@ -3,29 +3,32 @@ require "rails_helper"
RSpec.describe Exports::CaseLogExportService do |
let(:storage_service) { instance_double(StorageService) } |
let(:export_filepath) { "spec/fixtures/exports/case_logs.xml" } |
let(:export_file) { File.open(export_filepath, "r:UTF-8") } |
let(:export_file) { File.open("spec/fixtures/exports/case_logs.xml", "r:UTF-8") } |
let(:local_manifest_file) { File.open("spec/fixtures/exports/manifest.xml", "r:UTF-8") } |
let(:expected_data_filename) { "core_2022_02_08/dat_core_2022_02_08_0001.xml" } |
let(:expected_master_manifest_filename) { "Manifest_2022_02_08_0001.csv" } |
let(:expected_master_manifest_filename2) { "Manifest_2022_02_08_0002.csv" } |
let(:expected_master_manifest_filename) { "Manifest_2022_05_01_0001.csv" } |
let(:expected_master_manifest_rerun) { "Manifest_2022_05_01_0002.csv" } |
let(:expected_zip_filename) { "core_2021_2022_jan_mar_f0001_inc0001.zip" } |
let(:expected_manifest_filename) { "manifest.xml" } |
let(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :completed) } |
def replace_entity_ids(export_template) |
def replace_entity_ids(case_log, export_template) |
export_template.sub!(/\{id\}/, (case_log["id"] + Exports::CaseLogExportService::LOG_ID_OFFSET).to_s) |
export_template.sub!(/\{owning_org_id\}/, case_log["owning_organisation_id"].to_s) |
export_template.sub!(/\{managing_org_id\}/, case_log["managing_organisation_id"].to_s) |
export_template.sub!(/\{created_by_id\}/, case_log["created_by_id"].to_s) |
end |
def replace_record_number(export_template, record_number) |
export_template.sub!(/\{recno\}/, record_number.to_s) |
end |
context "when exporting daily case logs" do |
subject(:export_service) { described_class.new(storage_service) } |
let(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :completed) } |
let(:start_time) { Time.zone.local(2022, 5, 1) } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(case_log.updated_at) |
Timecop.freeze(start_time) |
allow(storage_service).to receive(:write_file) |
end |
@ -45,75 +48,168 @@ RSpec.describe Exports::CaseLogExportService do
end |
end |
context "and case logs are available for export" do |
let(:time_now) { Time.zone.now } |
context "and one case log is available for export" do |
let!(:case_log) { FactoryBot.create(:case_log, :completed) } |
let(:expected_data_filename) { "core_2021_2022_jan_mar_f0001_inc0001_pt001.xml" } |
before do |
Timecop.freeze(time_now) |
case_log |
it "generates a ZIP export file with the expected filename" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
after do |
LogsExport.destroy_all |
it "generates an XML manifest file with the expected filename within the ZIP file" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) do |_, content| |
entry = Zip::File.open_buffer(content).find_entry(expected_manifest_filename) |
expect(entry).not_to be_nil |
expect(entry.name).to eq(expected_manifest_filename) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
it "generates an XML export file with the expected filename" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_data_filename, any_args) |
it "generates an XML export file with the expected filename within the ZIP file" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) do |_, content| |
entry = Zip::File.open_buffer(content).find_entry(expected_data_filename) |
expect(entry).not_to be_nil |
expect(entry.name).to eq(expected_data_filename) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
it "generates an XML export file with the expected content" do |
actual_content = nil |
expected_content = replace_entity_ids(export_file.read) |
allow(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_data_filename, any_args) { |_, arg2| actual_content = arg2&.string } |
it "generates an XML manifest file with the expected content within the ZIP file" do |
expected_content = replace_record_number(local_manifest_file.read, 1) |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) do |_, content| |
entry = Zip::File.open_buffer(content).find_entry(expected_manifest_filename) |
expect(entry).not_to be_nil |
expect(entry.get_input_stream.read).to eq(expected_content) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
expect(actual_content).to eq(expected_content) |
end |
it "creates a logs export record in a database with correct time" do |
it "generates an XML export file with the expected content within the ZIP file" do |
expected_content = replace_entity_ids(case_log, export_file.read) |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) do |_, content| |
entry = Zip::File.open_buffer(content).find_entry(expected_data_filename) |
expect(entry).not_to be_nil |
expect(entry.get_input_stream.read).to eq(expected_content) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
end |
context "and multiple case logs are available for export on different periods" do |
let(:expected_zip_filename2) { "core_2022_2023_apr_jun_f0001_inc0001.zip" } |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:case_log, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 2, 1)) |
FactoryBot.create(:case_log, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1)) |
