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34 lines
812 B
34 lines
812 B
When("I visit the sign in page") do |
visit "/account/sign-in" |
end |
When("I fill in the sign in form") do |
fill_in("user[email]", with: |
fill_in("user[password]", with: @user.password) |
end |
When("I click the sign in button") do |
click_button("Sign in") |
end |
Then("I should see the logs page") do |
expect(page).to have_current_path("/logs") |
end |
Then("I should see the root page") do |
end |
Given("There is a {string} user in the database") do |role| |
@user = create :user, role: role.parameterize(separator: "_") |
end |
Given("I am signed in as {string}") do |role| |
step "There is a \"#{role}\" user in the database" |
step "I visit the sign in page" |
step "I fill in the sign in form" |
step "I click the sign in button" |
end |
When("I click the sign out button") do |
click_link("Sign out") |