<p class="govuk-body">The following groups of cells might have conflicting data. Check the answers and fix any incorrect data.<br><br>If the answers are correct, fix the critical errors and upload the file again. You'll need to confirm that the following data is correct when the file only contains potential errors.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">Potential data discrepancies exist in the following cells.<br><br>Please resolve all critical errors and review the cells with data discrepancies before re-uploading the file. Bulk confirmation of potential discrepancies is accessible only after all critical errors have been resolved.</p>
<%= govuk_table(html_attributes: { class: "no-bottom-border" }) do |table| %>
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class BulkUploadMailer < NotifyMailer
title="Check your file data"
description="Some of your #{bulk_upload.year_combo}#{bulk_upload.log_type} data might not be right. Click the link below to review the potential errors, and check your file to see if the data is correct."
description="We’ve identified potential discrepancies in your #{bulk_upload.year_combo}#{bulk_upload.log_type} data. Please review the flagged information via the link below and cross-reference it with your records to confirm data accuracy."
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l">We found <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, error_word) %> in your file</h1>
<div class="govuk-body">
Here’s a list of everything that you need to fix your spreadsheet. You can download the <%= govuk_link_to "specification", Forms::BulkUploadForm::PrepareYourFile.new(year: @bulk_upload.year, log_type: "lettings").specification_path, target: "_blank" %> to help you fix the cells in your CSV file.
<h1 class="govuk-heading-l">We found <%= pluralize(@bulk_upload.bulk_upload_errors.count, error_word) %> in your file</h1>
<div class="govuk-body">
Here’s a list of everything that you need to fix your spreadsheet. You can download the <%= govuk_link_to "specification", Forms::BulkUploadForm::PrepareYourFile.new(year: @bulk_upload.year, log_type: "sales").specification_path, target: "_blank" %> to help you fix the cells in your CSV file.
description:"Some of your #{bulk_upload.year_combo} lettings data might not be right. Click the link below to review the potential errors, and check your file to see if the data is correct.",
description:"We’ve identified potential discrepancies in your #{bulk_upload.year_combo} lettings data. Please review the flagged information via the link below and cross-reference it with your records to confirm data accuracy.",