end |
context "when case logs are across multiple quarters" do |
it "generates multiple ZIP export files with the expected filenames" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename2, any_args) |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
end |
end |
context "and multiple case logs are available for export on same quarter" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:case_log, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 2, 1)) |
FactoryBot.create(:case_log, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 3, 20)) |
end |
it "generates an XML manifest file with the expected content within the ZIP file" do |
expected_content = replace_record_number(local_manifest_file.read, 2) |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_zip_filename, any_args) do |_, content| |
entry = Zip::File.open_buffer(content).find_entry(expected_manifest_filename) |
expect(entry).not_to be_nil |
expect(entry.get_input_stream.read).to eq(expected_content) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
records_from_db = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("select started_at, id from logs_exports ").to_a |
expect(records_from_db[0]["started_at"]).to eq(time_now) |
expect(records_from_db.count).to eq(1) |
end |
it "gets the logs for correct timeframe" do |
start_time = Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 13, 2, 2, 2) |
export = LogsExport.new(started_at: start_time, daily_run_number: 1) |
export.save! |
params = { from: start_time, to: time_now } |
allow(CaseLog).to receive(:where).with("updated_at >= :from and updated_at <= :to", params).once.and_return([]) |
it "creates a logs export record in a database with correct time" do |
expect { export_service.export_case_logs } |
.to change(LogsExport, :count).by(1) |
expect(LogsExport.last.started_at).to eq(start_time) |
end |
context "when this is the first export (full)" do |
it "records a ZIP archive in the master manifest (existing case logs)" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_master_manifest_filename, any_args) do |_, csv_content| |
csv = CSV.parse(csv_content, headers: true) |
expect(csv&.count).to be > 0 |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
end |
context "when this is the first export" do |
it "gets the logs for the timeframe up until the current time" do |
params = { to: time_now } |
allow(CaseLog).to receive(:where).with("updated_at <= :to", params).once.and_return([]) |
context "when this is a second export (partial)" do |
before do |
start_time = Time.zone.local(2022, 4, 1) |
LogsExport.new(started_at: start_time).save! |
end |
it "does not add any entry in the master manifest (no case logs)" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_master_manifest_rerun, any_args) do |_, csv_content| |
csv = CSV.parse(csv_content, headers: true) |
expect(csv&.count).to eq(0) |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
end |
end |
context "and a previous export has run the same day" do |
context "and a previous export has run the same day with logs" do |
before do |
FactoryBot.create(:case_log, startdate: Time.zone.local(2022, 2, 1)) |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
it "increments the master manifest number by 1" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_master_manifest_filename2, any_args) |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_master_manifest_rerun, any_args) |
export_service.export_case_logs |
end |
context "and we trigger another full update" do |
it "increments the base number" do |
export_service.export_case_logs(full_update: true) |
expect(LogsExport.last.base_number).to eq(2) |
end |
it "resets the increment number" do |
export_service.export_case_logs(full_update: true) |
expect(LogsExport.last.increment_number).to eq(1) |
end |
it "records a ZIP archive in the master manifest (existing case logs)" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with(expected_master_manifest_rerun, any_args) do |_, csv_content| |
csv = CSV.parse(csv_content, headers: true) |
expect(csv&.count).to be > 0 |
end |
export_service.export_case_logs(full_update: true) |
end |
it "generates a ZIP export file with the expected filename" do |
expect(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).with("core_2021_2022_jan_mar_f0002_inc0001.zip", any_args) |
export_service.export_case_logs(full_update: true) |
end |
end |
end |
context "and the export has an error" do |
before { allow(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).and_raise(StandardError.new("This is an exception")) } |
context "when export has an error" do |
it "does not save a record in the database" do |
allow(storage_service).to receive(:write_file).and_raise(StandardError.new("This is an exception")) |
export = LogsExport.new |
allow(LogsExport).to receive(:new).and_return(export) |
expect(export).not_to receive(:save!) |
expect { export_service.export_case_logs }.to raise_error(StandardError) |
expect { export_service.export_case_logs } |
.to raise_error(StandardError) |
.and(change(LogsExport, :count).by(0)) |
end |
end |
end |