@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator user " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :specific_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :specific_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
before do
sign_in user
@ -261,6 +261,205 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
describe " # locations " do
let ( :specific_scheme ) { schemes . first }
context " when not signed in " do
it " redirects to the sign in page " do
get " /schemes/ #{ specific_scheme . id } /locations "
expect ( response ) . to redirect_to ( " /account/sign-in " )
context " when signed in as a data provider user " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user ) }
before do
sign_in user
get " /schemes/ #{ specific_scheme . id } /locations "
it " returns 401 unauthorized " do
expect ( response ) . to have_http_status ( :unauthorized )
context " when signed in as a data coordinator user " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :locations ) { FactoryBot . create_list ( :location , 3 , scheme : ) }
before do
sign_in user
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations "
context " when coordinator attempts to see scheme belonging to a different organisation " do
let! ( :specific_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
FactoryBot . create ( :location , scheme : specific_scheme )
it " returns 404 not found " do
get " /schemes/ #{ specific_scheme . id } /locations "
expect ( response ) . to have_http_status ( :not_found )
it " shows scheme " do
locations . each do | location |
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . location_code )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . postcode )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . county )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . type_of_unit )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . type_of_building )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . wheelchair_adaptation )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . name )
it " has page heading " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( scheme . service_name )
it " has correct title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
context " when paginating over 20 results " do
let! ( :locations ) { FactoryBot . create_list ( :location , 25 , scheme : ) }
context " when on the first page " do
before do
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations "
it " shows which schemes are being shown on the current page " do
expect ( CGI . unescape_html ( response . body ) ) . to match ( " Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b> #{ locations . count } </b> locations " )
it " has correct page 1 of 2 title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } (page 1 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
it " has pagination links " do
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_link ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( " Next " )
expect ( page ) . to have_link ( " Next " )
context " when on the second page " do
before do
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations?page=2 "
it " shows which schemes are being shown on the current page " do
expect ( CGI . unescape_html ( response . body ) ) . to match ( " Showing <b>21</b> to <b>25</b> of <b> #{ locations . count } </b> locations " )
it " has correct page 2 of 2 title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } (page 2 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
it " has pagination links " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . to have_link ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content ( " Next " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_link ( " Next " )
context " when signed in as a support user " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :support ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
let! ( :locations ) { FactoryBot . create_list ( :location , 3 , scheme : ) }
before do
allow ( user ) . to receive ( :need_two_factor_authentication? ) . and_return ( false )
sign_in user
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations "
it " shows scheme " do
locations . each do | location |
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . location_code )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . postcode )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . county )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . type_of_unit )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . type_of_building )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . wheelchair_adaptation )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( location . name )
it " has page heading " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( scheme . service_name )
it " has correct title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
context " when paginating over 20 results " do
let! ( :locations ) { FactoryBot . create_list ( :location , 25 , scheme : ) }
context " when on the first page " do
before do
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations "
it " shows which schemes are being shown on the current page " do
expect ( CGI . unescape_html ( response . body ) ) . to match ( " Showing <b>1</b> to <b>20</b> of <b> #{ locations . count } </b> locations " )
it " has correct page 1 of 2 title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } (page 1 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
it " has pagination links " do
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_link ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( " Next " )
expect ( page ) . to have_link ( " Next " )
context " when on the second page " do
before do
get " /schemes/ #{ scheme . id } /locations?page=2 "
it " shows which schemes are being shown on the current page " do
expect ( CGI . unescape_html ( response . body ) ) . to match ( " Showing <b>21</b> to <b>25</b> of <b> #{ locations . count } </b> locations " )
it " has correct page 1 of 2 title " do
expected_title = CGI . escapeHTML ( " #{ scheme . service_name } (page 2 of 2) - Submit social housing lettings and sales data (CORE) - GOV.UK " )
expect ( page ) . to have_title ( expected_title )
it " has pagination links " do
expect ( page ) . to have_content ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . to have_link ( " Previous " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_content ( " Next " )
expect ( page ) . not_to have_link ( " Next " )
describe " # new " do
context " when not signed in " do
it " redirects to the sign in page " do
@ -401,7 +600,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when required organisation id param is missing " do
let ( :params ) { { " scheme " = > { " service_name " = > " qweqwer " , " sensitive " = > " Yes " , " organisation_id " = > " " , " scheme_type " = > " Foyer " , " registered_under_care_act " = > " Yes – part registered as a care home " } } }
let ( :params ) { { " scheme " = > { " service_name " = > " qweqwer " , " sensitive " = > " Yes " , " owning_o rganisation_id " = > " " , " scheme_type " = > " Foyer " , " registered_under_care_act " = > " Yes – part registered as a care home " , " total_units " = > " 1 " } } }
it " displays the new page with an error message " do
post " /schemes " , params : params
@ -436,7 +635,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let ( :scheme_to_update ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let ( :scheme_to_update ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
before do
sign_in user
@ -619,7 +818,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a support " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :support ) }
let ( :scheme_to_update ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let ( :scheme_to_update ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
before do
allow ( user ) . to receive ( :need_two_factor_authentication? ) . and_return ( false )
@ -837,7 +1036,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
@ -903,7 +1102,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
@ -969,7 +1168,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
@ -1035,7 +1234,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
@ -1101,7 +1300,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do
@ -1167,7 +1366,7 @@ RSpec.describe SchemesController, type: :request do
context " when signed in as a data coordinator " do
let ( :user ) { FactoryBot . create ( :user , :data_coordinator ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , organisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme , owning_o rganisation : user . organisation ) }
let! ( :another_scheme ) { FactoryBot . create ( :scheme ) }
before do