated associated tests
2 years ago
describe "POST email-csv" do
let(:other_organisation) { FactoryBot.create(:organisation) }
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :support) }
context "when a log exists" do
let!(:lettings_log) do
assigned_to: user,
ecstat1: 1,
before do
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
allow(user).to receive(:need_two_factor_authentication?).and_return(false)
sign_in user
managing_organisation: owning_organisation,
assigned_to: user)
it "creates an E-mail job" do
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=true", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, nil, { "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, true, "lettings", 2023)
it "redirects to the confirmation page" do
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=true", headers:, params: {}
expect(response).to redirect_to(csv_confirmation_lettings_logs_path)
it "passes the search term" do
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&search=#{}&codes_only=false", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user,, { "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, false, "lettings", 2023)
it "passes filter parameters" do
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&status[]=completed&codes_only=true", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, nil, { "status" => %w[completed], "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, true, "lettings", 2023)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "passes export type flag" do
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=true", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, nil, { "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, true, "lettings", 2023)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=false", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, nil, { "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, false, "lettings", 2023)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "passes a combination of search term, export type and filter parameters" do
postcode = "XX1 1TG"
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&status[]=completed&search=#{postcode}&codes_only=false", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, postcode, { "status" => %w[completed], "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, false, "lettings", 2023)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
context "when the user is not a support user" do
let(:user) { FactoryBot.create(:user, :data_coordinator) }
it "has permission to download human readable csv" do
codes_only_export = false
expect {
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=#{codes_only_export}", headers:, params: {}
}.to enqueue_job(EmailCsvJob).with(user, nil, { "years" => %w[2023] }, false, nil, false, "lettings", 2023)
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
it "is not authorized to download codes only csv" do
codes_only_export = true
CLDC-3438 Update log csv download flow (#2403) * Filter out empty options from selected filters * Redirect to year filter if it is not selected * Add remaining filter questions * Display lettings filters CYA * Add cancel, conditionally display send email * Refactor * Add removed tests * Update method name * Add sales logs filters * Update tests * Set label size on filter questions * Refactor * Deduplicate filter views * Rename methods * Authenticate pages * Update filtering per organisation * Update routing from CYA * lint * Refactor check_your_answers_filters_list * Redirect if year is not given for sales csv * Update formatted organisations methods * Update missing and wrong copy * Update cancel and back buttons * CLDC-3442 Download logs csv per year (#2404) * Specify year in lettings csv download service * Specify year in sales csv download service * Define non_question_fields per year * Tidy up missing fields and tests * Fix request tests * Refactor * Add missing param * CLDC-3348 Update sales CSV for support (#2407) * Update sales csv for support * CLDC-3352 Update sales CSV address order (#2410) * Update sales support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3367 Rename sales support CSV fields (#2413) * Rename sales support CSV fields * Update sales CSV user fields order (#2416) * CLDC-2586 Rename scheme sensitive (#2405) * Rename scheme sensitive in lettings csv * Rename scheme sensitive in schemes csv * CLDC-3347 Show soft validations in support CSVs only (#2406) * Show soft validations in support csvs only * CLDC-3352 Update lettings CSV address order (#2409) * Update lettings support csv address ordering * Refactor * CLDC-3415/3421/3422 Add lettings CSV updates (#2415) * Add first_time_property_let_as_social_housing to coordinators csv * Update lettings CSV user fields order * Remove new_old from lettings CSV * Remove duplicate rent value check from CSV (#2423) * Refactor CSV service (#2425) * Extract and move lettings methods * Extract and more sales methods
10 months ago
post "/lettings-logs/email-csv?years[]=2023&codes_only=#{codes_only_export}", headers:, params: {}
CLDC-1826 lettings log codes only download (#1268) * update seeds to add self in review env, change spec to reflect this, update config yml to allow csv exports in review * update interface of relevant methods EmailCsvJob, LettingsLog.to_csv and LettingsLogCsvService consume codes_only flag * update tests including adding a new csv file to test against * update LettingsLogCsvService to output codes only csv * correct minor error and linting * enable codes only download in UI - add link on lettings log index page - pass codes_only flag through params in relevant links and methods - convert flag to boolean in controller methods * ensure link displayed successfully for all renderings of logs_list and params passed through relevant methods in organisations controller * fix existing tests * correct linting thing * correct linting error * update tests for lettings log controller * correct linting errors * update organisations controller tests * make minor changes after code review * remove changes made for testing on review app * make codes only download visible to support users only * change variable names throughout after info on rauby/rails naming conventions, update tests for change in who can view codes only download link * rework csv service for readability, remove delegating methods from lettings log to keep all code to do with mapping between our domain and desired export format in one place * update test name * correct a small typo and remove a duplicated method after clever git merge conflict suggestion * point review app at staging csv bucket for csv download * change variables named codes_only_export to codes_only to avoid inconsistency * write tests to ensure that differetn user roles have the correct permissions around csv download * ensure that non support users may not download codes only exports * correct a small error in a previous commit * correct minor linting error
2 years ago
expect(response).to have_http_status(:unauthorized)