<p class="govuk-body">The following groups of cells might have conflicting data. Check the answers and fix any incorrect data.<br><br>If the answers are correct, fix the critical errors and reupload the file. You'll need to confirm that the following data is correct when the file only contains potential errors.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">The following groups of cells might have conflicting data. Check the answers and fix any incorrect data.<br><br>If the answers are correct, fix the critical errors and upload the file again. You'll need to confirm that the following data is correct when the file only contains potential errors.</p>
<%= govuk_table(html_attributes: { class: "no-bottom-border" }) do |table| %>
<%= govuk_table(html_attributes: { class: "no-bottom-border" }) do |table| %>
<% if current_user.id == @bulk_upload.moved_user_id %>
<% if current_user.id == @bulk_upload.moved_user_id %>
You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.
You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.
<% else %>
<% else %>
Some logs in this upload are assigned to <%= @bulk_upload.moved_user_name %>, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.
Some logs in this upload are assigned to <%= @bulk_upload.moved_user_name %>, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.
<p class="govuk-body">Once you've saved your CSV file, you can upload it via a button at the top of the lettings and sales logs pages.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">Once you've saved your CSV file, you can upload it via a button at the top of the lettings and sales logs pages.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">When your file is done processing, you will receive an email explaining your next steps. If all your data is valid, your logs will be created. If some data is invalid, you’ll receive an email with instructions about how to resolve the errors.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">When your file is done processing, you will receive an email explaining your next steps. If all your data is valid, your logs will be created. If some data is invalid, you’ll receive an email with instructions about how to resolve the errors.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">If your file has errors on fields 1 through 15 for lettings, or 1 through 18 for sales, you must fix these in the CSV. This is because we need to know these answers to validate the rest of the data. Any errors in these fields will be featured in the error report’s summary tab.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">If your file has errors on fields 1 through 15 for lettings, or 1 through 18 for sales, you must fix these in the CSV. This is because we need to know these answers to validate the rest of the data. Any errors in these fields will be featured in the error report’s summary tab.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">If none of your errors are in fields 1 through 15 for lettings, or 1 through 18 for sales, you can choose how to fix the errors. You can either fix them in the CSV and reupload, or create partially complete logs and answer the remaining questions on the CORE site. Any errors that affect a significant number of logs will be featured in the error report’s summary tab to help you decide.</p>
<p class="govuk-body">If none of your errors are in fields 1 through 15 for lettings, or 1 through 18 for sales, you can choose how to fix the errors. You can either fix them in the CSV and upload the file again, or create partially complete logs and answer the remaining questions on the CORE site. Any errors that affect a significant number of logs will be featured in the error report’s summary tab to help you decide.</p>
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(CGI.unescapeHTML(response.body)).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(CGI.unescapeHTML(response.body)).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadLettingsResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadLettingsResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{other_user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{other_user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadLettingsResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You have chosen to upload all logs from this bulk upload.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Are you sure you want to upload all logs from this bulk upload?")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You will upload 2 logs. There are unexpected answers in 2 logs, and 2 unexpected answers in total. These unexpected answers will be marked as correct.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You will upload 2 logs. There are unexpected answers in 2 logs, and 2 unexpected answers in total. These unexpected answers will be marked as correct.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadSalesResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadSalesResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{other_user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Some logs in this upload are assigned to #{other_user.name}, who has moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadSalesResultsController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("This error report is out of date.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Reupload the file to get an accurate error report.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You moved to a different organisation since this file was uploaded. Upload the file again to get an accurate error report.")
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ RSpec.describe BulkUploadSalesSoftValidationsCheckController, type: :request do
expect(response.body).toinclude("You have chosen to upload all logs from this bulk upload.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("Are you sure you want to upload all logs from this bulk upload?")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You will upload 2 logs. There are unexpected answers in 2 logs, and 2 unexpected answers in total. These unexpected answers will be marked as correct.")
expect(response.body).toinclude("You will upload 2 logs. There are unexpected answers in 2 logs, and 2 unexpected answers in total. These unexpected answers will be marked as correct.")